FS98 > Page 68

1.32Mb (1199 downloads)
Aircraft Piper Pa-28-181 Archer Repaint of Carlos Reyes
original Piper Archer in the colors of the German Sportfliegergruppe
Schwenningen D-ETIS. The windows have lightened effects at night
and the aircraft is equipped with Moving Parts. By Matthias
Lieberecht. 1.3MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:41 by archive

0.11Mb (683 downloads)
Sunstate Airlines DHC-8-100 Dash 8 Registration: VH-TNG
With Full Moving Parts Rev3 AF99 Design & Artwork: (C)1999 Barry
Blaisdell Repaint/Texturing : Nick G . 111K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:41 by archive

0.20Mb (620 downloads)
J31 Jetstream Tmk1, Royal Air Force. For FS98.
In current service with the Raf's 45R Sdn at RAF Cranwell, Lincolnshire.
These aircraft are used for multi-engine training. Includes
moving flaps, gear, and checkout the landing lights at night.
Re-painted by Steve Anderson from a Bill Alderson original.
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:41 by archive

0.77Mb (1096 downloads)
98 BEECHCRAFT KING AIR C90 - N6732V Release 1c N6732V ,
a Beechcraft King Air C90 . The cabin is configured for 8 passengers.
This model is intended for Flight Simulator 98. It can be used
with FS2000. Project Leader: Chris Lampard Visual Model: Chris
Lampard Animation: Lee Hall. Repainted by: Kevin Michael. 792K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:41 by archive

1.01Mb (1168 downloads)
Aircraft/Panel Package Piper Archer Repaint of Carlos Reyes
original Piper Archer in the colors of the German D-EGPA. The
windows have lightened effects at night and the aircraft is
equipped with Moving Parts. The Flight Dynamics are designed
and tested with a Pa-28-181 Pilot. The Package includes also
a Checklist for the Archer and a Panel which is designed after
the real D-EGPA Panel. The Panel has full lightened Instruments.
By Matthias Lieberecht. 1MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:41 by archive

0.08Mb (650 downloads)
Southeast Airlines ATR-72 Designed by Bill Alderson AF-99
rework, moving parts by Jim Youngken, ASA textures By Byron
Q. MacRae, new air file by Tom Goodrick. 87K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:41 by archive

3.68Mb (1063 downloads)
BAe Jetstream 31 MIdway Corporate Airlines, Better known
as Corporate Express Airlines is a Midways Connections out of
RDU. Included Turboprop sound files by Reinhard Herrmann. Model
includes moving ailerons, flaps, elevators, rudder, and passenger
door as well as props! Flight Model by Bill Alderson. Moving
Parts by Joel Branchu Repainted by Byron Q. MacRae. 3.8MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:41 by archive

0.12Mb (631 downloads)
US Airways Express J32 "CCAir" fly's under the Color's of
UA Airways Express. Connecting many flights out of Us Air's
Charlotte, NC, hub. CCAir also flys between Dulles and three
other cities.. They also have Dash 8 100's. Thanks to Bill Anderson
for the Aricraft. Painted by myself; Byron MacRae. 128K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:41 by archive

0.06Mb (1859 downloads)
Queen Air. FS98 Beechcraft B80 QueenAir The B80 is a derivative
of the Queen Air A80. Equipped with 2 supercharged Lycoming
engines, it is capable of a 200 Kts cruising speed. This version
with transparent props and revised dynamics. Panel by Michael
Tscherdantzew Jr., model and FD by Shlomo Hakim, . File size
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:41 by archive

0.06Mb (1859 downloads)
FS98 amercan
airlines DC7.fs98 Douglas DC-7 "Flagship Conneticut" American
Airlines By H. Follas In response to TWA introducing the Lockheed
Super Constellation, American Airlines ordered 25 DC-7s, including
N316AA, Flagship Conneticut. The DC-7 utilised the same Wright
R-3550 turbo-compound engines as the Super Constellation in
an airframe lengthened by 3 ft 4 in over the previous DC-6b
model. In all a total of 105 DC-7s were built File size 180252
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:41 by archive