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FS98 > Page 364
                  (British Airways) B757 Flight Crew Papers For Flight Simulator.
0.81Mb (994 downloads)
BA (British Airways) B757 Flight Crew Papers For Flight Simulator. These papers are Flight-Crew papers to use with BA757 Flights for a more realistic flying experience in Flight Simulator. 835K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:17 by archive
                  Flight Strips.
0.03Mb (791 downloads)
FS Flight Strips. What can I use these strips for? Well, as I said earlier, you can use them for any situation where you control planes. These are more useful for situations where you are a Center/TRACON controller. Or, you could use them if you are an online Air Traffic Controller with VATSIM. I am hoping to get in touch with VATSIM to see if they can ditribute these to all controllers. PETER CROWDER. 34K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:17 by archive
0.01Mb (862 downloads)
Automated Flightlog Program in PHP and MySQL. This program script was written after searching for a way to automate the pilot reporting process on our club website. It was designed to be used as a PIREP system, but can be modified as needed to record any data in a database. By Todd Lucas. 8K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:17 by archive
0.80Mb (161 downloads)
IrfanView v. 3.85 is a fast FREEWARE image viewer/converter for Win9x/NT, Windows 2000 and Windows XP. Supported file formats: AIF, ANI/CUR, ASF, AU/SND, AVI, B3D, BMP/DIB, CAM (Casio JPG), CLP, DDS, Dicom/ACR, DJVU, ECW, EMF/WMF, EPS, FlashPix (FPX), FSH, G3, GIF, ICO/ICL/EXE/DLL, IFF/LBM, IMG (GEM), JPG2000, JPG, JPM, KDC, LDF, LWF, MED, MID/RMI, MNG/JNG, MOV, MP3, MPG, MrSID, NLM/NOL/NGG, OGG, PBM/PGM/PPM, PCX/DCX, PhotoCD, PNG, PSD, PSP, RAS/SUN, RAW, Real Audio (RA), RLE, SFF, SFW, SGI/RGB, SWF (Flash/Shockwave), TGA, TIF, TTF, TXT, WAD, WAV, WBMP, WBZ/WBC, XBM, XPM, CRW, NEF, ORF, RAF, MRW, DCR, DXF etc. Irfan Skiljan . 850K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:17 by archive
0.01Mb (904 downloads)
Flight Info: This Is a simple flight plan and flight log. Created using open office. The flight log has 10 pages. each page has 25 lines. Included entries are plane type/tail number, date, Departure, Destination, Day hours, Night Hours, and if ILS flight. All hours are automaticly totaled per flight, per page, and all pages. The flight plan has the same look as the default MSFSpro2002. Of course, when using ATC and ILS you must file a flight plan witin the sim. I just made this if you want to creat your own plan with out the help of the sim. John Crichton. 15K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:17 by archive
0.01Mb (1466 downloads)
Flight Planner: This is a simple flight plan spread sheet. Created using open office. It has 10 pages. each page has 25 lines. Included entries are plane type/tail number, date, Departure, Destination, Day hours, Night Hours, and if ILS flight. All hours are automaticly totaled per flight, per page, and all pages. This flight plan was created using OPEN OFFICE. open office spreadsheets are compatable with most spreadsheet applications including EXCEL and MICROSOFT SPREADSHEET. However there are no promises. John Crichton. 9K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:17 by archive
0.00Mb (1125 downloads)
Kneeboard Web Browser with Navigation - this is a modification of the existing kneeboard browser. this one includes a navigation system including a back button, forward, stop, refresh, and an address bar and go button. this removes the limits of only being able to access preset links. now you can visit any page on the web. this is still in beta, but is quickly being developed to completion. 3K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:17 by archive
                  Assistant 2.1
1.08Mb (15192 downloads)
Flight Assistant 2.1 Flight Assistant is a program that provides a virtual co-pilot for flight simulation enthusiasts. You can give commands using a microphone which the co-pilot executes then. The program works in combination with every flight simulation. Requires MS Speech SDK 5.1 (SAPI). By Timm Linder. 1.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:17 by archive
1.23Mb (1786 downloads)
FSClean is a utility to clean flight simulator in several ways. Firstly, it detects any excess files in your aircraft folders, jpg/gif/png/tif -- you name it, and you can add your own as well. It detects any repaints that are sitting there in their texture folder, but do not show in FS because of a misconfigured aircraft.cfg file. It also detects any broken references to textures. The main feature of FSClean is it's unused gauge detection engine. It will intelligently search for unused gauges and present the user several options. A gauge is not being used and taking up space? Send it to the GaugeCell, where it will be compressed and will await it's fate. If you see FS is working fine without it, delete it from the 'cell, else if FS needs it simply restore is -- it's that easy! FSClean will save you precious disk space which can be used for even more addons! Shareware, registration costs only $10, details at . By Balint Bartfai. 1.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:17 by archive
0.86Mb (6660 downloads)
Grab/Clip/Save. Screenshot tool! A simple utility that will capture multiple screenshots & automatically save them to the directory of your choice. Easy to install. Sits in your system try & all you do is press Print Screen & your screenshots are done! Over & over - as many as you like! Also allows auto editing of filesize to ensure your shot fits within Simviation's forum limitations of 100K. By Boumchalak 885K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:17 by archive