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FSX > Misc > Page 19
McCoy Water Landing Effect v4
McCoy Water Landing Effect v4
99.37Mb (1362 downloads)
McCoy Water Landing Effect v4 for both FSX & P3D v4. These effects are individually assigned to a specific aircraft or boat overriding both FSX & P3D's default wake. Five effects of various sizes are included. Visually v4 looks a lot like v3.2 but some improvements have been made such as a compatibility fix of surface decals and airborne particles when subjected to wind, re-direction and velocity adjustments of the splash effect, a greatly simplified installation for P3D v4 and the first update for FSX since v2.0. A short video is included to demonstrate each size. Although intended for aircraft these effects can be used on boats 38 feet or smaller. Sound file included by Vince McCoy.
Posted Sep 1, 2017 18:18 by Vince McCoy
Project Airbus A318 (A320 Megapack) Updated Aircraft and Panel Configs
0.01Mb (382 downloads)
This update includes my complete rewrite of the aircraft and panel config files. All values have been adjusted, tested, and organized in accordance with the Microsoft SDK. EasyFMC and the REX WX Advantage Radar are both integrated into the panel config ONLY IF YOU CURRENTLY OWN AND HAVE THEM INSTALLED. I recognized an issue with not being able to hear Morse code in the last update, and it has now been fixed. Instructions included. Aircraft NOT included. Contact me if you encounter any issues. Enjoy! v20180828
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Posted Aug 28, 2017 09:45 by JackRiordan
Fokker F27 Aloha Airlines 1950's AI flight plans
Fokker F27 Aloha Airlines 1950's AI flight plans
0.23Mb (230 downloads)
Fokker F27 Aloha Airlines 1950's AI flight plans for the California Classic Fokker F27.
Download here (external link)
Posted Aug 28, 2017 03:34 by Jean-Jacques Parel
FSX/Acceleration/FS2004 Frigate F217 BAYERN
FSX/Acceleration/FS2004 Frigate F217 BAYERN
18.08Mb (1736 downloads)
FSX/Acceleration/FS2004 German frigate F217 BAYERN, a ship of the Brandenburg-class. The package contains two pilotable and two ai-versions; one ai-boat with a helicopter flying circles above the boat. The ship is in service since 1996 and has a length of 139 m. It is armed with a 127 mm and two 27 mm guns plus different missiles and carries two Sea Lynx helicopters. The pilotable version has thirty moving parts, a photorealistic 2D-panel and a complete virtual nav-bridge. The animations shows take offs and landings of the Sea Lynx and even Exocet missile launches. Twenty four camera views let you explore all decks and the virtual bridge, let you operate all weapons and the helicopter. The gauges and the weapon switchboard are made by Pierre-Jean Carosin. FSDS 3.5 models and 2D panel by Erwin Welker
Posted Aug 20, 2017 03:18 by Erwin Welker
FSX French 18th Century Frigate L'Hermione
FSX French 18th Century Frigate L'Hermione
16.84Mb (1061 downloads)
FSX French Frigate L'Hermione in a pilotable and in an ai-version. Marquis de La Fayette returned 1780 back to Boston to support the american colonists during the Independence War. With an overall lenght of 65 meters she was a quite big and fast warship, equipped with twenty six 12-pounder guns and some more 6- and 8 pounders. While the original was built in just eleven month the replic, laid down in 1997, was completed after seventeen years. Today she is one of the biggest wooden ships. My models represents the original one. The Sim-model is almost complete rigged with hundreds of ropes and has many animated guns, six animated stunsails and six animated crewmen. Twentyfour cameras let you explore the whole ship: The deck, the lower gun deck and the sailors views from high above in the masts. The effects allows you to fire broadsides to starboard and port seperatly. The model runs in Acceleration and in FS2004 and I guess also in P3D until version V3. FSDS 3.5 model made by Erwin Welker
Posted Aug 17, 2017 04:04 by Erwin Welker
McCoy Helicopter Landing Effect v4
91.43Mb (1075 downloads)
McCoy Helicopter Landing Effect v4 for both FSX & P3D v4. This package replaces the default rotor-wash effect for dirt and water, five sets of various sizes are included and can be used in any combination. These effects are individually assigned to a specific helicopter overriding both FSX & P3D's default effects. These effects will not detach and lift off the surface when the aircraft climes above a specific height. Some improvements over v3.4b include the removal of two emitters for better frame rates, adjustments that remove the wind effect appearing in waves, a simplified installation and all emitters have had their scale, velocity, density, offsets and colors adjusted for a more realistic appearance by Vince McCoy, 04/04/2017.
Posted Aug 12, 2017 03:53 by Vince McCoy
FSX/FS2004 Steamship Great Britain
FSX/FS2004 Steamship Great Britain
10.90Mb (1279 downloads)
FSX/Acceleration/FS2004 FSX/FS2004 Steamship Great Britain. Designed by Isambard Kingdom Brunel for the Great Western Steamship Company's on the transatlantic service between Bristol and New York from 1845 to 1854 she was with ninetyeight meters the longest and most modern passenger ship that time. She was build of iron, powered by two 500 hp engines and propelled by a screw. 360 passengers enjoyed the luxury and 120 men of crew did the job. In the decades later she run aground, carried thousands of immigrants to Australia from 1852 until converted to a square rigged sailing vessel in 1881. Three years later, she was retired to the Falkland Islands where she was used as a warehouse, quarantine ship and coal hulk (Wikipedia). Since 1970 she was returned to the Bristol dry dock where she was built. Now she is a museum ship in Bristol Harbour. The pilotable FS-boat has twentythree cameras which allows you to explore the boat on deck and from high in the masts. FSDS 3.5 model by Erwin Welker.
Posted Jul 29, 2017 03:01 by Erwin Welker
P3D/FSX USS America CV-66 V 1.5
P3D/FSX USS America CV-66 V 1.5
40.29Mb (1366 downloads)
V1.5. The Vietnam-Desert Storm era of aircraft carriers is really lacking in the world of FSX/P3D. I have been working, using Google Sketchup, to fill this gap. This is the latest project fresh out of the Dry dock. The USS America (CV-66) is the 3rd of the Kitty Hawk class. It is a HEAVILY modified 3DWarehouse model originally by A.W. ( I have tried many times over the last 2 years to find out how to contact the author, to no avail. I am using it under free use, and I will not be charging money for it. I also got permission to use the static planes from Gary (Author of the Midway CV-41 and the Oriskany.) with my previous uploads.
Posted Jul 22, 2017 17:35 by WombRaider78
FSX/FS2004 Cruise Ship MS Artania
FSX/FS2004 Cruise Ship MS Artania
27.45Mb (2091 downloads)
FSX/Acceleration/FS2004 package cruise ship MS Artania as pilotable version and ai-version. The first name in 1984 of that beautiful ship was Royal Princess. From 2005 till 2011 she sailed under the name Artemis. Now she sails modernisized under the flag of Bahamas and the German shipping company PHOENIX-Reisen. The ship has a length of 220.6 m, a beam of 29.6 m and with a power of 23.200 kw a speed of max 22 knots. She has a crew of about 500 and takes up to 1100 passengers. I made a wonderful cruise from Bremerhaven/Germany to the fjords of Norway in May 2017. Doing 100 extra photographs, including all panels of the nav-bridge, just for the textures of this model I was able to create the most photorealistic boat with the most detailed VC nav-bridge I have ever buildt. Twenty eight camera views let you explore all the upper decks and the whole nav-bridge. The gauges are made by Pierre-Jean Carosin. FSDS 3.5 models and 2D panel by Erwin Welker
Posted Jul 19, 2017 04:58 by Erwin Welker
P3D/FSX Locator for Henrik Nielson's Global AI ship traffic as July 2017
10.37Mb (738 downloads)
This is a program that can help you find the many vessels in Henrik Nielsens' wonderful "Global A.I. Ship Traffic". It covers the latest download, Version 2 and all updates up to July 2017.. It displays the routes on Google Earth, the route number and a list of the ships that can be found on that route. There is a separate file containing their departure and arrival times on each of the routes, with instructions on how you can locate them. There is also a full list of the names and types of all the ships that are in the program. For best results I recommend using my program with the "Little Navmap" program. Little Navmap displays all the AI ships and more in an approximate forty mile area around your aircraft. It is a navigation program all by its self. See "Installation" doc for details where to find it. This download was created by Carl Vokes.
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Posted Jul 17, 2017 10:14 by Carl Vokes