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FSX > Page 59
66.73Mb (128 downloads)
This is my second Cerasim UH-60 fire contract repaint pack. It includes 12 liveries from 7 different companies. There will be more releases hopefully later down the road. Bluesky Aviation, Helinet, HeliQuest, HPHeli, Kestrel, Skydance, and Touchdown are the liveries included. You will need the payware Cerasim UH-60L for these repaints to work, enjoy!
Posted Oct 2, 2023 16:07 by Delta
FSX/P3D Airbus A320-251N NEO KLM package
91.85Mb (649 downloads)
FSX/P3D Airbus A320-251N NEO KLM package. KLM have 100 Airbus NEO on order, both a320 and A321NEO versions. Model by Project Airbus with NEO engine mod by Bret Herman. Updated VC by Speedbird77 with built in FMC by Garret Smith. Includes A320 operation manual and checklist. CFM NEO sounds included. Textured, assembled for P3D v5.4 by Chris Evans. Should work in FSX and other P3D
Posted Oct 1, 2023 19:39 by chris evans
FSX Boeing 747-121 "City of Everett" V7.1
227.09Mb (430 downloads)
First prototype of the 747, which introduced the era of the Jumbo Jet 54 years ago! Reupload of this mod with many improvements! Please take a look into the documentation folder for more info! Many thanks to Christian Koegler from the RFP team for the permission to publish this mod with their 747-200 model with VC, Barnaby Britton for his permission to use his great "RA001, the first jumbo jet" Flight engineer panel photo as 2D & VC FE panel background, Marco Ravanello & Gianfranco Corrias for the great CIVA INS, Jacob Larsen and Anthony Eades for the very useful V speeds callout gauge, Charles Owens for his innovative icing mod, Philippe Wallaert for his "2D view panning" mod, Mike Maarse for his "it will knock your socks off" Pratt & Whitney soundset, Douglas S. Dawson for his great programs that allows us to save and reload Vars,to play Sounds files and of course for his Batterycharger and to Dietmar Loleit, who passed away in 2020, for his great working TCAS! Tested only in FSX & Acceleration!
Posted Oct 1, 2023 15:29 by Andiroto
FSX/P3D Okanagan Helicopters CF-OKY_Milviz UH1C Redux_HD Textures
9.54Mb (117 downloads)
This is a paint of Okanagan Helicopters bell 204B,CF-OKY (Actual}, as it appeared back in the 70's. Okanagan Helicopters Started in 1947 in Penticton BC, Canada with one 2 seater helicopter, a Bell 47-B3, CF-FZX, and 3 employees. Carl Agar, ex RCAF flight instructor, Alfred “Alf” Stringer, a 25 year old airplane mechanic, ex RCAF, and Arnold “Barney” Bent, ex RCAF flight Instructor, started the Company as a Crop Dusting Operation in Penticton. By Dec 1958 they had 54 helicopters. By the 70's they became one of the worlds largest Companies and operated aound the globe. Repaint of the Milviz UH1.
Milviz UH1 Redux (FSX/PdD4+)
Posted Sep 30, 2023 20:49 by Bruce G Miller
A320-251NEO Tap Air Portugal
305.39Mb (586 downloads)
P3D/FSX Airbus A320-251NEO TAP Air Portugal package. Based at Lisbon International airport. Model by Project Airbus with NEO engine mod by Bret Herman. Updated VC by Speedbird77 with built in FMC by Garret Smith. Includes A320 operation manual and checklist. CFM NEO sounds included. Textured by Rafael Matias. Should work in FSX and other P3D
Posted Sep 30, 2023 02:23 by Rafael Matias
Airbus A321-251NEO Azul Linhas Aereas (Minnie Especial Livery)
198.30Mb (410 downloads)
P3D/FSX Airbus A321-251NX NEO Azul Minnie Mouse PR-YJF Livery package. Model by Project Airbus with NEO engine mod by Bret Herman. Updated VC by Speedbird77 with built in FMC by Garret Smith. Includes A320 operation manual and checklist. PW sounds included. Textured by Rafael Matias. Should work in FSX and other P3D
Posted Sep 30, 2023 02:16 by Rafael Matias
FSX/P3D Airbus A321NEO Easyjet views fix
0.01Mb (388 downloads)
FSX/P3D Easyjet Airbus A321NEO views fix. Fixes the VC position in this aircraft. Just replace the 'aircraft.cfg' file
Posted Sep 29, 2023 05:03 by chris evans
FSX Airbus A321NEO PW Model fix
1.96Mb (1163 downloads)
FSX Airbus A321NEO PW Model fix. Fixes the 'visual model could not be displayed'. For FSX users just replace the .mdl file in the model folder with this file.
Posted Sep 29, 2023 04:49 by chris evans
FSX Airbus A321NEO CFM Model fix
1.88Mb (783 downloads)
FSX Airbus A321NEO CFM Model fix. Fixes the 'visual model could not be displayed'. For FSX users just replace the .mdl file in the model folder with this file.
Posted Sep 29, 2023 04:35 by chris evans
FSX Airbus A320NEO PW Model fix
1.73Mb (561 downloads)
FSX Airbus A320NEO PW Model fix. Fixes the 'visual model could not be displayed'. For FSX users just replace the .mdl file in the model folder with this file.
Posted Sep 29, 2023 04:34 by chris evans