FSX > Civil Jets > Page 179

38.17Mb (810 downloads)
Latam Brazil had taken one of their Boeing 777-300ER adding a special Star Wars livery.
Textures for the POSKY B773ER model
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Posted Nov 22, 2019 01:06 by PhotoshopFSX

77.36Mb (3187 downloads)
FSX/P3D Airbus A330-300 Air Canada package. Air Canada is based at Toronto Pearson Airport and as of September 2019, have 10 Airbus A330-300 with a further 5 on order.
Added Garmin G1000 MFD and PFD popups and added FSX Garmin G1000 user maual.
Added the better Thomas Ruth VC with updates by Louis Quintero and Chris Evans. Use FMC under Views/Instrument panel in FSX menu. (FSX : Go to Views -Instrument Panel. P3D: Go to Vehicle - Instrument panel). Added better views. Textures by Chatra Patishivaji.
Assembled and tested in P3Dv4.5 and should be ok in FSX and earlier P3D versions by Chris Evans.
Posted Nov 20, 2019 10:11 by chris evans

125.27Mb (1541 downloads)
Indigo Airbus A321NEO Package. The model is the FAIB A321NEO made flyable by Michael Velasquez. Includes the Tom Ruth A321 default A321 vc and wing views. Credits go to FSAI, ATCO, and Jueurgen Repaints.
Posted Nov 18, 2019 22:56 by Bill Johnston

0.72Mb (1278 downloads)
This is the new Air Force One Boeing 747-800 tailnumber 30000. Livery for the DEFAULT Boeing 747-400 unveiled by President Donald Trump. File includes readme install instructions.
Posted Nov 18, 2019 22:07 by Z.Wojcik

125.86Mb (1153 downloads)
British Airways A318 CFM. The model is the FAIB A318, made flyable by Michael Velasquez. Includes dynamic wingflex, and Wing views, as well as the Tom Ruth default A321 virtual cockpit, with A318 sounds. Thanks for downloading!
Posted Nov 15, 2019 23:33 by Bill Johnston

125.39Mb (1054 downloads)
The Indigo A320 with Sharklets. THIS The model is FAIB's A320 sharklet model made flyable by Michael Velasquez. Thanks to Juergen's paint hangar for the textures! Includes default A321 VC, and wingviews!
Posted Nov 15, 2019 21:17 by Bill Johnston

512.95Mb (2820 downloads)
A320NEO Multi livery pack. Includes CFM, Leap and Pratt and Whitney engines with sharklets. Model is the FAIB AI A320NEO model made flyable, by Michael Velasquez. Includes VC. Credits to the repainters.
Posted Nov 15, 2019 17:24 by Bill Johnston

25.52Mb (1106 downloads)
Repaint for "iris_easter_eggs_2013_fsx" "IRIS Flight Simulation Software" "Bombardier's Global 7000 and the Global 8000 were launched together at NBAA in October 2010 as derivatives of the Global 6000 program. The aircraft completed its first flight Nov. 4, 2016, marking the start of a rigorous flight-testing program. Entry-into-service of the large jet was scheduled in the second half of 2018. The Global 7000 has a four-zone cabin and will carry up to 12 passengers. It features 14 windows on each side of the fuselage - One more than the legacy Global Express and one less than the 6000. The Global 7000 also features the high swept supercritical wing with winglets and a high swept T-tail. As far as performance, the Global 7000 is powered by GE Aviation Passport engines and has a range of 7,400 nm and a top speed of 530 knots. The two GE Passport engines are side mounted at the rear of the aircraft. The Global 7000, which was priced at about $73 million is indeed large. The cabin (not including the baggage compartment) is 54 feet, seven inches long; six feet, three inches tall; and eight feet, two inches wide. Aft of the galley, the passenger area is divided into four distinct living areas. Depending on the layout, they can include a seating area, a dining or meeting area, a cinema room, and a bedroom. In April 2018, the Global 7000 and its cabin won a Red Dot in the Ships, Trains and Planes category of this year’s Red Dot Design Award, ainternational competition conducted annually since 1955 by Design Zentrum Nordrhein Westfalen in Essen, Germany. As judging criteria, the 39-member jury looked at each product’s levels of innovation, functionality, formal quality, ergonomics, and durability."
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 15, 2019 14:28 by David Robles

135.73Mb (2197 downloads)
British Airways, and Jetblue A321NEO for FSX/P3D. This model is FAIB A321NEO, made flyable by Michael Velasquez. Includes the A321 default cockpit, and textures from FSAI repaints and ATCO repaints. Also includes wingviews. Thanks for downloading!
Posted Nov 15, 2019 09:19 by uploader

41.55Mb (384 downloads)
Airbus A320-200 Mahan Air. Textures by Mathieu Vos. Uses the default FSX A321 VC. Packed by Kianoush Babaee.
Posted Nov 14, 2019 13:51 by kianoush Babaee