6.64Mb (775 downloads)
Fly out to Bravo's Oil Platform pick up employees for transport.
Posted Feb 11, 2021 15:47 by Gary Sease

0.30Mb (332 downloads)
Chuck Yeager passed on in 2020 at the ripe old age of 97.
This more or less provided me the motivation for this mission.
I was fortunate to see him fly (a P-51), hear him speak and take photos in 1995
at a WWII 50th year celebration. Many WWII Warbirds came to a small airport
in southern Indiana (as I recall Clark Co. airport)...not far from where I live.
I do find the Bell X-1 controls are quite sensitive.
Aircraft are the F-15D or Bell X-1. Your choice.
Posted Dec 31, 2020 01:17 by Don Olsson

0.35Mb (451 downloads)
This is a flight through Marble Canyon, Arizona USA. An intermediate level mission likely. Less than a 10 minute flight.
Some scenery added along the way.
Posted Oct 23, 2020 17:52 by Don Olsson

0.34Mb (423 downloads)
Sorry about the lack of granting the reward in this mission. I had included it, but forgot to update the mission before sending it. Here is the complete upload including everything needed for the mission. You can jusr replace the mission folder. All else should be ok.
Posted Oct 20, 2020 10:25 by Don Olsson

0.36Mb (751 downloads)
Take off in a Cessna C172SP Skyhawk from Custer Co airport,
look at Mount Rushmore and land at Custer State Park airport in Fairburn, USA.
The mission is a night mission. See the readme for a change to a daylight mission. No fireworks then.
Posted Oct 4, 2020 17:31 by Don Olsson

0.59Mb (714 downloads)
Take off in an IconA5 from Warm Spring Bay airport in Baranof , Alaska
make 3 water landings and end the mission with a wheeled landing at Juneau.
Posted Sep 29, 2020 15:17 by Don Olsson

0.65Mb (329 downloads)
Take off in an updated and unusual Edgley Optica from Old Sarum airport
and fly to Boscombe Down airport UK.
On the way, perform a low level pass over Middle Wallop Army airport
and a touch and go at Thruxton.
Posted Sep 1, 2020 13:08 by Don Olsson

188.38Mb (379 downloads)
Appalachian Trail Adventure North Carolina Updated and fixed. Please read the PDF file before flying this Mission. Fly the historical Appalachian Trail by each state. This is long distance hiking trail from Georgia to Maine. Along your flight look for each of the shelters were thru hikers sleep on the trail along with many landmarks on the trail. This mission you will be flying the North Carolina section. David Crandall
Posted Jul 19, 2020 07:33 by uploader

3.17Mb (442 downloads)
There are 2 missions that use a small scenery addon in Canada. Simple missions more like a flight than most. As simple as they are, except for landing in the dark, I decided they are not worth having rewards.
They are located in Prince Rupert and Vancouver. One uses a bell jet Ranger helicopter, the other the Cessna 172 Skyhawk.
Posted Jul 18, 2020 17:42 by Don Olsson

0.48Mb (598 downloads)
Take off in a J3 Piper Cub from Pemberton airport and fly to a new, and fictitious, Bear Camp Research airport in Alaska.
Posted Jul 10, 2020 17:41 by Don Olsson