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FS2004 > Page 372
Wilco A320-200 Aerounion Textures
5.42Mb (218 downloads)
Aerounion textures for the payware Wilco A320. By Luis Sierra
Posted Oct 17, 2010 17:13 by Luis Sierra
Majestic DASH8-300 Pivico Air Textures
2.07Mb (244 downloads)
Majestic DASH8-300 Pivicoair textures.
Posted Oct 17, 2010 16:47 by Luis Sierra
Flight 1 ATR72-500 Pivico Textures
4.44Mb (186 downloads)
Pivico textures for the payware Flight 1 ATR72-500.
Posted Oct 17, 2010 16:40 by Luis Sierra
I.C.P. Savannah UltraLight v.3.8
I.C.P. Savannah UltraLight v.3.8
5.24Mb (2988 downloads)
FS2004 I.C.P. Savannah UltraLight (File version 3.8) The ICP Savannah is one of the top selling ultralights in Europe. It is dependable and easy to fly. Its STOL performance makes it easy to operate from any airfield. The Savannah is also a very good airplane for cross-country flights during which one can appreciate its great stability. Full package includes: Aircraft,Textures and panel: Massimo Taccoli FD files : Dennis Seeley Gauges : Dennis Seeley & Massimo Taccoli Sounds : Modified from original by Mike Hambly
Posted Oct 15, 2010 10:33 by Massimo Taccoli
FS2004 Version 2.0 Analog Mini Panel
4.97Mb (607 downloads)
FS2004 Version 2.0 Analog Mini Panel has been updated with many new pop-up windows to help improve visibility on the Mini Panel screen and add more functionality. This is an entirely new panel so you do not need my previous version. A pop-up Glass Cockpit panel has been added to this version.
Posted Oct 14, 2010 23:53 by Bill McClellan
FS2004 Power Project v1.0
FS2004 Power Project v1.0
1.02Mb (3717 downloads)
Edited version of FSX Power Project V3.0. The scenery places 28,000+ electricity pylons in the UK - visible with photo-real terrain scenery textures. All England / Wales scenery aligns with 'Just Flight VFR Photo Scenery'. More than 6,000 animated wind turbines and about 100 power stations, with smoke/steam effects are positioned around the World. German Niederaussem coal power station + Las Llanas de Codés wind farm, Spain pictured
Posted Oct 13, 2010 08:18 by Ray Porter
Black Pond Airstrip- FS2004
0.01Mb (838 downloads)
This is an airstrip located in Farmers Mill, NY. It is a privately owned airstrip and it has a very mysterious history. Farmer's Mill is located east of KPOU and on the other side of the Hudson River from KSWF. This is the first airport I have ever created. It includes one 3500' tarmac runway, 1000' grass strip, and a 4500' water runway. This was created for FS2004, but it might work with FSX. Happy flying!
Posted Oct 10, 2010 17:46 by Sean Zottarelli
Boeing 747-400 British Airways
13.13Mb (6393 downloads)
Boeing 747-400 British Airways. Model by Project Opensky.
Posted Oct 10, 2010 04:11 by Ryan C
Boeings 777-200 and 747-400 VASP and TAM textures
Boeings 777-200 and 747-400 VASP and TAM textures
3.24Mb (1937 downloads)
VASP, TAM and Vaspex textures for the default Boeings 777-200 and 747-400.
Posted Oct 9, 2010 10:32 by Michel O Florindo
Modifying Cockpit Nighttime Lighting in FS2004 - an Illustrated Tutorial.
2.20Mb (1674 downloads)
Modifying Cockpit Nighttime Lighting in FS2004 - an Illustrated Tutorial. This tutorial will show you how to easily modify the nighttime lighting of virtually any panel. Also included is a replacement set of panel icons which can be used to light the default panel icons at night also. No programming knowledge is required. The tutorial uses the default B737-400 as an example but the concept may be applied to any panel. Please unzip (using folders option) to a temporary location and follow the tutorial instructions. Compiled in .doc and .pdf formats for your flying enjoyment by David "Opa" Marshall.
Posted Oct 9, 2010 04:12 by David "Opa" Marshall