FS Concept Aircraft > Page 4

8.22Mb (7330 downloads)
M400 Skycar. Based on a real aircraft designed by
Paul Moller. See his site www.moller.com/skycar. An original
FSDS design includes transparent, opening canopy, panel sounds,
a choice of textures & more. Designer AC Kerkhove. 8.4MB
files including FSC for use in FSDS modification.
. 2.7MB
for the M400 by AC Kerkhove Unzip this file and then
copy all the files to the M400 map in the FS2000 Aircraft
Map. These files gives the M400 aircraft better Flightdynamics
solve some speed problems and make the aircraft more stable.
I will try to keep improving the airfiles. any suggestions
are welcome. 16K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:41 by archive

0.77Mb (14523 downloads)
Boeing BWB (Blended Wing Body). This Aircraft is a NASA
research project. The BWB is a double-deck jetliner and could
carry as many as 800 passengers over 7,000 NM. Entry into service
date: 2020. Features: maximum moving parts and night lighting.
Design and paint by: Marcel Scherwionke. 785K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:41 by archive
5.94Mb (8947 downloads)
Super VTOL Principality Class Lander. This
is the ultimate VTOL designed to be a 757 sized craft that can
take off from a heli-pad, an assault ship that can go from 430
knots to a smooth hover landing in 20 seconds, a giant ship
that can carry tanks as well as a air/sea rescue vessel that
can land on water. The concept is based on a new Fan Jet that
would feature NOTAR like thrust ventricals in a ring about the
engines for when its in VTOL mode as well as a thrust rating
like that of an Atlas engine. This model features rotating Fan
Jets, VTOL flight file, working/retracting suspension, retracting
rear cargo ramp, and a not too sophisticated ReadMe flight instruction
on how to fly this massive ship. By William Ortis. 6.1MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:41 by archive
5.95Mb (4849 downloads)
Twin pack of the Jet and the VTOL versions of Disco Vollante'
(The above 2 aircraft in one package) . The first version was
the combustion rotory engine version. Version two and three
are the Jet version which is faster and includes the jet sound
pack, and the vertical take-off version. The VTOL was accidentally
sent out with the Jet version package and has since been updated.
My apologies. This is a twin pack of the proper Jet, and the
updated VTOL Disco Vollante's. They feature opening perspex/canopy,
retracting landing gear, working suspension, working and retracting
and turning Cam Pod, retracting STOL wing foils for low speed
landings on the Jet version, custom panel, opening belly scoop,
6 diffrent colors with dynamic shine and reflection, and instructions
on how to fly your new 'craft' of tomorrow. Cruise alt. for
work this morning is FL 18,000 at Mach .56. You'll find your
brief case and duffle bag stowed in the nose boot. By William
Ortis, Lionheart Creations Ltd. 6.1MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:41 by archive
2.91Mb (4040 downloads)
VTOL version of the Disco Vollante',
(Italian for flying saucer). It now features the vertical take-off
upgrade with a superb jet sound package. Hover as well as take-offs
and landing at sectored residences, neighborhoods, buildings,
and other such zoned VTOL interaction sites is now enabled for
some fantastic flying in the conceptual world of tomorrow. (Sorry,
I have quite a few of these concepts). Twin mini turbines now
lie mounted in the hull, with a variable NOTAR side thrust system
and 'Pressure Plennum' cavity that provides thrust to the dorsal
'vertical thruster nozzels'. This model features opening perspex/canopy,
retracting landing gear, working suspension, working and retracting
and turning Cam Pod, custom panel, opening belly scoop, 6 diffrent
colors with dynamic shine and reflection, and instructions on
how to drive your new 'vehicle' in the world of tomorrow. Take
off from your tennis court converted landing pad in the back
yard and arrive at work at your parking garages' roof top. You'll
find your brief case and duffle bag stowed in the nose boot
and a hot cup of coffee in the drink holder. By William Ortis,
Lionheart Creations Ltd. 3MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:41 by archive
2.48Mb (2451 downloads)
Jet version of the Disco Vollante', (Italian
for flying saucer). This vehicle is designed to take-off as
well as land in sectored highways that allow flying vehicle
access interfacing. It is still yet another concept for the
future of personal air transportation that would revolutionize
flying making it much like driving a car. A high rpm gyroscope
mounted between driver and jet engine enduces yaw and roll control
which enables flying sideways like a helicopter without flight
control surfaces. This model features opening perspex/canopy,
retracting landing gear, working suspension, working and retracting
and turning Cam Pod, retracting STOL wing foils for low speed
landings, custom panel, opening belly scoop, 6 diffrent colors
with dynamic shine and reflection, and instructions on how to
drive your new 'vehicle' in the world of tomorrow. Cruise alt.
for work this morning is FL 18,000 at Mach .56. You'll find
your brief case and duffle bag stowed in the nose boot. By William
Ortis, Lionheart Creations Ltd. 2.5MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:41 by archive

4.06Mb (4894 downloads)
Disco Vollante', (Italian for flying saucer).
This is a STOL lifting body vehicle designed to take-off as
well as land in sectored highways that allow flying vehicle
access interfacing. It is another concept for the future of
personal air transportation that would make flying much like
driving a car. The Disco utilizes ducted fans in a 2 stage dual
network of thruster tunnels, powered by a wankel rotary turbo
charged and fuel injected engine, all buried neatly within its
little hull. A high rpm gyroscope mounted between driver and
engine enduces yaw and roll control which enables flying sideways
like a helicopter without flight control surfaces. This model
features opening perspex/canopy, retracting landing gear, working
suspension, working and retracting and turning Cam Pod, retracting
STOL wing foils for low speed landings, custom panel, opening
belly scoop, 6 diffrent colors with dynamic shine and reflection,
and instructions on how to drive your new 'vehicle' in the world
of tomorrow. You'll find your brief case and duffle bag stowed
in the nose boot. If you find yourself being followed by an
F16 or guys dressed in black are waiting for you in the driveway,
tell them its just a sim model. By William Ortis, Lionheart
Creations Ltd. 4.1MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:41 by archive
5.28Mb (8318 downloads)
Messenger Hawk Air Racer
born from the VTOL Wasp. This aircraft is a wild little lady,
quick to the controls, featuring superb aerobatic handling,
yet polished and can fly herself well when trimmed out. She
is good for taking up and trying out manuvres yet flies nice
and smoothly when trimmed out. You can get her up to over 300
knots straight and level. Model features retracting landing
gear, panel, basic VC, animated flight surfaces, animated pilots
head, retracting gear, opening canopy, dynamic reflection and
shine textures, and 5 flavors to choose from, There is also
an adaption package for converting the panel to FS2002. Modeled
in Gmax by William Ortis, Lionheart Creations Ltd. 5.4MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:41 by archive
4.01Mb (5412 downloads)
Rilo Aeronautics First, a Commercial Transport Concept Aircraft
built using the 737-400 as the Basis,so transision should be
straight forward. Has the Default cockpit so as to keep things
familiar.Moving surfaces,steering and opening Doors,night lights
and a Flight Attendant in the back.Model by Rilo Aeronautics(http://rilo-aeronautics.com).Also
included are 3 BGLs in zip for adding the Rilo Building to airports
in the Pacific. 4.1MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:41 by archive
3.16Mb (7176 downloads)
Wasp Vertical Takeoff Personal Commuter Concept Craft.
Have you ever wodered how we might be getting to work in the
future? What would be like to take off from your driveway,
take to the skies, cruise at 350 knots at FL 10,000 feet,
begin your descent to your parking garage at work 100 miles
away, land and lock up your vehicle? This is one concept of
many for such a vehicle that would replace driving a car to
work, and enabling getting to a far away work place in just
minutes. The ReadMe file is very important for learning to
take off and land in this bit of wild technology. I hope you
have fun flying this like I have been. Working VTOL swiveling
ducted thrusters, retracting landing gear, opening canopy,
a basic VC, and 4 flavors of colors to choose from. Modeled
in Gmax by William Ortis. 3.2MB
This package includes Landing lights installation including
a vertical 'down' light for VTOL night landings; revised cockpit
instrumentation including a Radar Altimeter; repair of the
stalling engine anamolly along with the ability to restart
your engine, some slight fixes in the bodywork in the model
file, enhanced VTOL transition features in flight control
for smoother 'decellerations' as well as a quicker hover 'jump'.
Messenger and Wasp Panel Update to convert the panels
for FS2002. (Originally for FS2004 only). Simple instructions
and installation and include non-stock FS2002 guages. This
update features upgraded flip out fuel monitoring guages and
engine monitoring guages, pop up large HSI for VOR trips,
FS2002 GPS, upgraded Radio Stack, and icon links on panel.
By William Ortis. 2.3MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:41 by archive