FS Concept Aircraft > Page 8
1.15Mb (2649 downloads)
StoneAir SA800 SkyShuttle.
Original By Mike Stone Adapted for FSX By: Eric Buchmann. 1.2MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
0.04Mb (1125 downloads)
Rilo XP Update.
This is an update for FS 9 of the Rilo XP by JRLucariny (required
here). I have updated the flight dynamics, added a GPS to
go with the toggle on the panel, added radios and a toggle for
them, changed the airspeed indicator, and changed the view angle
so it is a bit easier to see when landing. Bob Chicilo. 46K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
1.10Mb (2441 downloads)
JR Concept I – US Border Police Air Vehicle.
Model by J R Lucariny. 1.1MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
2.46Mb (1349 downloads)
Embraer FullGuns KX-7 Mach One Concept.
This is concept aircraft with mach 1.2 of cruize speed. Designed
for FS2004 - not tested on other platforms. Model and Textures
by Alex Guedes (cmte. guedes). 2.5MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
7.01Mb (1545 downloads)
Concept Ultralight Halcom Starlite My
dream SLSA. The Rotax 912 engine is by Byron Warwick.This imaginary
plane has twin flying rudders and a flying elevator. Construction
should be from composites and aluminum.There is a bug in FSX
that does not handle "parts within a part" textures
correctly, you'll see it. By Don Halcom. 7.1MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
0.65Mb (4240 downloads)
StoneAir Stingray (Fixed).
This model is a purely imaginary design, representing a supersonic
commercial transport. As such I decided to have some fun with
it. It's top cruising speed is mach 4.69, which appears to be
the max that FS will allow. The optimum cruise altitude for
attaining this speed is 70,000 feet. By the way, that speed/altitude
results in a ground speed of approximately 2600 knots. New York
to London in an hour and half anyone? Mike Stone. 665K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive

22.33Mb (22913 downloads)
- Aeroworks TR-3B Stryker II Package.
The TR-3B is an advanced follow up of the TR-3A Stryker. It
is based off numerous eyewitness reports of an aircraft nicknamed
the "Black Manta" that is allegedly operated by the
U.S. Government and has been most commonly sighted in the southwestern
U.S. Reports say the craft is larger than the Lockheed F-117A
but smaller than the Northrop B-2 Spirit and shares a look very
common to both aircraft. This package includes 14 aircraft consisting
of two operational squadrons and two prototype aircraft with
opening weapon bays, rotating air refuel nozzle, tug truck,
custom panel, flight manual, and reference checklists. By Jason
L. Terry and Joshua B. Nyhus. 22.8MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
4.61Mb (1414 downloads)
EA-Super600 Hangar This
hangar was designed to accomodate the S600 series of aircraft
and is large enough for the full sized S600X-2 to enter with
its wings folded.Of course any large or small aircraft BGL or
whatever you could think of storing in this large hangar would
fit nicely with room to spare.Features-Night textures/ Beacons/Skylights/Opening
doors using NAV2 112.00 freq./No crash for begining saved flights/Re-paintable/XML
doc.for additional placement/20 pre-placements-Egypt/Canada/Aus-
tralia/Michigan/Japan/Hawaii/Florida/Newyork/ Iraqu/Columbia/Colorado/Greece/Italy/Midway
Island/France/U.K./Seattle/Paint and model by Greg Ebnit. 4.7MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
7.75Mb (4850 downloads)
EA-Super600X-2 Cargo
This aircraft is to my knowledge the largest Sim Cargo aircraft
in the Sim world. This aircraft may be demanding on some systems
depending on your machine. Be sure to read the notes text document.
If you like the challenge of flying large aircraft this is a
good one to try. Features= Water Landable/Front And Rear Opening
Cargo Doors/Animated= Gear,Pilot, Wheels,Suspension,Controls,Control
Surfaces, Spoilers,Leading Edge Flaps/VC/Tinted VC Windows/Mach
1.05 IAS At 30,000/Folding Wings/ Three Paints Chrome S600X-2/U.N./U.S.A.F./
Reverse Thrust Backing/Outboard Pontoons for Water Land/Full
lighting/Freedom of Customization/ Model Paint and Concept by
Greg Ebnit. 7.9MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
6.32Mb (2058 downloads)
EA-Super600X-2-CS Cargo This
aircraft is a more conventional size version of the EA-Super600X-2.
This smaller version should be easier on the pilot and PC. Be
sure to read the notes text document. If you like the challenge
of flying large aircraft this is a good one to try. Features=
Water Landable/Front And Rear Opening Cargo Doors/Animated=
Gear,Pilot, Wheels,Suspension,Controls,Control Surfaces, Spoilers,Leading
Edge Flaps/VC/Tinted VC Windows/Mach 1.23 IAS At 30,000/Folding
Wings/ Three Paints Chrome S600X-2-CS/U.N./U.S.A.F./ Reverse
Thrust Backing/Outboard Pontoons for Water Land/Full lighting/Freedom
of Customization/ Model Paint and Concept by Greg Ebnit. 6.5MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive