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Ants Swamp Wallaby repaints
5.69Mb (61 downloads)
Three repaints for Ant's Swamp Wallaby made using the paintkit.
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Posted Oct 17, 2022 03:41 by Dave T
Swamp Wallaby repaints
1.47Mb (89 downloads)
A couple of repaint for Ants freeware Swamp Wallaby.
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Posted Feb 2, 2020 05:03 by Dave T
Ilyushin Il-76 Manuals - SOURCE
Ilyushin Il-76 Manuals - SOURCE
192.16Mb (567 downloads)
Source files (.rtf format) for the uploaded Ilyushin Il-76 MANUALS. You only need these files if you want to modify and reprint the mentioned manuals...
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Posted Jul 7, 2019 16:20 by Flanker256
Ilyushin Il-76 MANUALS
Ilyushin Il-76 MANUALS
15.25Mb (678 downloads)
Ilyushin Il-76 pdf manuals translated from Russian to English for the aircraft model by Ilya Kulikov (Monumentum) and Kirill Konovalov.
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Posted Jul 7, 2019 06:01 by Flanker256
FS2004 Stratojet Merlin "Bloodhawk" Textures
FS2004 Stratojet Merlin "Bloodhawk" Textures
15.13Mb (278 downloads)
This repaint was a quick throw-together for the Stratojet Merlin. They are a recreation of the Crimson Skies "Bloodhawk", and although the repaints may not be "historically" accurate, they are very similar. You may need to edit the paint in Paint.Net and use dxtbmp to open the file. Textures by Garrett Scott and requires the original FS2004 aircraft by Eugene Heyart.
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Posted May 7, 2016 09:00 by Garrett Scott
FS2004 Chriscraft CCA 280 "Ijubane"
FS2004 Chriscraft CCA 280 "Ijubane"
29.10Mb (964 downloads)
The CCA280 Ijubane is the most flexible Aircraft of the Excelsior Series. This bird can carry 120 to 130 Passengers and 16 Standard AKH Containers. (those are the same ones on the A320 family) The cockpit is equipped with the same systems like the other Excelsior aircrafts to provide a faster switch from the one Aircaft to the other. Many Happy Landings (C) by Christian Drawz
Posted Mar 24, 2016 16:46 by Christian Drawz
FS2004 Chriscraft CCA 270 "Sokudo"
FS2004 Chriscraft CCA 270 "Sokudo"
28.33Mb (1069 downloads)
The Sokudo is a 60 Pax Airliner. This Aircraft is able to cruise with supersonic speeds at middle lenght routes. The Cockpit is very close to the other ones of the whole Excelsior Series and provide a low costs for Training on this aircraft. (C) by Christian Drawz
Posted Mar 24, 2016 16:43 by Christian Drawz
FS2004 CCA 260 Honyaku Fictional Liner
FS2004 CCA 260 Honyaku Fictional Liner
95.03Mb (993 downloads)
FS2004 Honyaku - the future of high-speed air transport is expanding . 'Fahig' can carry up to 400 passengers or up to 45 tons of cargo to the other side of the world. Comes in a range of worldwide liveries. Equipped with the latest avionics. German language information only.
Posted Mar 22, 2016 19:15 by Christian Drawz
FS2004 Flying Car
FS2004 Flying Car
15.88Mb (1062 downloads)
This FS2004 flying car is inspired by the flying Ford Pinto. The car part isn't realistic enough to call it a real Ave Mizar! It is dedicated to the modern aviation pioneers. People who keep the dream of flight alive! It has wingfold animation to be able to use it as a normal car. No VC. If you want to drive without the wings, just press wingfold and you can go shopping.
Posted Aug 20, 2014 10:18 by RIGO.RENDERS
Ants Swamp Wallaby Gold Edition Textures
Ants Swamp Wallaby Gold Edition Textures
4.55Mb (393 downloads)
FSX Swamp Wallaby Gold Edition repaint Gold repaint of the Ant's Airplanes Swamp Wallaby, including cockpit carpeting and padded interior. Includes gold smoke effect. Repaint by Rick Federmann (Pville211)
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Posted Jan 20, 2013 08:54 by Pville211
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