FS Gauges > Page 21

0.32Mb (1070 downloads)
AM Radio WAV/MP3 A simulated four
channel push button AM Radio for playback
of music, recorded broadcasts and the like
from sound files the user provides and installs
for purposes of ambiance and general entertainment
while flying FS2000/FS98/CFS aircraft. On-off,
relative volume and and channel selection
controls are included. Does not include four
sound (wav/mp3) files that users must name
and add to their FS2000/FS98/CFS \Sound directories.
Songs are programmed to play as looping segments
until the channel selection is changed or
the radio is turned off. Data stream playback
of *.wav (PCM or ADPCM) and/or *.mp3 song
files is provided to minimize aircraft/panel
selection load times. By R.L. Clark. 328K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive

0.38Mb (2135 downloads)
Gauge -- Programmable Sound Playback Switches
variety of programmable switches for looping
or single playback of MP3/WMA/WAV/MID sound
files. Add your own sound files to your main
FS \Sound folder, and reference them by name
with an optional volume level control value
in your panel.cfg. A mousable "tooltip" tells
you which sound file a switch gauge has loaded.
For FS2002/CFS2 only. By R.L. Clark. Additional
gauges & bitmaps have been added for a total
of 25. Roger Gaylor. 391K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive

0.23Mb (1512 downloads)
Vista E-Trex GPS. 238K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
0.10Mb (1605 downloads)
GPS Readout. Ver 1.3 Provides control
and display of the FS2000/FS2002 GPS. Adds
realistic display of GPS data using the built-in
MSFS GPS. Uses current GPS data including
Flight Plan data. Provides GPS display switching
and GPS/NAV source switching. Updated CDI
and code has been optimized for better performance.
Added CDI scale indicator. Ike H Slack, Coyote
Avionics DesignTM . 99K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive

2.61Mb (2984 downloads)
Bravo Avionics upgrade Ver 1.0 FS2002 avionics
upgrade. Modern avionics upgrade for use
with General Aviation aircraft. First freeware
release of complete set of Garmin Avionics
and S-TEC System 55 autopilot system found
on most new General Aviation aircraft. Two
radiostack configurations provided for the
Mooney Bravo. Simple installation procedure.
Ike H Slack, Coyote Avionics Design 2002.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
0.18Mb (1648 downloads)
GPS display Ver 1.0 FS2002 GPS replacement.
Repackaged FS2002 GPS. Same functions
as standard FS2002 GPS. Simple installation
procedure. Ike H Slack, Coyote Avionics Design.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
0.16Mb (1289 downloads)
Vista Ver 1.0 FS2002 GPS replacement.
Repackaged FS2002 GPS for use with General
Aviation aircraft. Same functions as standard
FS2002 GPS. Simple installation procedure.
Ike H Slack, Coyote Avionics Design. 164K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
0.08Mb (1812 downloads)
GPS Display Ver 1.0 FS2002 GPS replacement.
Repackaged FS2002 GPS for use with General
Aviation aircraft. Same functions as standard
FS2002 GPS. Simple installation procedure.
Ike H Slack, Coyote Avionics Design. 81K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
1.40Mb (38486 downloads)
Concord Gauge for FS.
FS2002/2004 did not include the Concorde &
many panels for FS200* have included this
gauge - meaning - the panel will show up with
missing instruments unless you have this gauge.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive

0.11Mb (2404 downloads)
GPS Ver 1.0 FS2002 GPS replacement. Repackaged
FS2002 GPS for use with General Aviation aircraft.
Same functions as standard FS2002 GPS. Simple
installation procedure. Ike H Slack, Coyote
Avionics Design 2002
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive