FSX > Civil Jets > Page 617

61.26Mb (16352 downloads)
This is a repaint (Full Package + sound) of Mitsushi Yutaka and Warrens C.' Awsome MD-81 with Virtual Cockpit in the colors of Royal Jordanian Airlines, aircraft name is (Petra).
Royal Jordanian dont have any Md-80's but i thought it would be a nice aircraft in the fleet to use out of Queen Alia or Marka with some regional airports such as Ben gurion,
Baghdad, Aqaba, Sharm El shiek as well as Beirut, Cairo and Istanbul. The aircraft includes the ONEWORLD insigna.
I have also created an awsome custom sound based on the original sound of Mr.Mike Maarse (A32x series CFM56-5) which I have redesigned and modified to fit the MD-81 with Mr.Maarse approvel via electronic email
This file is also fitted with the awsome A2A/Shockwave - 3D Lights Redux for which i have placed accuratly
on the nose gear as well as various wing veiws and the ground handling gauge if u have it.
Speed restrictions have been removed from both aircraft CFG file as well as sound CFG so this bird can hit 700 KTS
Posted Jul 7, 2009 06:08 by Ali Zied Amman Jordan

2.13Mb (18034 downloads)
FS2004 / FSX Concorde Update.
This file contains new model and aircraft configuration (conctact points for FS9 AND FSX) for Concorde. Requires CONCALL.zip. By Libardo Guzman.
The new mdl. file provides fixed mapping for those textures covering all the fuselage surface. Mr. ROBERT BROOKS, an expert on concorde and Concorde division at British Airways, helped me to show real lighting for Concorde. Many thanks to him.
FSX version:
Posted Jul 6, 2009 04:52 by Libardo Guzman

38.17Mb (16695 downloads)
Douglas DC-9-50. HJG DC-9-50 updated for FSX. 12 Repaints, Real Sound, uses the default 737-800 2D Panel, no VC. Model by HJG.
Posted Jul 4, 2009 15:13 by Marc Peter

41.90Mb (14843 downloads)
HJG Douglas DC-8-63 updated to Work in FSX. Uses the default B747 747-400 2d panel, Aeromusica Real DC8 Sound, 9 Textures, no VC.
Posted Jul 3, 2009 19:38 by Marc Peter

3.91Mb (2115 downloads)
UIA - Ukraine International Airlines. Twextures for the default FSX B737-800.
Posted Jul 2, 2009 11:22 by RSvit

4.95Mb (5853 downloads)
Textures for the default FSX B737-800. LOT fleet has got 15 Boeings 737.
Its registration SP-LKD so don't forget to uncheck "Show Tail Namber' checkbox in details dialog box.
Posted Jul 2, 2009 10:59 by RSvit

4.71Mb (3568 downloads)
JAL repaint for FSX default Boeing 737-800. The JAL fleet has got 12 Boeings 737-800.
Posted Jul 1, 2009 11:34 by RSvit

3.05Mb (5034 downloads)
JAL Textures for the default FSX Boeing 737-800.
Posted Jul 1, 2009 01:41 by RSvit

43.08Mb (9863 downloads)
This is the UKFlightsim Airbus A300B4-600R for FS2004. This package contains 1 model and 4 Texture Sets. Created by Tom Ruth, with textures by Jonathan Reeves, Dave Hazelgrove and panel by Emil Serafino Jr. No VC.
Posted Jun 30, 2009 09:28 by Jon Reeves

18.87Mb (9265 downloads)
FSX Tailwind Airliners Fleet Contains three B737-400 Tailwind liveries, registration "TC-TLB , TC-TLA , TC-TLC". Model by Vista Liners. 2d Panel :Pablo Contouris. Texture: EpremSoft ( Apram S. Apram). No VC.
Posted Jun 29, 2009 00:41 by EpremSoft ( Apram S. Apram)