32.06Mb (1060 downloads)
Welcome back, today's mission will consist of delivering cargo and supplies to various airfields in and around Greeceās mainland and islands. The weather is clear, and the flight should be a breeze to complete. Have fun.
Posted Oct 4, 2022 10:13 by Gary Sease

32.92Mb (756 downloads)
Once again, you were hired to fly supplies out to various Islands and airfields, the weather is marginal VFR this time, visibility is really low at various airfields. Some of the runways are really short. Some departure will be a real challenged. Have Fun
Posted Sep 25, 2022 01:27 by sacto88

41.80Mb (975 downloads)
This mission package is provided as an introduction to FSXMissionsHangar.com. We're anxiously awaiting the Mission Development SDK for FS2020 to convert all our missions over. In the meantime, please enjoy this 3 mission series and come see what else is available at FSXMissionsHangar.com.
Posted Sep 17, 2022 08:50 by JakeRogers

6.81Mb (564 downloads)
Today mission is that a small airplane crashed somewhere on Great Isaac Lighthouse Island. Fly out and find the airplane and rescue the survivors then transport them back to base to a waiting ambulance.
Posted Aug 7, 2022 01:28 by Gary Sease

0.01Mb (173 downloads)
This is a little tool that decompiles and extracts bitmaps from Mission Rewards files (RWD) of FSX. A source XML file is generated and can be recompiled to create a (theoretically) identical file. See the manual of bglcomp and mission creation kit in the FSX SDK. Release 2 (20 January 2007) fixes a missing libraries bug. By Lamont Clark.
Posted Jul 28, 2022 01:14 by Lamont Clark

54.24Mb (1029 downloads)
Medivac a sick passenger from a cruise ship and transport the patient to Olympia Airport where there's a ambulance waiting to transport patient to the trauma center.
Posted Oct 3, 2021 12:03 by Gary Sease

18.87Mb (762 downloads)
You will be flying and locating 10 hidden items throughout northern Demark that needs to be picked up and returned to their rightful owners. You will be required to fly various types of Aircrafts/Helicopter. Have fun!
Posted May 27, 2021 01:25 by Gary Sease

171.79Mb (311 downloads)
Appalachian Trail Adventure Missions.
Welcome to the Appalachian Trail. Fly the historical Appalachian Trail by each state. Your Mission is to find all the shelters and Point of Interest along the trail. Start the missions with Georgia then North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire ending with and Maine. You will get a reward for each state and a trophy when you completed all the states in order. By David Crandall
Posted May 25, 2021 06:52 by uploader

3.05Mb (901 downloads)
There's a diver that has developed decompression sickness and needs to be transported to Honolulu International Airport where there's an ambulance waiting to transport the patient to the Hyperbaric Chambers
Posted May 3, 2021 01:00 by Gary Sease

0.12Mb (225 downloads)
Wild And Windy Update;
I must apologize for my mistake. To fly thru the trigger box, maintain 5,000 feet on a course 35 - 40 degrees, after passing over the JAN VOR turning left.
Posted Apr 22, 2021 09:57 by Gary Sease