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FSX > Helicopters > Page 27
FSX Sikorsky S-64 SkyCrane Package
FSX Sikorsky S-64 SkyCrane Package
16.52Mb (26048 downloads)
FSX Sikorsky S-64 SkyCrane.The Sikorsky S-64 Skycrane is an American twin-engine heavy-lift helicopter. It is the civil version of the United States Army's CH-54 Tarhe. The S-64 Aircrane is the current production version, manufactured by the Erickson Air-Crane company. Model by Jordan Moore with updates to make it compatible with FSX. Includes VC, Multiple models including firefighting with sea snorkle.
Posted May 21, 2011 06:30 by Executable
160th SOAR Little Bird Package
160th SOAR Little Bird Package
62.74Mb (11922 downloads)
This is Tim Piglet's OH 6A modified For FSX as a MH 6 Little Bird flown by the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment ( SOAR ). The 160th Night Stalkers are a Special Ops unit of the United States Army that provides helicopter aviation support for general purpose forces and Special Operations Forces. Its missions have included attack, assault, and reconnaissance, and are usually conducted at night, at high speeds and low altitudes, on short notice, and in secret. The force is headquartered at Fort Campbell, Kentucky. The 160th SOAR are also known as the Night Stalkers and its Motto is Night Stalkers Don't Quit and six guns don't miss. Uses the VC and 2d panel adapted for FSX by Glen Garden. Also included are pictures and history of the Night Stalkers. Aircraft entitled "Death Awaits In The Dark". Mark Fireball Rooks
Posted May 7, 2011 08:25 by Mark Fireball Rooks
UH-60 BlackHawk Package Inclusive
UH-60 BlackHawk Package Inclusive
27.28Mb (38653 downloads)
UH-60 BlackHawk Package Inclusive. Troop Transport/Standard/Auxillary Fuel tanks With VC modified for FSX, additional sounds, hover gauge included making hovering and landing easy. US Army and Desert Sand Textures. VC now includes FSX gauges. Used real panel image for guide. Original FS9 model by Hovercontrol/Jordan Moore. Modified for FSX by Danny Garnier.
Posted May 5, 2011 12:51 by Garnier D
FSX/P3D Enstrom 280FX Package
FSX/P3D Enstrom 280FX Package
64.13Mb (11874 downloads)
For the first time in the history of Microsoft Flight Simulator, a developer has created and released an Enstrom helicopter add-on. Eagle Rotorcraft Simulations is proud to be the first developer to give the flight simulation community a high quality Enstrom 280FX for FSX Acceleration. Features include FSX native models with animations, specular and normal mapping, custom avionics and much more. Tested in Windows Vista and Windows 7 under DX9/DX10 with no issues. FS2004 version to be produced and released separately.
Posted Apr 29, 2011 02:26 by Eagle Rotorcraft Simulations
 FSX/FS2004 EC 135 Aiut Alpin Dolomites Textures
 FSX/FS2004 EC 135 Aiut Alpin Dolomites Textures
2.31Mb (2223 downloads)
Textures for FSX and FS2004 Italian helicopter EC 135 I-HALP and D-HDOL Aiut Alpin Dolomites mnountain rescue. Requires the EC 135 by Heiko Richter.
Posted Apr 20, 2011 08:35 by Mauro Carini
Massa Surf School B206 Textures
Massa Surf School B206 Textures
4.28Mb (575 downloads)
Massa Surf School textures for the default FSX Bell 206B. By Edoardo Ammannati
Posted Apr 12, 2011 15:55 by Edoardo Ammannati
NH90 Royal Netherlands Navy
NH90 Royal Netherlands Navy
37.40Mb (17288 downloads)
NH90 Dutch Netherlands Navy 088 This Pack contains 3 models: MedvaC, Tanks, Troopseats, no VC cockpit included. (It's the TTH: Tactical Transport Helicopter version because there is no NFH: NATO Frigate Helicopter version made for FSX.) The latest Defence Helicopter, the NH90 has successfully executed its first night.The flights took place Tuesday night from Marine Air Station De Kooy in Den Helder. 2D Cockpit made by myself with FS Panel Studio panel editor utility - -Model made by AB Simulations (Adrian Brausch)
Posted Apr 2, 2011 12:28 by Arthur"Vince"Gilhuys
FSX/FS2004  EC 135  Elilario Italia Textures
FSX/FS2004  EC 135  Elilario Italia Textures
1.39Mb (2645 downloads)
Textures for FSX Italian helicopter EC 135 118 Verona Emergency I-HMED Elilario Italia Veneto region on the model EC 135 of author Heiko Richter Texture only
Posted Mar 27, 2011 08:18 by Mauro Carini
FSX Bell 206B Alabama State Trooper Textures
FSX Bell 206B Alabama State Trooper Textures
3.43Mb (1152 downloads)
The default FSX Bell 206B repainted as a helicopter of the Alabama State Police. Painted by R.E. Wyman.
Posted Mar 14, 2011 23:13 by R.E. Wyman
FSX Bell 206B Chopper One Textures
FSX Bell 206B Chopper One Textures
3.41Mb (942 downloads)
Repaint of the default FSX Bell 206B. 'Chopper One' was a 1974 TV show about a California police helicopter crew. A 1970's fire department version is included. Painted by R.E. Wyman.
Posted Mar 14, 2011 20:08 by R.E. Wyman