Other Flight Simulators > Page 1

1.51Mb (173 downloads)
Contains only a link to YSFlight website. YS Flight is a FREE flight simulator with a big selection of planes and great/big maps!
you can play it free flight, missions, or even online multiplayer! there are 100s of add-ons for scenery and airplanes so you will always have somthing new to do!
Posted Oct 19, 2020 14:52 by winner110

11.39Mb (13747 downloads)
YSFlight is the best stripped down flight simulator on the market. And what's more. it's free! Choose from a wide range of aircraft from Boeing 737s to F-22 raptors and even a few helicopters!
YS Flight Simulation System 2000 is a fully featured lightweight flight simulator. As well as basic functionalities, it has network feature that allows you to fly with or against your friends. You also can fly a formation leader, dogfight, intercept, attack ground, take off and land on an aircraft carrier and so on, and you can choose your airplane from more than 50 airplanes, and there are several maps as well.
YSFlight 2000 has been updated for easier usage and you can choose from 3 modes. CPU-Rendered Z-Sorting mode is the more simpler, not bothered about graphics one. It renders smoother and quicker than the Direct-X which is 3D and looks better than the Flat rendered plane mode. The last is Open-GL which is if you have a mac.
YsFlight Professional was tuned by CaptainYS.
Posted Oct 18, 2009 06:28 by Daniel Allen

6.01Mb (4152 downloads)
Flight 3 Demo. :
Dear sir, After more than a year of hard work I am happy to
present version 3 of Micro-Flight. I would like this exciting
new demo to be placed on your site. Download a fully functional
demo of Micro Flight 3 from: Download ( 6.1 MB ) Download
( 6.1 MB ) Download ( 6.1 MB ) Micro-Flight requires DirectX8
or better. The software has been dramatically improved and
is a state of art flight simulator. see full detailes of it's
new features below. Thanks and take care. Ilan Papini Quality
Simulations www.hangsim.com About Micro Flight Micro Flight
is a state of the art flight simulator specializing in simulating
ultralight flying vehicles and micro meteorological conditions.
Unlike other flight simulators, Micro Flight simulates the
intricate flow of air over the ground and the effects of thermals
created by the sun, making it ideal for simulating gliders
of all types. Micro Flight also simulates types of vehicles
not simulated by other general aviation programs, such as:
Hanggliders, Paragliders, Gyroplanes, Helicopters, Trikes,
Balloons and more. 6.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive