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FS2004 > Military > Page 213
                  T-33A Italian Air Force , 9 Aerobrigata Textures only
1.14Mb (539 downloads)
FS2004 T-33A Italian Air Force , 9 Aerobrigata Textures only. FS2004 Lockheed T33 A Shooting Star, textured to represent an aircraft of Italian Air Force 9 Aerobrigata operative during 1957-58. Requires the original model by Tim Conrad ( here). Repaint by Manuele Villa. 1.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:27 by archive
                  North American F-86E "Sabre" (Canadair CL-13) Aeronautica Militare
                  Italiana Textures only
0.76Mb (749 downloads)
FS2004/FS2002 North American F-86E "Sabre" (Canadair CL-13) Aeronautica Militare Italiana Textures only (Italian Air Force) 2nd Aerobrigata. Textures Only for an aircraft of 2nd Aerobrigata, Treviso, Italy 1961. These textures require the FREEWARE original aircraft by Kazunori Ito. Installation instructions are included. Repaint by Manuele Villa. 775K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:27 by archive
                  North American F-86E "Sabre" (Canadair CL-13) Aeronautica Militare
                  Italiana Textures only (Italian Air Force) Acrobatic Team
0.57Mb (708 downloads)
FS2004/FS2002 North American F-86E "Sabre" (Canadair CL-13) Aeronautica Militare Italiana Textures only (Italian Air Force) Acrobatic Team "Lanceri Neri". Textures Only for an aircraft of the Acrobatic Team "Lanceri Neri" (2nd Aerobrigata, Treviso, Italy 1959). These textures require the original aircraft by Kazunori Ito here. Installation instructions are included. Repaint by Manuele Villa. 584K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:27 by archive
                  GAF Holloman Package.
7.31Mb (4307 downloads)
FS2004 GAF Holloman Package. Including a Panavia Tornado and a F4 Phantom based at Holloman AFB. Original by Dsb Design (Tornado) and Alphasim (Phantom). Phantom update (afterburner,...) by Bob Chicilo, repaints by Sebastian Hecker. 7.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:27 by archive
                  RF-4 Phantom "The Last Call" Special painted German AirForce
3.96Mb (3300 downloads)
FS2004 RF-4 Phantom "The Last Call" Special painted German AirForce RF-4 Phantom. Original by AlphaSim, updated by Bob Chicilo, repaint by Sebastian Hecker. 4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:27 by archive
                    F-16A Fighting Falcon Israeli air force Textures only
3.24Mb (2751 downloads)
FS2004 F-16A Fighting Falcon Israeli air force Textures only. No 239 of 140 the Golden Eagle Squadron, which took part in Operation Opera, the raid on the Iraqi nuclear weapons facility near Baghdad, hence the small kill marking on the nose. Original aircraft and texture by Kirk Olsson, repaint by Phantom Repaints. Original aircraft available here. 3.3MB Corrected info.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:27 by archive
                  PC-3 Orion UK Royal Navy Textures only.
6.02Mb (1283 downloads)
FS2004 PC-3 Orion UK Royal Navy Textures only. The original Team FS KBT Orion Package is required here. UKMil. 6.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:27 by archive
                  Tornado F3 RAF 111 SQN Photoreal textures
2.42Mb (1223 downloads)
FS2004 Tornado F3 RAF 111 SQN Photoreal textures. Aircraft is the tornado F3 by DSB Design, available here. Textures are by UKMIL. 2.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:27 by archive
                  Hunting Percival P.66 Pembroke C.1
0.76Mb (2638 downloads)
FS2004 Hunting Percival P.66 Pembroke C.1. This is a Gmax visual model (also suitable for AI) with panel and sound aliased to default aircraft. Developed from the civil Prince executive transport, forty-four Pembrokes served in the RAF as communications aircraft between 1954 and 1990. Pembrokes were also employed in various roles by the air forces of Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Germany, South Rhodesia, the Sudan, Sweden and Thailand. The recent release of Special Hobby's 1/72nd "Cold War" plastic model kit has shed some light on the secret reconnaissance missions of the Pembrokes serving with 60 Squadron, R.A.F. Germany. The base texture included depicts one of these aircraft. Some Pembrokes are still kept in flying condition and occasionally appear at airshows. By Manfred Jahn. 781K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:27 by archive
                  Tornado F3 RAF 56 SQN Photoreal textures.
2.35Mb (2537 downloads)
FS2004 Tornado F3 RAF 56 SQN Photoreal textures. Aircraft is the tornado F3 by DSB Design, available here. Textures are by UKMIL. 2.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:27 by archive