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FSX > Misc > Page 35
FSX Spruance Destroyer Service Pack
0.15Mb (1046 downloads)
Fixes missing boat texture on USS Kidd DDG model. I misslabled the texture in the course of rationalizing drawcalls and compiling model. Instructions: unzip and drop into SimObjects/Boats, yes to overwrite. Thats all!
Required files:
required file
Posted May 19, 2014 14:49 by Lazarus
Spruance class destroyers and variants, for FSX.
Spruance class destroyers and variants, for FSX.
28.62Mb (2691 downloads)
First commissioned in 1975, the class was designed with gas-turbine propulsion, all-digital weapons systems, automated 5-inch guns. Serving for three decades, the Spruance class was designed to escort a carrier group with a primary ASW mission, though in the 1990s 24 members of the class were upgraded with the Mark 41 Vertical Launching System (VLS) for the Tomahawk surface-to-surface missile. Rather than extend the life of the class, the navy accelerated its retirement. The last ship of the class was decommissioned in 2005, with most examples broken up or destroyed as targets. The class ran to 31 units and 4 Kidd class DDG general purpose Destroyers. 27 of the strategic Anti-Air and Space TICONDEROGA cruiser versions were also constructed, and the LM2500 engineering plant and AGEIS combat system have gone on to become the world naval gold standard. 2 unbuilt versions are also presented. DDH-997 Hayler was planned as a large hangar and flightdeck helicopter carring destroyer, much like the JMSDF`s Shiriane class DDH. Capable of supprting up to 4 LAMPS I or II helio`s, or the more capable SH-3 ASW helicopter, the Hayler would also have been able to operate and hangar the large CH-53E. Cancelled due to cost over-runs, the Hayler was completed as th 31st and last Spruance The last model presented is the Air-capable (Ghiradella) Spruance CVE. A study by Cdr.Ghiradella appeared in 'Proceedings' in the mid seventies, depicting a very light harrier carrier on a Spruance DD hull and machinery. Taking advantage of the significant growth built into the Spruance platform, Ghiradella schemed a 8500 ton ASW/Sea control escort carrier. With a air group of 4-6 Sh-60 or SH-3 helio's, 2-4 AV-8 STOVL fighter-bombers, and substantial gun/missile armament comprising ASROC, SeaSparrow and Phalanx CWIS, 5inch54 auto cannon, Harpoon ASM, 2 triple ASW torpedo launchers, SURBOC batteries; and a full range of radar, sonar and ESM, the design would have been well suited to ASW convoy escort and sea control missions. The vessel aroused considerable comment in naval circles, and was under serious consideration during the cold war. This is an impression of the Spruance`s for FSX, for use with AICarriers2 or other traffic compiles. The base model is from 3DS warehouse, and has been totaly rebuilt to reduce poly count,fix scale, added detail,versions and is totaly texture mapped. The models cover the ASROC,ABL and VLS Spruance destroyers, all 4 Kidd class DDG`s, DDH Hayler as planned, and an impression of Cdr.Gihradella`s CVE Spruance, in FSX service as the CVE-128 Ernest. E Evans class. Offered in attached effect and no effects versions, minor animations(radar), mapped lighting and landable decks.
Posted May 11, 2014 01:48 by Lazarus
FSX Pilotable IJN Battleship Ise with Added Features
FSX Pilotable IJN Battleship Ise with Added Features
5.64Mb (1011 downloads)
FSX Features for pilotable WWII IJN battleship Ise. This prewar ship in the modernized upgrade from 1941 is a detailed CFS2 AI ship from Usio No Ibuki. This add-on is converted to FSX and provides a pilotable ship with a navigation bridge as 2D-panel, VC-views and many special effects. Twenty camera views let you explore the ship. Included are the options to show a sviweled main gun turret or you can set a Nakajim Dave floatplane onto the catapult. 2D-Panel, FSX/VC-conversion and effect configuration by Erwin Welker.
Posted May 10, 2014 04:36 by Erwin Welker
FSX Pilotable IJN Cruiser Sendai with added Features
FSX Pilotable IJN Cruiser Sendai with added Features
5.50Mb (762 downloads)
FSX Features for pilotable WWII IJN light cruiser Sendai. This prewar ship in the modernized upgrade from 1942 is a detailed CFS2 AI ship from Usio No Ibuki. This add-on is converted to FSX and provides a pilotable ship with a navigation bridge as 2D-panel, VC-views and special effects. Eighteen camera views let you explore the ship. Included are the options to swivel one gun turret, one torpedolauncher or you can enjoy the pilots view of an Nakajima Dave floatpane You can set an Aichi Jake floatplane waiting to be launched onto the catapult. 2D-Panel, FSX-conversion and effect configuration by Erwin Welker.
Posted May 4, 2014 05:15 by Erwin Welker
FSX Pilotable Battleship USS North Carolina
FSX Pilotable Battleship USS North Carolina
22.07Mb (2069 downloads)
FSX Update for the pilotable battleship USS North Carolina BB-55 "Showboat" from Chris Herring/TopFlightSimulation. His FS-modell in payware quality is accuratly detailed, provides a complete virtual navigation bridge and has three animated 16inch triple main gun turrets. The textures are in WWII camo. In this colours the mighty ship is displayed today as museum ship in Wilmington/N.C. The FSX update provides FSX-compatible textures, a 2D-panel showing the prow, added views, with the option to swivel AA-guns and dozends of effects. Sixteen decks views and seven VC-views, allows you to explore the huge ship: Stare at the 16 inch guns, look to the AA guns and visit the catapults with the Kingfisher float planes. The effects provide common ship effects, many gun effects plus special effects. 2D-panel, texture conversion, added views and effect configuration by Erwin Welker. FS-modell with VC and textures by Chris Herring.
Posted Apr 27, 2014 04:15 by Erwin Welker
FSX Pilotable WWII IJN Landing Ship
FSX Pilotable WWII IJN Landing Ship
4.20Mb (638 downloads)
FSX Features for a pilotable japanese landing ship No1. This is a very detailed CFS2 WWII warship made by Masazumi Kaneko/Usio no Ibuki in a high quality. This addon provides a pilotable ship with 2D-panel as navigation bridge, VC- and more added views plus special effects. Two external plus sixteen decks views let you explore the ship, carrying five LCM boats. Bitmaps and configuration by Erwin Welker.
Posted Apr 26, 2014 06:09 by Erwin Welker
FSX Pilotable IJN Oiler Ship Kamoi
FSX Pilotable IJN Oiler Ship Kamoi
6.13Mb (514 downloads)
FSX Pilotable IJN oiler ship Kamoi. This FS-model is a very detailed CFS2 IJN war frighter made by Usio no Ibuki in a high quality. My AddOn is converted for FSX and provides a pilotable ship with 2D panel as navigation bridge and seven VC-cameras, showing even somer interior of different rooms. Ten other cameras allows you to explore the ship, including the option to swivel the two main guns. Included are gun- and general ship-effects. Bitmaps and configuration by Erwin Welker
Posted Apr 25, 2014 03:18 by Erwin Welker
FSX Pilotable Heavy Cruiser Kumano
FSX Pilotable Heavy Cruiser Kumano
5.64Mb (970 downloads)
FSX Features for pilotable WWII IJN heavy cruiser Kumano. This warship is a detailed CFS2 AI ship from Usio No Ibuki. This add-on is converted to FSX and provides a pilotable ship with a navigation bridge as 2D-panel, VC-views and special effects. Eighteen camera views let you explore the ship. You can set an Aichi Jake floatplane onto the catapult or you can swivel the remote fire control or the torpedo launchers. 2D-Panel, FSX-conversion and effect configuration by Erwin Welker.
Posted Apr 20, 2014 04:29 by Erwin Welker
FSX Quadruplepack Pilotable Hurtigruten Ships Package
FSX Quadruplepack Pilotable Hurtigruten Ships Package
14.12Mb (2604 downloads)
FSX Quadruple pack pilotable Hurtigruten ships. Hurtigruten is the famous Norwegian postal, passenger and ferry coastal line. It was, and sometime it is until now, the only infrastructure for some remote villages along the long coast of Norway. The package consists of the modern liners Trollfjord and Midnatsol and the ferries Stavangerfjord and Bergensfjord. This pretty FS-modells with night lighting are made by Henrik Nielsen and belongs to his addon "130 AI Ships and AI Ship", which brings traffic into harbors and empty sea. The pilotable versions provides a 2D-panel with photorealistical navigation bridge, sounds and ship effects. Seven camera views let you explore the decks. Features for pilotable versions with navigation bridge as panel and added views by Erwin Welker
Posted Apr 16, 2014 03:37 by Erwin Welker
FSX Features For Pilotable Brig Aphrodite
FSX Features For Pilotable Brig Aphrodite
9.78Mb (1432 downloads)
FSX features for the pilotable dutch brig Aphrodite. This is a modern and comfortable 30 m tallship in a traditional design. She is sailing mostly along the coasts of the North Sea and Baltic Sea with trainees on board. This addon provides a model with full sails and another model with removed sails. Eight cameras let you explore the ship including views from the tops of the mast. The updated FS-model includes a virtual wheelhouse and is made by Henrik Nielsen. The boat belongs to his scenery/AI traffic package which brings life into empty harbors and sea (75AI_SHIPS_AND_AI_SHIP_TRAFFIC.ZIP). Features for the pilotable version with a detailed navigation bridge as panel, added views and FDE by Erwin Welker.
Posted Apr 12, 2014 02:20 by Erwin Welker