FSX > Civil Jets > Page 524

0.24Mb (2334 downloads)
FSX Boeing 747-8i passenger model gray engine smoke effect
(or white airshow engine smoke effect so you can wow them at
Oshkosh) for the freeware SkySpirit2011 747-8i when used in FSX.
Requires previous installation in FSX of a SkySpirit2011 747-8i,
such as the N6067E model in rollout colors shown in
these screenshots (ssp748v4_genx_n6067e.zip). Easy installation.
By Tom Tiedman
Required files:
required file
Posted Jul 31, 2011 22:26 by Tom Tiedman

0.05Mb (1689 downloads)
FSX Boeing 777-200ER engine smoke coordinates for the
Project Opensky Boeing 777-200ER when used in FSX.
Easy installation. By Tom Tiedman
Required files:
required file
Posted Jul 30, 2011 22:12 by Tom Tiedman

16.08Mb (2408 downloads)
Repaints Sabena for the marvellous A330-200/300 and A340-200/300 of Tom Ruth.
Beautifull texture of beautiful Airline!
Posted Jul 30, 2011 17:04 by Hadri_Sabena

8.69Mb (531 downloads)
Textures only for the default Boeing 737-800 in Aerolloyd livery
Posted Jul 30, 2011 14:22 by Christoph Stark

6.02Mb (877 downloads)
Textures only for the default FSX CRJ-700 in Lauda Air
Posted Jul 30, 2011 14:16 by Christoph Stark
6.69Mb (995 downloads)
Boeing 737-800 Kulula.com Textures for the default FSX B737-800. This is a popular South African Budget airline which operates all over South Africa.
Posted Jul 30, 2011 04:56 by Michael Adkin

152.43Mb (90256 downloads)
169 Liveries Collection Pack for Default Boeing 737-800. V3 * 6 Default + 19 Air India + 144 real and defunct airlines liveries from all over the world by various artists. ** - The ZIP file contains 169 Liveries for the Default Boeing 737-800 : 6 Default, 19 Air India, and other 144!! - Fixed Airlines.cfg / Aircraft.cfg so that many existing CALLSIGN work and are spelled correctly in game. - Deleted hundreds of MB of un-useful textures or images left in texture folder by most livery designers. - Added new THUMBNAIL for each plane were missing or not well visible so that the preview is good. - Added real CALLSIGN at the end of each airline description to set it correctly from game menu. - Added for each plane a description of the airline it belong to, taken from Wikipedia. - Added Smoke System - Added different languages (ENG, ITA, FRA, GER) "aircraft.cfg", default is the english version. - Added a little SOUND MOD (Hostess radio security messages) invented and developed by me. - Added TAXI lights using existing fsx lights made by me. - All new planes have been tested and work perfectly. - Add-On tested only on FSX with SP1 and SP2 installed. Changes and fix compared with 151 Liveries Collection Pack. - New "aircraft.cfg" and updated "airlines.cfg" which fix a mistakes of 151 Liveries Pack. - Fixed Caribbean Airlines plane which wasn't working due to a typying mistake in "aircraft.cfg". - Fixed Vietnam Airlines's CALLSIGN to "VIETNAM" so now will be spelled in game's ATC. - All new planes have been cleaned from unuseful textures and other useless files. - All new planes have been tested and work perfectly. - Added a folder with Wikipedia Airlines's urls. This is the full list of the other 144 liveries includes in the pack : Adam Air, Aeromexico, Aerosvit, Air Asia Indonesia, Air Astana, Air Berlin, Air Canada, Air China, Air China Olympic, Air Europa, Air France, Air Jamaica, Air New Zealand, Air One, Air Slovakia, AirTran Airways, Air Vanuatu, Alaska , Alaska.com, Alaska Spirit of Seattle, Alaska Starliner 75, Alitalia, All Nippon Airways (ANA), ALOHA, American Airlines, America West, Ansett Australia, Austrian Airlines, Batavia Air (x3), BMI baby, British Airways, Brussels Airlines, Bulgaria Air, Caribbean Airlines, Cebu Pacific Air, Continental Airlines, Copa Airlines, Corendon Airlines, Cubana De Aviacion, Cyprus Airways, Czech Airlines, Delta Airlines, DHL Cargo, EasyJet, Eastern Airlines, El Al (Israel), EgyptAir, Europe Airpost, FedEx Cargo, Ferrari, Ferrari Cargo, Finnair, First Choice, Flash Airlines, Fly Dubai, Flyglobespan, Frontier Airlines, Garuda Indonesia, Garuda SkyTeam, GOL, Gulf Air, Hainan Airlines (x2), IRONMAIDEN, Japan Airlines (JAL), JAT Airways (old and new), Jet2 (grey and white), JetAmerica, JetTime, Kenya Airways, Landmark (Coliseum tail), Lion Air (Indonesia), LOT (Polish Airlines), Lufthansa, Luxair, Malaysia Airlines, MALEV, Mexicana (x4), Military Woodland Camo, Mongolian Airlines (MIAT), Montenegro Airlines, Myanmar Airlines (MAI) , NASA, NAVY, Norwegian Air, Northwest (NWA), OceanAir (Avianca), Olympic Airlines, Pan-Am, Philippine Airlines, PIA (Pakistan Intenrational Airlines), Prague (Czech Republic), Primera Air JetX (Iceland), PrivatAir, Qantas, Ryanair, Ryanair Guinness, Ryanair Kilkenny, Ryanair Vodafone, Scandinavian Airlines (SAS), Singapore Airlines, South African Airways, Southwest Airlines (Blue, Gold, New Mexico), Sterling (Australia), SunExpress, Swiss Air, TAM (Brasil), TAROM (Romania), Thomson Airways, Transavia, TUIfly (x7), Turkish Airlines, Ukraine International Airlines (UIA), UNITED (old and new), UPS Cargo, US Airways, Varig (old and new), VASP (Brazil) , V Australia, Vietnam Airlines, Virgin (blue and red), WestJet, XL Airways, XL Airways Excel.com, XL Airways Oger Tours and XL Airways Viking. Read full instruction to install all textures or individually.
Posted Jul 27, 2011 04:25 by Edoardo Ammannati

9.79Mb (460 downloads)
FSX default Boeing 737-800 repaint textures
honoring the memory of Steve Lacey, a member
of the ACES Developement Team, who helped to
bring the beauty and joy of sim flight to all
of us over these many years via Microsoft's
Flight Simulator series. Steve was tragically
killed in a car accident. I hope this 737 painted
in his honor will help to preserve his memory in
the world of flight simulation. God bless you, Steve.
Posted Jul 26, 2011 22:22 by Tom Tiedman

18.40Mb (5575 downloads)
Package of 20 textures for the default FSX 737-800, the textures representing: Air Canada, MVT Airways, British Airways, China Southern, Ethopian, Delta Airlines, Continental Airlines, FedEx, GOL, KLM, Qantas, Southwest, Swiss, Varig 1955, Varig 1996, Varig 2006, United Airlines, Web Jet and the virtual airline MMR Travel.
Posted Jul 26, 2011 21:07 by Maicom de Macedo Rodeghiero

2.19Mb (5335 downloads)
Iberia Regional texture for the FSX default CRJ700.
Posted Jul 26, 2011 20:03 by Maicom de Macedo Rodeghiero