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FSX > Civil Jets > Page 568
 MEA Textures  Package
 MEA Textures  Package
53.28Mb (3487 downloads)
This package contain all the repaints(old and new) of the MEA fleets, the A320(the plane is also included in the package), A321 (textures for the default A321), A330-200 (you need to download the Thomas Ruth A330-200) and also it contains the old B707 (the plane is included with the package). The repaint of the old B747 (you need to own the payware PMDG 747) NB:1-I'm not the only author of these repaints 2-you need to buy the PMDG B747 if you want to install the B747 repaint 3-you need to install the Tom A330-200 if you want to install the repaint of the A330-200:
Required files:
required file
Posted Jul 31, 2010 21:30 by Farid SAAYBI
FSX Boeing 747-400 KLM
FSX Boeing 747-400 KLM
20.12Mb (40013 downloads)
Project Opensky Boeing 747-400 KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, with Virtual cockpit included.
Posted Jul 29, 2010 19:51 by Jesse Cruz
FSX Boeing 737-900 Arkefly
FSX Boeing 737-900 Arkefly
72.02Mb (8269 downloads)
Project Opensky Boeing 737-900 Arkefly (Summer 2009 lease), with Virtual cockpit included.
Posted Jul 29, 2010 19:47 by Jesse Cruz
Boeing 747-400 Virgin Atlantic Textures
1.12Mb (8445 downloads)
Virgin Atlantic textures for the default FSX Boeing 747-400.
Posted Jul 29, 2010 09:24 by Kenny F.
Boeing 737-800 Malev Hungarian Airlines
3.17Mb (2345 downloads)
Malev Hungarian Airlines - Repaint for the default FSX 737-800 by Alex James
Posted Jul 29, 2010 05:06 by Alex James
Boeing 787-8 Monarch Airlines
4.96Mb (4661 downloads)
Camsim Boeing 787-8 painted in Monarch livery. No VC Painted by Stephen Browning
Posted Jul 25, 2010 07:14 by Stephen Browning
Bombardier CRJ-701ER UAX
Bombardier CRJ-701ER UAX
23.53Mb (7528 downloads)
Bombardier CRJ-701ER UAX. United Express (SkyWest Airlines) CRJ-701ER new colour. Uses the default CRJ VC. Model by Project Opensky.
Posted Jul 25, 2010 06:57 by Upoader
FSX Boeing 737-800 Default Airlines Livery Makeover Set 2
FSX Boeing 737-800 Default Airlines Livery Makeover Set 2
17.19Mb (1600 downloads)
The second set of new repaints for the FSX default airlines. (Microsoft's default paint schemes are dull, to say the least). This set is an Airwave "Sonic Splash" livery and a Landmark "Skyscraper" livery. Both feature new scratch-built airline logos as well. Repainted by Adrian Monk.
Posted Jul 24, 2010 13:26 by Adrian Monk
Boeing 787-9 V2 British Airways
5.13Mb (9613 downloads)
CamSim Boeing 787-9V2 in British Airways livery, with white engines. I am told all 787's will need to have white engines due to a special paint thats being used. No VC. Painted by Stephen Browning
Posted Jul 24, 2010 06:36 by Stephen Browning
Boeing 787-8 Monarch
5.01Mb (2926 downloads)
Boeing 787-8 in Monarch livery . Monarch as ordered 6 Dreamliners, scheduled to be delivered by the end of 2013. Painted by Stephen Browning
Posted Jul 23, 2010 14:02 by stephen browning