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FS2004 > Page 489
FS2004/FSX Alphasim B-1B Black Velvet textures
FS2004/FSX Alphasim B-1B Black Velvet textures
2.21Mb (1462 downloads)
Fictitious Black Velvet scheme for the payware Alphasim B-1B Lancer FS9 package. Made with FS Repaint by Abacus. Just a fun repaint of the fabulous Alphasim B-1B for FS9. I think it looks sexy as hell like this! My second upload, my first bieng the RAF Camo scheme, also for the Alphasim B-1B. Many, Many thanks to the team at Alphasim for such an incredible model!!
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Posted Sep 13, 2009 12:50 by Gary J. Scott
DHL Cargo Boeing 767-300 ER
2.61Mb (7920 downloads)
FS2004 DHL Cargo Boeing 767-300 ER with Blended Winglets and Animated Ground Servicing (AGS). Model design and paint by: iFDG / CamSim -
Posted Sep 13, 2009 08:49 by Camil Valiquette
Martin 404 Ozark Airlines Textures
Martin 404 Ozark Airlines Textures
1.50Mb (699 downloads)
FS9 Ozark Airlines textures only for Dee Waldron's Martin 404 available at California Classics. Ozark traded 6 Convair 240s to Mohawk Airlines for 15 Martin 404s in 1965. These aircraft were purchased new by Eastern Airlinesin the early 1950s. These textures depict an Ozark Martin 404 about 1965.
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Posted Sep 12, 2009 23:50 by Gary Harper
FS2004/FSX Alphasim B-1B RAF Camo Textures
FS2004/FSX Alphasim B-1B RAF Camo Textures
1.78Mb (1147 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Fictitious Royal Air Force camo scheme for the payware Alphasim B-1B Lancer FS9 package. Made with FS Repaint by Abacus. My first repaint uploaded!! A "what if?" repaint,had the RAF had bought the incredible B-1B.
Required files:
required file
Posted Sep 12, 2009 22:38 by Gary J. Scott
S-3B Skywarrior update
6.20Mb (2752 downloads)
This is an update for FS2004 of the Alphasim A-3B Skywarrior. I have redone the flight dynamics, added the fourth wheel, instead of having it a scrape point. I added a nav/GPS switch and throttle gauge to the panel, made the autopilot a bit bigger, changed the GPS, and made minor changes to the panel background picture. There is a working virtual cockpit with clickable gauges. This is the whole aircraft.
Posted Sep 12, 2009 18:51 by Bob Chicilo
Cessna Citation Excel XLS - Citation Shares (N556CS)
Cessna Citation Excel XLS - Citation Shares (N556CS)
5.34Mb (5398 downloads)
I am proud to present this Cessna Citation Excel XLS, registration N556CS, in Citation Shares livery in the Aryus Works freeware model. Citation Shares flies this model of the Citation as well as the Bravo, CJ3 and Sovereign. I paid attention to detail and realism as much as possible on this work. I hope you enjoy flying this as much as I enjoyed painting it. I want to thank and give credit to Bryan Bass for inspiring this project. This is a full install package and includes Aryus Works Citation Excel XLS model and air files. Uses default Lear45 panel and sounds. Please see Install.txt for installation details. Repaint by Jeffrey S. Bryner.
Posted Sep 12, 2009 18:28 by Jeffrey S. Bryner
MiG21 Aerobatic
8.69Mb (2868 downloads)
FS2004 MiG21BIS Aerobatic Team 1967. Soviet Air Force Aerobatic Team's aircraft. Model and textures by Hrvoje Kovacevic. Sounds by Aaron R. Swindle. Repaint, panel from a cockpit photo and FD mods by George Csillag.
Posted Sep 12, 2009 09:53 by GCs
Alouette III DRF Old  Nepal Rescue Textures
0.21Mb (566 downloads)
Textures only for the Alouette III Nepal Police Rescue by Peter Salzgeber ..
Posted Sep 12, 2009 06:20 by benimix
Singapore Airlines Airbus A350-900 XWB V2
5.43Mb (3297 downloads)
FS2004 Singapore Airlines Airbus A350-900 XWB V2. Versions 2 is an all new version of the A350-900 seen at the Paris Air Show 2009, with a new nose, new cockpit windows, new wings and winglets. No VC. This CamSim Version 2 is also including three aircrafts with different updated new Animated Ground Servicing (AGS). Model design and paint by: Camil Valiquette
Posted Sep 12, 2009 04:27 by Camil Valiquette
Boeing 737-300 Turkmenistan
8.06Mb (2000 downloads)
This is a repaint of the POSKY Boeing 737-700 in Turkmenistan colours. Model by Project Opensky. Repaint by Alexis Antoniou!
Posted Sep 11, 2009 15:14 by Alexis Antoniou,Project Opensk