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FSX: new passenger cabin's  and 2D/3D cockpit textures for the original Bombardier Global Express XRS by Fr. Bill Leaming and Richard Schwertfeger.
FSX: new passenger cabin's  and 2D/3D cockpit textures for the original Bombardier Global Express XRS by Fr. Bill Leaming and Richard Schwertfeger.
17.04Mb (487 downloads)
Hi everybody, I have made new passeger cabin's and cockpit textures for the original Bombardier Global Express XRS by Fr. Bill Leaming and Richard Schwertfeger. daylight and night textures ! included : passager cabin AND a NEW full textured cockpit release !! burgundy carpet style ! * copy-paste texture folder here to texture folder of the Global Express and follow with the update folder! read the "readme.txt" files !! Also included : 4/3 and wide 2D panels background BMP ! In this V4 release, the background pictures for 2D cockpit have been completely reworked from real photo of GLEX cockpit to get 3D effect ! Hours of work ... ;-) * texture bugs in passager cabin from first release are fixed! * passager's leather armchair have savety belt !! * update folder: fixed cabine texture and AP area texture for virtual 3D cockpit. ENJOY this first luxury cockpit ever made for the original fsx Bombardier Global Express by Fr. Bill Leaming and Richard Schwertfeger. Made this 2016-10-18 . ;-) Alain Bastin
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Posted Oct 19, 2016 09:43 by Alain Bastin
FSX/P3D TDS Boeing 737-800 Air Berlin D-ABAG Package
FSX/P3D TDS Boeing 737-800 Air Berlin D-ABAG Package
109.33Mb (1793 downloads)
FSX/P3D TDS Boeing 737-800 Air Berlin D-ABAG. Package. I hope you enjoy my first Project, have fun with this Air Berlin Bird! D-ABAG Texture by Francesco M. Model and Effects by TDS. Interior model by Microsoft and heavily modified by Alejandro Rojas Lucena. Original compilation by Chris Evans. Sound by FS Audio Team Air Berlin D-ABAG was delivered 19.JUN 2001 withdrawn from use and stored at Budapest Itl. 03.Nov 2014 returned to service 28.Mar 2015 and operated by TUIfly since 03.Oct 2015
Posted Oct 19, 2016 01:58 by Francesco M.
CRJ200 American Eagle Textures
CRJ200 American Eagle Textures
3.26Mb (1175 downloads)
American Eagle livery, for the freeware IRIS CRJ-200 (Easter eggs) model. Textures only.
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Posted Oct 16, 2016 15:50 by Dimitrios Moschos
FSX/P3D Boeing 737-800 Rossiya Package
FSX/P3D Boeing 737-800 Rossiya Package
72.45Mb (1878 downloads)
FSX/P3D Boeing 737-800 Rossiya Package with enhanced VC Russian airline Rossiya is based in Saint Petersburg. Founded in 1992, it now (2016) operates a fleet of modern Airbus and Boeing aircraft, including 16 Boeing 737-800, to destinations throughout Europe, Russia as well as North Africa and as far as the Dominican Republic. Model by TDS/ Tenkuu Developers Studio with advanced 737-800 VC added. Includes utility for ground services, Passenger bus, cargo, stairs, refuelling truck etc (find it under - Views - Instrument panel - Util) The wonderful Boeing 737-800 from TDS will be enjoyed by many more people who do not know how to install a VC into a FSX native model. The VC is the Alejandro Rojas Lucena/FSND fantastic revised Boeing 737-800 VC model. This VC model includes Working wipers (right mouse click on switch) with rain effect. Switches for LCD Screens, EICAS, PFD, MFT. Autobrake switch. Opening pilots window. Cabin Lights switch. Realistic FMC. Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS), More Realistic night VC textures. There are custom Boeing 737 sounds included for that extra realism. I have added the great textures by Stefan Bree. Correct view points for VC and jetway exits. Model is not modified in any way. VC added and aircraft.cfg edited to allow correct VC views and jetways. TDS wonderful native FSX Boeing 737-800 model. See VC docs to get the best out of the VC and FMC. Assembled and prepared and tested for P3D/FSX by Chris Evans.
Posted Oct 16, 2016 12:25 by chris evans
 Airbus A320-214 Aer Lingus Irish Rugby Team Package
 Airbus A320-214 Aer Lingus Irish Rugby Team Package
99.51Mb (2991 downloads)
Aer Lingus, EI-DEO, in the Irish rugby livery known as 'Green Spirit'. Model by Project airbus with a few edits made to displays. Virtual Cockpit with new day and night textures by CokiBH, displays edited by Air Crew. Contains custom CFM engine sounds and ground effects. Livery was created by Mathieu Vos. Aircraft compiled together by Air Crew.
Posted Oct 16, 2016 08:14 by Air Crew
Airbus A310-300 Gol Airlines package
Airbus A310-300 Gol Airlines package
43.07Mb (1595 downloads)
Thomas Ruth A310-300 Gol Transportes Aereos (old livery) package for FSX, PR-GWH. Includes VC and PW sound. Repaint by Moacir Junior
Posted Oct 16, 2016 00:09 by Moacir Junior
Boeing 787-9 TUI UK Package
Boeing 787-9 TUI UK Package
75.88Mb (4660 downloads)
FSX/P3D Thomson TUI Boeing 787-9 wearing the new TUI livery and under the registration G-TUIJ. The model was created by TDS, with VC featuring working wipers and FMC. Virtual cockpit by Alejandro Rojas based on an advanced 737 cockpit. Model by TDS originally assembled by Chris Evans. TUI texture by Stephen Grrom and sounds added by 'Air Crew'.
Posted Oct 15, 2016 14:21 by Air Crew
FSX Boeing 797 BWB (Blended Wing Body) - 3 Livery Pack (Textures only) V2 (updated)
FSX Boeing 797 BWB (Blended Wing Body) - 3 Livery Pack (Textures only) V2 (updated)
31.74Mb (1070 downloads)
These textures came about, because of a brain-wave that struck me. They came out pretty-well to say the least. Please refer to all other 'Read Me' files (excluding 'My Read Me', which is my own) for appropriate credits given.
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Posted Oct 14, 2016 00:06 by Andre Ludick
FSX/P3D McDonnell Douglas DC-10-30 Air New Zealand package
FSX/P3D McDonnell Douglas DC-10-30 Air New Zealand package
64.92Mb (2029 downloads)
FSX/P3D McDonnell Douglas DC-10-30 Air New Zealand package. Air New Zealand operated 8 DC-10-30 between 1973 until 1982. The last passenger flight being from Hong Kong to Auckland Model and VC by Thomas Ruth. Includes comprehensive VC with working wipers. I included the great textures by Mike Pearson. Added FMC by Garret Smith. Custom packaged and tested in FSX and P3d v 3.4 by Chris Evans
Posted Oct 12, 2016 06:32 by chris evans
FSX/P3D Boeing 787-8 Ethiopian Airlines package
FSX/P3D Boeing 787-8 Ethiopian Airlines package
98.74Mb (2999 downloads)
FSX/P3D Boeing 787-8 Ethiopian Airlines package with new enhanced VC. Ethiopian Airlines is Ethiopia's flag carrier and currently (2016) has 16 Boeing 787-800 and a further 3 on order. Model by TDS/ Tenkuu Developers Studio with advanced 737-800 VC added. The wonderful Boeing 787-8 from TDS will be enjoyed by many more people who do not know how to install a VC into a FSX native model. So now the 787-8 has the nearest VC I can find -- the 737-800. The layout of the 787 cockpit is not a million miles away from the advanced 737-800. The VC is the Alejandro Rojas Lucena/FSND fantastic revised Boeing 737-800 VC model blended with Ken Wiggington's work on the default 737 VC to make it more resemble a 787. This VC model includes Working wipers (right mouse click on switch) with rain effect. Switches for LCD Screens, EICAS, PFD, MFT. Autobrake switch. Opening pilots window. Cabin Lights switch. Realistic FMC. Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS), More Realistic night VC textures. There are custom Boeing sounds included for that extra realism. I added the great textures by Mathieu Vos. Aircraft.cfg edited to allow correct VC views. Assembled and prepared for FSX by Chris Evans.
Posted Oct 11, 2016 07:56 by chris evans