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Prepar3D and FSX


Installing Aircraft into FSX or P3D (Prepar3D)

Installing Scenery into FSX

Adding textures to aircraft in FSX/FS2004


How to Tweak the Flight Dynamics of FSX and FS2004 Aircraft -This is an update of my Flight Dynamics Tutorial. Most of what is new deals with FSX. Even if you do not want to do Flight Dynamics, this might help you understand what is going on, while flying an aircraft, and/or insight into what is causing a problem you are having with an aircraft. By Bob Chicilo.

Aircraft.cfg files, AICarriers and Sim.cfg Files Explained



Installing Aircraft into FS2004 (and other FS series)

FS2004 / FS2002 - "Flying the 737" This document is intented to explain the functionality and the advantages of the Boeing 737 jetliner. By Luciano Ferreira (download file - 811K)

FS2004 / FS2002 - "Flying the 747" This tutorial is intented to offer some technical information and flying tips about the 747-400 jetliner. Includes checklists and extra stuff. For FS2002 and FS2004 pilots.- By: Luciano Ferreira (download file. 1.4MB)

Inside the FS2004 Instrument Rating Checkride: You've read the briefing. You've tried the checkride. Now find out what you need to know to pass it. This document explains the altitudes, the headings, the airspeed, the radio frequencies, the turns, the climbs, the descents, the timers, the "ding" messages--everything the briefing doesn't tell you about the checkride. Download file. 180K

FS2004 Gauges/DLL Bug Fix: How to use old gauges in FS2004. I have received a lot of questions on how to have old gauges working with my panels, because normally when FS2004 is starting, it says that could not find such gauges,etc..etc.. The problem is because most of the gauges were written for FS2002,FS2000 or FS98, and don't work properly with FS2004, but we can manage that situation by doing some simply tasks. By Paulo Afonso Pizzato. 299K

FS2004 Yaw Damper Solution (Download)If you are one of those that still flying with the Yaw Damper system NOT working... here's the solution. By Ioshen / José Antonio Moreno. 1.8MB

FS2002/FS2004 Aircraft Consistency Check - FSACC v3.2. Ever wondered why an installed aircraft does not show up in the Select Aircraft dialog, or the sound is missing, or ATC does not call the aircraft correctly? FSACC lists all aircraft folders and checks for each selected folder the aircraft's configuration. Help briefly explains how these things link up. Download file 1.8MB

FS2004 - How-to Guide - Creating a proper tower view. - This guide explains how to position the “tower cam” where it should have been placed in the first place, that is in the control tower of the airport ! - Document in French and English. Formats : HTML and PDF. By Marc Renaud1.5MB

FS 2004 - How-to Guide - Adding a helipad to an airport. Using AFCAD(here). Zip file. 2.2MB

FS2004/2002 Aerobatics Tutorial. Word document provides you with all the information you need to learn virtual aerobatics, both text and illustrations, along with links to suitable planes in FS2002 and 2004. Written by Mark 'Ozzy72' Osborne. Download file 832K

"Making the default FS2004/FS2002 MD-83 flyable" By: Luciano Ferreira. 2.5MB Update 62K

ILS Landing Tutorial. Learn to Fly an ILS approach in the Boeing 737-400. Uses Standsted Airport, UK. 4MB