FS98 > Page 76

0.06Mb (233 downloads)
Hang glider especially for FS2K. File size 61049. Capt
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:41 by archive
0.00Mb (30 downloads)
pilot's checklists for FS98. Contains takeoff, cruise,
pre-landing and landing checks for gliders. These are the
standard checks used by pilots in the United Kingdom and a
few other countries. By Rick Davis. 2k
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:41 by archive

0.63Mb (196 downloads)
Aviasud Mistral 582 Ultralite, full pack with panel &
sounds. File size 658275. H Van Deuren, P Notredame
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:41 by archive

0.09Mb (3697 downloads)
Paraglider, unpowered & controllable. File
size 89228. Capt Slug
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:41 by archive

0.40Mb (890 downloads)
Schempp-Hirth Discus. A standard class sailplane with
a standard panel. All moving control surfaces, landing gear
and canopy. Gauges include a TE-compensated vario. By Max
Roodveldt. File size 423633
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:41 by archive

0.92Mb (2099 downloads)
Grob 109, powered glider in RAF gliding school colors.
With panel. File size 960248. C Bowe, L Olsson, G Vinet
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:41 by archive

0.30Mb (760 downloads)
The Schweizer 2-33 has been the much-beloved introductory
trainer glider in the United States for many years. Instructors
love the back seat in the summer, as it tends to be drafty,
but are not as complimentary in cold weather. Includes panel.
File size 316339. Capt Slug
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:41 by archive
0.07Mb (596 downloads)
Miami Intl. Soaring Scenery
These files adds some thermals to default Miami Intl. scenery.
It is freeware. By Francisco Vargas. 70K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:41 by archive

0.19Mb (709 downloads)
Bugatti Racer Type 100, the legendary racer to be flown in 1939 by
the world-famous racing car manufacturer Buggati but never to fly
actually because of the outbreak of World War II. The type 100 was a
bold design physically as well as technically. Power was provided by
a pair of Bugatti Type 50B engines for racing cars, hence the name.
The radical design was invented to solve air resistance and the
lightness for the highest possible speed, employing contra-rotating
propellers, forward-swept wings, and tri-tail assembly. Really a
fabled racing machine. The second of Shigeru's Bugatti Series.
Check out other variants in this series in the bugaseri.bmp file
included in this zip file as a preview. Shigeru Tanaka
Posted Aug 24, 2009 02:51 by archive