8.07Mb (420 downloads)
Get yourself ready for a wild and windy flight with multiple ILS approaches with crosswinds. hope you cam handle the rough ride and maintain a straight approach, we'll see? Have fun
Posted Apr 15, 2021 02:34 by Gary Sease

6.46Mb (1036 downloads)
Today's mission you will be flying to 5 off shore islands in and around the British Isles to deliver supplies and cargo, some of the runways are short and narrow, so prepare to use your flying skills for short fields takeoff and landings. Good Luck!
Posted Apr 7, 2021 14:48 by Gary Sease

3.33Mb (869 downloads)
Ready for adventure? Fly to a remote cabin in the wilderness tucked into a valley surrounded by snow-capped mountain peaks. The weather is not the best but who knows, you may have the skills to complete this mission. Good luck
Posted Mar 27, 2021 01:04 by Gary Sease

4.17Mb (739 downloads)
Denmark's Flight Services has an early morning commuter
flight that will be making 2 stops and dropping off passengers
at each airport, and then returning to Aalborg, hopefully this
should be a routine flight ?
Posted Mar 20, 2021 18:39 by Gary Sease

4.31Mb (639 downloads)
Somewhere over France you found yourself above the fog layer trying to find a famous landmark before making an ILS approach in very low visibility. Good luck!
Posted Mar 15, 2021 15:36 by Gary Sease

3.95Mb (649 downloads)
You will be flying out to Fontana Lake in deteriorating weather conditions and commence a search for the sinking fishing charter boat for Tex's Fishing Guide Services. Rescue Captain and Crewmember.
Posted Mar 9, 2021 13:11 by Gary Sease

4.04Mb (762 downloads)
Fly out to Snettisham (7AK2) airstrip, pick up a guide then fly to a remote island to pick up a down pilot and their friend, then transport them to Juneau Intl (PAJN) where there’s an ambulance is waiting. The weather is a typical Alaska’s winter day, low visibilities and overcast. You will be challenge to keep clear of the terrains as you climb and descend into the valley
Posted Mar 6, 2021 01:09 by Gary Sease

5.02Mb (535 downloads)
This mission will test your flying skills, by intercepting and flying ILS's approaches in low visibility
Posted Feb 28, 2021 00:29 by Gary Sease

0.00Mb (320 downloads)
Adds Flight Plan to the mission so mission will allow the GPS to load
Posted Feb 23, 2021 12:12 by Gary Sease

3.52Mb (529 downloads)
Once again we're out for an evening of sight-seeing with multiple approaches and touch and go landings, with a challenging ending.
Posted Feb 22, 2021 23:18 by Gary Sease