FSX > Civil Jets > Page 634

5.89Mb (6839 downloads)
This is a repaint of the FSX Default CRJ-700. Registration no. N710PS. This repaint includes the PSA Airlines livery and the only airline to have CRJ-700s. Although this repaint took two, daunting hours to complete, this repaint is sure to be realistic. Splash screen included. By Victor Vu.
Posted Feb 7, 2009 00:30 by Victor Vu

7.53Mb (3220 downloads)
This is a repaint of the FSX Default 737. This is a fictional repaint because not only United Airlines doesn't have 737-800s in service, but the 737-800 does not have rainbow colors during that time. A repaint is portrayed if there were 737-800s in service in the 1980s. Splash screen included. By Victor Vu.
Posted Feb 6, 2009 09:45 by Victor Vu

27.67Mb (7882 downloads)
Boeing 777-200 Northwest Airlines (fictional). Model created by Project Opensky. Textures by Bradley Nibbe. Edited and Tested for FSX by DG.
Posted Feb 5, 2009 12:12 by Danny G

29.66Mb (21231 downloads)
Boeing 777-200 Air France Package. Includes sounds and working VC. Model by Project Opensky.
Posted Feb 4, 2009 06:38 by Ryan C

0.94Mb (14296 downloads)
This is an update for FSX acceleration of the
Airbus A320-200 by Mike Stone. I have
updated the flight dynamics and given it a
panel using default FSX gauges. This is the
whole aircraft. Liveries British Airways, US Air, Air France and NorthWest. No virtual cockpit.
Bob Chicilo.
Posted Feb 2, 2009 07:02 by Bob Chicilo

57.26Mb (17134 downloads)
Hot off the assembly line Feb09 and bought to you by "Blaq Ace", The Posky Boeing 777-200ER GE90 v2 In Boeing House Livery with dynamic VC. Researched and Flight Tested in Vista FSX Sp2. Everything works. All files contained in this aircraft direct from Posky Jan09 with matching Cfg,Air,Model and MDL files. Aircraft also contains Low speed aileron update,autobrake update,GSU textures update,Blaq Aces POSKY777V2_ANTENNA_CBU_FIX2009 and Engine texture adjustments. The files that make up this package are pure Posky and untampered. thanks to the folks at Posky for making a fine mid level Sim. Sim Research, Assembly, Flight Tested by "Blaq Aces Sweeded Sims" for FSX sp2 Vista DX9
Posted Feb 1, 2009 10:54 by md goins

103.70Mb (26212 downloads)
Project Opensky Boeing Boeing 777-200 with Rolls Royce-Trent 895's In American Airlines Livery, Fresh off the assembly line Feb09 and bought to you by "Blaq Ace", With dynamic VC Researched and Flight Tested in Vista FSX Sp2. Everything works. All Files on this aircraft direct from Posky Feb09 with matching Cfg,Air and Model files. Aircraft also contains Low speed aileron update, autobrake update,GSU textures update,Blaq Aces Posky 777V2_Antenna_CBU_Fix 2009. The files that make up this package are OEM and untampered. thanks to the folks at Posky for making a fine mid level Sim. Sim Research, Assembly, Flight Tested by "Blaq Ace" for FSX/ SP2/ Vista/ DX9
Posted Feb 1, 2009 09:24 by mdgoins

85.38Mb (21678 downloads)
Project Opensky Boeing 777-200-PW4074 In United Airlines Livery,Fresh off the assembly line Feb09 and bought to you by "Blaq Ace", With dynamic VC Researched and Flight Tested in Vista FSX Sp2. Everything works. All Files on this aircraft direct from Posky Feb09 with matching Cfg,Air and Model files. Aircraft also contains Low speed aileron update, autobrake update,GSU textures update,Blaq Aces Posky 777V2_Antenna_CBU_Fix 2009. The files that make up this package are OEM and untampered. thanks to the folks at Posky for making a fine mid level Sim. Sim Research, Assembly, Flight Tested by "Blaq Ace" for FSX/ SP2/ Vista/ DX9
Posted Feb 1, 2009 08:31 by mdgoins

8.94Mb (2196 downloads)
This is another repaint for the FSX Default 737. The repaint was requested by an FS downloader and I repainted the aircraft with much precision as real as possible. Splash screen included. By Victor Vu.
Posted Jan 30, 2009 21:59 by Victor Vu

7.29Mb (2123 downloads)
This is another repaint for the FSX Default A321. This texture was repainted with much precision as real as possible. The aircraft has a new livery, but I only include the current livery because of the mastery of the new livery. Splash screen included. By Victor Vu
Posted Jan 30, 2009 21:57 by Victor Vu