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FSX > Missions > Page 8
Valdez Mission
0.78Mb (945 downloads)
Take off in a Cessna C208B Grand Caravan from Chitina airport, Alaska, make a landing and drop off a passenger at Thompson Pass, continue on, and land at Valdez Pioneer airport in Valdez.
Posted Aug 11, 2018 16:06 by Don Olsson
Jomsom Evac Part III
24.01Mb (1894 downloads)
The Jomsom evacuees that were left stranded at Dhading Air Force Base in Jomsom Evac Part II, still need to be flown to Kathmandu. A fairly empty Airbus A321 is on route to Kathmandu and has been requested to stop over at Dhading Air Force Base and pick them up. You will be flying the Airbus alone through some heavy cloud cover with very poor to zero visibility at times, so you need to watch your approach altitudes over the mountain tops. The VNDB airport scenery has been updated with a Localizer approach and jetways to board the passengers. Approach altitude charts for both airports are included. Straightforward mission, but with an added twist to test your flying skills. You will need Acceleration.
Posted Jul 17, 2018 08:30 by Geoff Peel
4 more Red Bull Air Race missions
1.11Mb (274 downloads)
In time for the USA 4th of July. Here are 4 more Red Bull Air Races to try using the Extra300S. Locations are: (1) Ascot, UK, (2) Perth, Australia, (3) Sydney, Australia, and (4) Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Each should be able to be completed in nearly 2 minutes of course time. Each course needs to be downloaded from Simviation. Very small downloads of less than 1mb each. Decided not to include rewards. Your reward is just to complete the races...I have made it easier than the MS courses with no penalties & you can hit pylons. Look at each course to get a feel for the route before trying the missions.
Posted Jul 2, 2018 09:50 by Don Olsson
Brussels mission with 3 aircraft
0.59Mb (1179 downloads)
Take off in the evening on an IFR flight (using the GPS) in a Beechcraft King Air 350 from Amsterdam, Netherlands to Rotterdam. Switch to the Lear Jet and fly to Antwerp. Switch there to the Beech Baron, fly to, and land at, Brussels National airport in Brussels, Belgium. Decided to not include a reward. Presumably you already have plenty of them!
Posted Jun 29, 2018 13:12 by Don Olsson
Red Bull Air Race in Japan
0.26Mb (260 downloads)
For Father's Day in the USA. Take off and fly the Red Bull Air Race in an Extra 300S from Nephisasia airport in TOKYO, JAPAN. The mission is listed as an advanced level mission in the racing category. The 13 gate Pylon course has been numbered according to the path given in the required small (1.76mb) scenery addon available recently in Simviation. A good time for completion of the race course is
Posted Jun 14, 2018 16:53 by Don Olsson
Jomsom Evac Part II
32.49Mb (1582 downloads)
Please download and install JomsomEvacPartI first. Part II...Evacuate the Jomsom resort guests and fly them to safety. On departure from Jomsom you will once again come under attack from the rebels and will be flying the rest of the mission in unsuitable, rainy, turbulent weather. Naturally a few challenges will meet you along the way while you navigate to find your final destination. Acceleration required.
Posted Jun 3, 2018 17:08 by Geoff Peel
Jomsom Evac Part I
115.27Mb (1914 downloads)
Part I....This is a complete revamp of my"Jomsom Evacuation" mission of some years ago and is far more challenging. Fly in additional troops to Jomsom to counter a planned Rebel invasion. You will have to deal with lightning, thermals, crosswinds, windshear, the possibility of stalling, anti-aircraft flak and tracer fire. I have split the mission into two parts of 30 minutes each. Please download Jomsom Evac Part II as well to complete the mission. To save you a lot of trouble I have included the required aircraft file for the mission, hence the large file size. Acceleration required.
Posted Jun 3, 2018 16:53 by Geoff Peel
75th Anniversary Dam Buster Raid on the Ruhr Dams
75th Anniversary Dam Buster Raid on the Ruhr Dams
8.02Mb (808 downloads)
The sceneries for the Moehne and Eder Dams before and after the attacks. Suitable only for default FSX or the preferred Aerosoft West German VFR. The plans as used for the game Celebration Flight from RAF Scampton to RAF Scampton on the 16-17 May 2018 are based on the book THE DAM BUSTERS by Jonathan Falconer. Flying time, UP to DOWN in the game was a little under 6 hours in AJ-G as Wing Commander Guy Gibson. Training for the raid was carried out with two flights, one to Wainfleet in AJ-Q and the other to the Derwent Dams in AJ-X. The raid on the Sorpe in AJ-T was the second part of the Celebration. The PR Spitfire recon flight plan from RAF Benson is presented as going to all of the Dams that were part of the brief in 1943. A PDF describes the outcomes of two Celebrations on opposite sides of the world, one in South Australia and one in The Netherlands (Koos van Menen). Packaged and flown by Ross McLennan.
Posted May 22, 2018 00:03 by Ross McLennan
Monoplane mail mission in USA
2.12Mb (508 downloads)
(From the download writeup) The Boeing 221A Monomail was a major advance in aircraft design, being one of the first all metal, stressed skin monoplanes built. Despite it's advances, the 221A'a layout harked back to the biplane era, with the cabin forward, and open cockpit aft. Lack of a constant speed propeller prevented the Monomail's true success, as better twins were introduced by the time C-S props appeared. *** Only one 221A saw brief service between Chicago-Cheyenne. *********** For this mission, Take off in a Boeing 221A Monomail aircraft from North Platte Regl-Bird airport in North Platte, Nebraska and make two deliveries, before a last mail stop at Cheyenne Regional/ Jerry Olson airport in Cheyenne, Wyoming.
Posted Apr 5, 2018 16:21 by Don Olsson
Appalachian Trail Adventure Vermont MI
87.48Mb (372 downloads)
Appalachian Trail Adventure Vermont MI. Fly the historical Appalachian Trail by each state. This is long distance hiking trail from Georgia to Maine. Along your flight look for each of the shelters were thru hikers sleep on the trail along with many landmarks on the trail.In this mission you will be flying the Vermont section. Please read the PDF file before flying this Mission. By David Crandall
Posted Apr 4, 2018 03:30 by uploader