24.83Mb (283 downloads)
Appalachian Trail Adventure New York. Fly the historical Appalachian Trail by each state. This is long distance hiking trail from Georgia to Maine. Along your flight look for each of the shelters were thru hikers sleep on the trail along with many landmarks on the trail. In this mission you will be flying the New York section.
Posted Nov 4, 2018 02:42 by uploader

0.58Mb (801 downloads)
Take off in a Beechcraft Baron 58 from Bronson Creek airport to Stewart.
Perform a touch-and-go there, then fly to Woodcock.
Get fuel there, take off and finally land at Burns Lake airport.
Mission requires 4 of a small download of fictional airports located in British Columbia, Canada.
Posted Oct 20, 2018 03:23 by Don Olsson

195.90Mb (269 downloads)
Appalachian Trail Adventure New Hampshire.
Please read the PDF file before flying this Mission.
Fly the historical Appalachian Trail by each state. This is long distance hiking trail from Georgia to Maine. Along your flight look for each of the shelters were thru hikers sleep on the trail along with many landmarks on the trail.
In this mission you will be flying the New Hampshire section. Includes fix. By David Crandall
Posted Oct 15, 2018 12:36 by uploader

80.04Mb (221 downloads)
Appalachian Trail Adventure Massachussetts MI.
This is the manual installation on this mission. Please read the PDF file before flying this Mission.Fly the historical Appalachian Trail by each state. This is long distance hiking trail from Georgia to Maine. Along your flight look for each of the shelters were thru hikers sleep on the trail along with many landmarks on the trail.In this mission you will be flying the Massachussetts section. By David Crandall
Posted Oct 8, 2018 11:42 by uploader

142.49Mb (271 downloads)
Appalachian Trail Adventure Maine.
Fly the historical Appalachian Trail by each state. This is long distance hiking trail from Georgia to Maine. Along your flight look for each of the shelters were thru hikers sleep on the trail along with many landmarks on the trail.
In this mission you will be flying the Maine section. Please read the PDF file before flying this Mission. By David Crandall
Posted Oct 7, 2018 05:14 by uploader

76.76Mb (249 downloads)
Appalachian Trail Adventure Connecticut.
Fly the historical Appalachian Trail by each state. This is long distance hiking trail from Georgia to Maine. Along your flight look for each of the shelters were thru hikers sleep on the trail along with many landmarks on the trail.In this mission you will be flying the Connecticut section.
Please read the PDF file before flying this Mission.
Posted Oct 6, 2018 03:09 by uploader

2.01Mb (1072 downloads)
From a listing...
The first RAF operation with the (B-25J) Mitchell II took place on January 22, 1943,
when six aircraft from Nos 98 and 180 Squadron attacked oil installations at Ghent.
Things did not go well at all that day. Flak over the target shot down one Mitchell,
and Luftwaffe FW 190s pounced on the formation and shot down two more.
The above formed my focus for a mission. I chose the closest location in the UK to the English Channel
to begin the mission rather than a more distant airport in the interior of the UK.
I located Ghent, in Belgium, and added some oil refinery scenery as the intended target.
Posted Sep 26, 2018 17:42 by Don Olsson
0.00Mb (426 downloads)
An incorrect download was given in the listing of this mission. The correct information is:
FSX Avro Lancaster MkI KC-D for 617 Sqd Attack on Tirpitz (Category: FSX > Vintage)
Zip file preview
41.94Mb (2365 downloads)
This is a Plane-Design fs9 MkI Lancaster converted and modified for use in FSX.
It is a fully flyable aircraft set up to drop a horizontal version of a Tallboy bomb
from 14000 ft with a possible impact accuracy of 15 feet using my simulated
SABS Bombsight. Lancaster paint and Tallboy droppable object by
Koos van Menen of The Netherlands.
Special version of the Tirpitz provided by Erwin Welker
from which static models were created in SAMM to illustrate the video roll over.
Only the upright version is supplied in this package.
One of 5 Lancasters used to make a video for the International
Bomber Command Centre in Lincoln UK to illustrate interviews with veterans
who were on the raid. Package by Ross McLennan.
Posted Aug 4, 2015 21:59 by Ross McLennan
Posted Sep 6, 2018 13:20 by Don Olsson

2.30Mb (899 downloads)
It is November of 1944. Locate the German ship Tirpitz and bomb it with an Avro Lancaster
MkI just off shore, south and near, the Tromso airport, Norway.
You will start at 14,000 feet and about 20 miles from the Tirpitz.
Suggest you bomb from a low altitude.
Instead of a single Tallboy bomb, you will be given 3 of them.
End the mission with a landing at the Tromso airport nearby.
Posted Sep 5, 2018 16:19 by Don Olsson

0.60Mb (784 downloads)
We have 2 officials who want to view the Neuschwanstein and
Hohenschwangau castles up close. Take off from a mountain top nearby
for the view of the Neuschwanstein castle.
Circle around and have a look at it. When you have seen enough, land carefully on the helipad.
Then proceed to the Hohenschwangau castle and fly similarly.
Lastly, land at another helipad nearby and drop off the 2 officials.
Aircraft is the German police Bell Jet Ranger helicopter.
Erwin Welker's recent nice small scenery download in Simviation for the castles is required.
Posted Aug 25, 2018 16:43 by Don Olsson