Space Orbiter > Page 2

1.70Mb (1120 downloads)
Long out of release, This is a re-release of my previous TDRS package. The scenario file has been updated with the latest elements (as of 28 April 2012) and now represents TDRS 4, 6 and 10 satellites. From the original package:
"I was wondering, what does the Earth look like from a TDRS satellite? So, here's the answer; real-time scenario using real world orbital elements. Not a great mesh, just something to represent the satellites. TDRS 4 and 8 are the two represented satellites in this scenario. This is for Orbiter 2005, just unzip into the main Orbiter directory. Engage the "prograde" autopilot mode to point at the Earth."
This package now works with Orbiter 2010...
The package has been updated with a fine 3D mesh found at the NASA 3D model site.
Posted Apr 28, 2012 15:12 by David413

3.65Mb (6369 downloads)
Soviet Space Shuttle Buran, Version V4.8.1 on January 16, 2012.
This model utilizes meshes and textures recently updated by Don Gallagher ("Donamy"). This version is essentially a
Shuttle Fleet V4.8 vehicle, modified in several places.
This package uses a Multistage2 (included along with BrianJ's updated stage.dll) Energia launch vehicle. Because of
the changes to the fleet vehicle, this model required its own version of the GPCMFD ("BGPCMFD.dll, included) and the
payload bay lights ("BPBLights.dll", also included).
The included scenarios have two scenarios that utilize the latest New Mir release:
Three runway bases are included, Baikonur, Khorol in the far East (a contingency abort landing site) and Simferopol
(the western contingency abort landing site). The BGPCMFD uses a separate landing site table file which has these
three landing sites as the first three landing site choices.
To use these bases, a model of the Buran Analogue which had its own jet engines is also included in order to
practice approach and landing.
The majority of features and key controls are identical to the Shuttle Fleet V4.8 and the manual for the add-on
should be referenced. The one major key difference is using "CTRL+J" which will extend / retract the docking system
tunnel. The tunnel should be extended prior to docking (the docking port is offset accordingly as is the docking
port view).
The latest versions of RPOP and Universal Pointing MFDs are included in case you install this package and do not
have Shuttle Fleet V4.8 already installed.
Please test this package on a "clean" installation with only Orbitersound, UMMU 2.0, the latest Mir package and
Shuttle Fleet V4.8 only.
Posted Apr 21, 2012 22:20 by David413

10.46Mb (4612 downloads)
This is an add-on pack for use with the shuttle fleet. Please read the manual included in the Add-on Docs directory. You must have first installed Shuttle Fleet V4.8, BEFORE you install this package. Credits in the manual.
UPDATED 13 July 2007: Corrected the aircraft flight models to have the jet engines flameout at too high an altitude and corrected the inappropriate deployment of the landing gear on Enterprise when being carried on the SCA. To ensure that automatic deployment occurs, the scenario file line "CALLOUT" must be included, otherwise the gear can only be armed and deployed manually.
UPDATED 22 NOVEMBER 2007: Version 4.0.0 includes updates based upon HUD updates to the shuttle fleet to correct a problem with the altitude ladder above 5000 feet.
UPDATED 20 December 2007: Version 4.0.1 is a minor update that removes the RCS indications and the autopilot attitude hold mode selections from the aircraft fleet.
UPDATED 2 July 2010: Version V4.5 updates the aircraft fleet to the new Orbiter 2010.
Space Orbiter base pack here
Posted Apr 21, 2012 10:58 by David413

4.33Mb (2786 downloads)
Back in 2004, Manuel Amorim ("McDope"), one of the original add-on providers for Orbiter, released a package for use with Orbiter 031217. This package was for simulations of the Skylab program from 1973. While better meshes and models are available today, these models provide excellent frame rates and are still useful for simulations of past missions using historically accurate state vectors. I decided to update these models for use with Orbiter 2010 since the originals no longer work under the new Orbiter. Additionally, these models will provide for alternate history simulations with the Shuttle Fleet V4.8. I have added the UMMu capability to the Apollo, Skylab, and a docking module that will allow for shuttle missions and have created attachments for navigation / rendezvous and spot lights using historical documentation of the location of these lights. Finally, I have created the necessary docking port to allow for the attachment of the CMG V2.0 by "poscik" and the CMGmesh V1.0 by "c3po" for attitude control. Using the state vectors, I have provided historically accurate launch scenarios and undocking scenarios for use. One of the motion pictures that helped foster my love of spaceflight in my youth was the classic "Marooned" from 1969. Before there even was a Skylab, the crew of Ironman One spent months in an orbiting laboratory. In the movie, a Saturn V launched the lab, but I have created a "wet" workshop that can be launched by the Saturn-IB for this addon just for fun. Upon docking, switch to the workshop and deploy the solar arrays using "CTRL+K". This workshop can also accommodate the CMG add-on for attitude control. I hope you enjoy these "legacy" add-ons from the past of Orbiter as well as the enhancements I have created for them.
Space Orbiter base pack here
Posted Apr 21, 2012 10:49 by David413

6.32Mb (2527 downloads)
Back in 2004, Manuel Amorim ("McDope"), one of the original add-on providers for Orbiter, released a package for use with Orbiter 031217. This package was for simulations of the Apollo-Soyuz test program from July, 1975 and included launchers for both the Apollo (a basic Saturn 1B) and the Soyuz. These vehicles included launch auto-pilots and guidance algorithms from Richard Croy, and the animations and meshes were enhanced by Felipe Comparini. While better meshes and models are available today, these models provide excellent frame rates and are still useful for simulations of this past mission. I decided to update these models for use with Orbiter 2010 since the originals no longer work under the new Orbiter and I still enjoy flying historically accurate missions using actual state vectors that I have obtained. Additionally, these models will provide for alternate history simulations with the Shuttle Fleet V4.8. I have added the UMMu capability to the Apollo, Soyuz, and the docking modules and have created attachments for navigation / rendezvous and spot lights using historical documentation of the location of these lights. Using the state vectors, I have provided historically accurate launch scenarios and an on-orbit docked scenario for use. I corrected the guidance launch autopilot to allow a launch from Kennedy Space Center on July 15, 1975 (a launch that I actually was present at and watched!) I hope you enjoy these "legacy" add-ons from the past of Orbiter as well as the enhancements I have created for them.
Space Orbiter base pack here
Posted Apr 21, 2012 10:45 by David413

1.08Mb (2011 downloads)
This will provide an updated Mir with docking targets at the docking ports and an improved setup that provides for attitude hold for approaching vehicles. The dll is compiled against the 2010P1 SDK.
This package will overwrite the existing Mir files from the default Orbiter installation and the original files should be backed up. A separate file containing all of the original files is included if you wish to revert your files back to the originals.
This version (V4.8) now provides a third docking port for use with the CMG add-on for precise control of the station attitude during docking,etc.
Space Orbiter base pack here
Posted Apr 21, 2012 10:22 by David413

14.82Mb (5017 downloads)
These are models of the International Space Station ("Alpha") at various stages from the start of construction in 1998 (STS-88 / SSAF 2A) through the present and into future stages, the last being 20A scheduled for 2010. This meshes are an adaptation of Andrew Farnaby's ISS models. I have rotated the meshes to allow the default Orbiter autopilot the ability to hold the station in an LVLH attitude for shuttle dockings and provided dll modules for each of the various models. Docking target crosses have been added for use with the shuttle fleet centerline camera view on PMA2 and on the aft end of Zvezda (service module) for Progress and Soyuz dockings using the Progress and Soyuz models that come with this package. The Soyuz and Progress models have been visually upgraded to models that have been previously made available by Jason Benson ("agent036") and Jogvan Trondese ("c3po"). The models progressively allow the user to control solar arrays and radiators as they are deployed. The later models include the Mobile Transporter (MT) and the MBS attached to it to move the SSRMS along the truss segment. Thanks to David Sundstrom ("DaveS") for the mesh and textures for the MBS. The SSRMS is a separate model, released with this package. That model has a separate manual for use. Additional credits to those who's add-ons I used in this pack: Progress & Soyuz launch vehicles, McDope ("Dealer McDope"). These models have been recompiled for use with Orbiter 2010.
Space Orbiter base pack here
Posted Apr 21, 2012 07:56 by David413

51.21Mb (18316 downloads)
This was the last posted Shuttle Fleet add-on for Orbiter 2010 on Orbithangar. This is a model of the NASA Space Shuttle. This version (V4.8) has been updated for
use with the graphics client version of Orbiter (D3D9 client). The GPCMFD now
includes direct access to fleet data, allowing for new displays for the RMS arm, the
payload bay doors operations and the docking system. Additionally, an updated RMS
dialog box and a new docking system dialog box are included, and finally, new local
lights are included for use on the nightside of the planet. Comprehensive package - see Add-ons docs for detailed information.
Space Orbiter base pack here
Posted Apr 20, 2012 17:33 by David413

670.78Mb (2546 downloads)
Hi Res Mars textures for Space Orbiter
Posted Sep 11, 2010 22:28 by admin

671.54Mb (4341 downloads)
Hi Res Moon Textures for Space Orbiter
Posted Sep 10, 2010 19:13 by admin