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FS98 > Page 358
0.39Mb (414 downloads)
ATC/APPROACHCONTROL Adventures updates for FS98 This is the 5th set of updates to my adv.'s now name of airport or city appears in MENU FILE OF FS98. These replace: KRSW, KMCO, KPBI, KMIA, KFLL, KSDF, KLEX, KSAV, KATL, KOZR, KMEM, KILG, KMYR, KDCA, KBHM, KLAX, KORD. By John Sousa
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:19 by archive
0.16Mb (459 downloads)
ATC/APPROACH CONTROL Adventures for FS98 #2. Depart any airport & arrive at KDFW, KELP, KIAH, KLAS, KRNO, KSEA, KPDX. With ATC. John Sousa. 160K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:19 by archive
FS98                   Situation: La Guardia Challenge
0.30Mb (615 downloads)
FS98 Situation: La Guardia Challenge. Here's a chance to find out how good you really are. The Scenario: You're about to turn to final for LaGuardia Rwy 22. ATC has closed all NY area airports due to poor visibility. You've been circling for about an hour and have about enough fuel left for a landing. Just to make you earn that big salary, there's also a steady crosswind, heavy turbulence and wind shear. Are you ready yet?. 312K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:19 by archive
0.16Mb (594 downloads)
Adventures in Europe for FS98 generated with Super Flight Planner. Volume 7: Milano-Zurich-Geneva, Nice-Frankfurt-Bremen, Torino-Firenze, LondonH-Toulouse, Paris-Amsterdam-Bergen. most with quite bad weather conditions: big clouds, strong winds and turbulences. Includes: quite realistic weather conditions, SIDs and STARs, control centers, altitude and speed checks. These flights are designed for props and/or jets. By Patrick Saint-Dizier. 168K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:19 by archive
0.37Mb (638 downloads)
FS98 ADVENTURE - CIRCUIT TRAINING DOWNUNDER FS98 adventure with custom made ATC sound files taking you on a short circuit training flight around Sydney's Kingsford Smith International Airport. Designed for a large jet. Wilco van Dejil's GPWS98 is the core of the adventure. Modified by Fermin Fernandez.. File size 385234
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:19 by archive
0.30Mb (637 downloads)
Adventures in Europe Volume 6 for FS98 generated with Super Flight Planner. A priori compatible FS2000. : France: Paris, Lorient, Rennes, Nantes, Biarritz, Toulouse, Nice, Corsica, Lyon, Strasbourg Bale-Mulhouse and Lille, most with quite bad weather conditions: big clouds, strong winds and turbulences. Includes: quite realistic weather conditions, SIDs and STARs, control centers, waiting procedures, altitude and speed checks. These short and flights are designed for props and/or jets. By Patrick Saint-Dizier.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:19 by archive
0.20Mb (625 downloads)
Adventures in South America for FS98 generated with Super Flight Planner. A priori compatible FS2000. Adventures in Argentina, Chile and Uruguay. Fly over the Andes ! Experience more difficult airport approaches ! Include: quite realistic weather conditions, SIDs and STARs, control centers, waiting procedures, altitude, speed checks, check lists and cabin announcements. These short flights are designed for props and/or jets. By Patrick Saint-Dizier.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:19 by archive
0.31Mb (786 downloads)
Adventures In Europe Vol. 4 (updated) generated with Super Flight Planner. Volume 4: Southern Europe. Includes: changing weather conditions, SIDs and STARs, control centers, altitude and speed checks. Update includes improved adventure management and more cabin announcements and check lists. These short and easy flights are designed for props and/or jets. Contains 16 flights: Nice-Pisa-Roma-Athens-Izmir-Iraklion-Athens- Dubrovnik, Zagreb-Beograd, Venezia-Napoli, Palermo-Malta, Paris-Tunis, Barcelona-Mallorca, Paris-Madrid-Lisbon, Madrid-Faro, Paris-Canarias. By Patrick Saint-Dizier. File size 326822
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:19 by archive
Concorde                   flight F4590 crash for FS98
0.09Mb (903 downloads)
Concorde flight F4590 crash for FS98. Recreation of the tragic & historic crash July 24th, 2000. Created by an actual eye witness. Maybe the most precise reconstitution. In memory of the passagers and the hotel crew & the best aircraft of the world. By Londinfer Loïc. 97K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:19 by archive
FS98                     Doppelraab IV
FS98                     Doppelraab IV
0.19Mb (1171 downloads)
FS98 Doppelraab IV. A two seat glider for beginners training in the early 50`s. File size 204107. W Piper
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive