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FS2004 > Page 371
FS2004 F-84F USAF Thunderbird Textures
FS2004 F-84F USAF Thunderbird Textures
1.42Mb (1129 downloads)
Textures only for the F-84F Thunderstreak by Kazunori Ito. The F-84F was flown by the USAF Thunderbirds in 1955. Aircraft not included; requires RepublicF-84-F-am.ZIP file. Repainted by R.E. Wyman.
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 23, 2010 16:15 by R.E. Wyman
Savoia Marchetti SM91 & SM92
Savoia Marchetti SM91 & SM92
10.10Mb (2038 downloads)
FS2004 Savoia Marchetti SM91 and SM92. Two seat Long-Range Escort Fighter Interceptor & Fighter Bombers. The Italian answer to the deHavilland Mosquito. First flight 1942/43, the Sm91 had crew in a central fuselage nacelle, SM92 in the port fuselage boom. Both remained as prototypes until the end of the war. Both had the same engines but different performance. Model, texture and panel by F.Giuli. Gauges different authors
Posted Oct 23, 2010 10:06 by FRANCESCO GIULI
Cathay Pacific A380 "Asia's World City"
9.67Mb (9116 downloads)
A repaint of Project Airbus's wonderful Airbus A380. Model included in download.
Posted Oct 22, 2010 10:42 by Christian Silvers
Iris T-6A / NTA Texan II - Fictional Repaint RAF 56 squadron
Iris T-6A / NTA Texan II - Fictional Repaint RAF 56 squadron
3.55Mb (565 downloads)
FS2004 T-6A / NTA Texan II - Fictional Repaint RAF 56 squadron Payware Aircraft by IRIS Simulations ( Fictional repaint by Dave Gore (fooflyer)
Posted Oct 21, 2010 16:53 by Dave Gore (fooflyer)
FS2004 European Air Tour 2010 Adventure
13.85Mb (3859 downloads)
A great tour around Europe, in about 36 stages plus Prologue and Epilog. Include detailed and interactive map, of each stage, using Google Earth.
Posted Oct 21, 2010 10:19 by Javier Montane Bunuel
FS2004 Classic Scenery Libraries Collection
FS2004 Classic Scenery Libraries Collection
170.39Mb (1625 downloads)
FS2004 Classic Scenery Libraries Collection. One of the major problems installing scenery is that you have to search for, download, and install all the various third party scenery libraries used in the airport scenery. This package is designed to make this much easier. It contains almost all of the addon scenery libraries required for classic era airport scenery (1950's and 1960's). Compiled by Wolfgang Gersch
Posted Oct 20, 2010 09:15 by Wolfgang Gersch
Flight 1 ATR 72-500 EuroLot SP-LFB Textures
3.62Mb (1946 downloads)
EuroLot SP-LFB textures for the payware ATR 72 from Flight One.
Posted Oct 19, 2010 17:32 by Tomasz M.
Manchester International, UK
0.18Mb (2520 downloads)
, AFCAD for default scenery in Flight Simulator 2004. Up to date taxiways and gates, with added Parking Codes for AI traffic. All with the correct terminal/gate coding. Gate 12 is the gate used for the daily Emirates A380 flight. Also, runway dimensions exact (from Wikipedia) Correct taxi-way procedures.
Posted Oct 19, 2010 06:28 by jon
Wilco A320-200 Pivico Airlines
5.25Mb (423 downloads)
Pivico Air Textures for the payware A320 Wilco/ Feel There A320.
Posted Oct 17, 2010 18:30 by Luis Sierra
Wilco E190 Pivico Air Textures
5.69Mb (140 downloads)
Pivico Air Textures for the payware Wilco E190
Posted Oct 17, 2010 18:22 by Luis Sierra