0.07Mb (722 downloads)
RAF Typhoon
F.4 Based
with no.5 sqn. 2008. Transparent canopy. Nice Flyer. Model By
Guiseppe Chiacchietta Repaint By Robert A Fett. 72K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:21 by archive

0.08Mb (196 downloads)
Royal Air Force 74 Squadron McDonnell Douglas F-4J Phantom II
version 1.0 Original F-4B by Michael Gurezka Repaint moving
parts and landing lights by: Jason R. DeCesare. ZE362 of No.
74 Squadron, Royal Air Force. A former US Marine Corps F-4J
(Bureau Number 155755) sold to the UK in the 1980s for home
based defence after transfer of the Phantom FGR Mk.2s (F-4M)
of No. 23 Squadron to RAF Stanley for Falklands defence. 90K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:21 by archive

0.09Mb (309 downloads)
US Navy VF-161 McDonnell Douglas F-4B Phantom II version
1.0 Original F-4B by Michael Gurezka Repaint moving parts and
landing lights by: Jason R. DeCesare. McDonnell Douglas F-4B
Phantom II of VF-161 (Bureau Number 155772). This aircraft shot
down the last enemy aircraft of the Vietnam war. 90K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:21 by archive

0.13Mb (355 downloads)
Tornado GR1 Grey-Green Cammoflage. Full moving parts. Transparent
canopy. For CFS, FS98, FS2000 Model by Massimo Taccoli Textures
By Robert A Fett. 138K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:21 by archive

0.15Mb (363 downloads)
Tornado F3 (11sqn)'. For FS98, FS2000 or CFS Modelled with
AF99 by Massimo Taccoli Textures By Robert A Fett Transparent
canopy, moving parts Tornado F3 of 11 squadron based at RAF
Leeming in Yorkshire, UK. 161K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:21 by archive

0.14Mb (583 downloads)
Navy repaint of the Joint Strike Fighter which will replace
the Sea Harrier as the mainstay of the Fleet Air Arm early in
the next century. It will work with CFS, FS98 and FS2000 Royal
Navy JSF Cyclone Next Generation British Paint Scheme Aircraft
by Giusepppe Chiacchietta Textures by Robert A Fett. 150K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:21 by archive

0.15Mb (497 downloads)
Tornado GR1 (617sqn)'. For FS98, FS2000 or CFS Modelled
with AF99 by Massimo Taccoli. Quality moving parts, transparent
canopy, 3d textures. Textures By Robert A Fett. File size 159K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:21 by archive

0.07Mb (641 downloads)
STRIKE FIGHTER (JSF) V1.00 - Features max moving parts (including
pilot), max 3D parts, trasparent canopy (with cockpit), landing
lights. The Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) is an advanced tactical
multirole aircraft concept developed for the US Air Force, Navy,
Marine Corps, and British Royal Navy. The JSF features stealthy
design, high maneuverability and affordability. Design and paint
by: Giuseppe Chiacchietta (Bepino). File size 72513
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:21 by archive

0.19Mb (352 downloads)
parts PANAVIA Tornado IDS for FS98. Tornado IDS is the most
advanced interdictor / strike aircraft produced in Europe by
a three nations aircraft industries consortium, British Aerospace
-DASA (Germany)- Alenia (Italy).First flight, 14 August 1974.
Model with trasparent canopy and moving parts. FS98 model and
artworks by Massimo Taccoli. File size 199445
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:21 by archive

0.13Mb (288 downloads)
parts PANAVIA Tornado ADV for FS98. Tornado ADV is the Air
Defence Variant of Tornado optimised for long range interception.
Built by the Panavia consortium of three nations industries,
British Aerospace-DASA (Germany)- Alenia (Italy).First flight,
27 October 1979. Model with transparent canopy and moving parts.
FS98 model and artworks by Massimo Taccoli9 New Air file By
Sam Chin. File size 132953
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:21 by archive