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FSX > Missions > Page 13
3 Missions in Kentucky
2.56Mb (706 downloads)
Here are 3 missions in Kentucky all involving Bowman Field in the Louisville, KY area. Bowman Field is an early private plane field. (1) Uses a Skyhawk and a firetruck (with a working firehose!) to put out a plane on-fire. (2) Uses an AI Skyhawk to follow in a Skyhawk and a parachute jumper. (3) Is a Skyhawk flight from Louisville, to Frankfort, KY and on to Lexington, KY...maybe! There is a reward in (1), none in (2) or (3) . There are small downloads for (1) & (2). Both available from Simviation.
Posted Jul 10, 2017 16:04 by Don Olsson
0.00Mb (227 downloads)
I have had the Stearman for so long, I thought it was part of the FSX package. The bi-plane used in my mission is: Boeing Stearman U.S. Army Package (Category: FSX > Vintage) Zip file preview 17.35Mb (19135 downloads) This is David Eckert's Boeing Stearman. Modified for FSX .
Posted Jul 5, 2017 07:59 by Don Olsson
Bi-plane flight in Oshkosh, Wisconsin
0.70Mb (444 downloads)
Take off in a Boeing Navy N2S-2 Kaydet from Fun-Air airport in Van Dyne, perform a touch-and-go at Vette Blust, then through 3 hoops and land at Wittman Regl airport in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. The big show in Oshkosh takes place in late July every year. Perhaps 500,000 people and many aircraft show up for it. Note: There is an 8-pack of Oshkosh missions available in Simviation. About 60Mb worth. SEE UPDATE ABOVE
Posted Jul 4, 2017 17:58 by Don Olsson
Swiss Hang Glider mission with thermals
0.33Mb (458 downloads)
There is a sailplane tutorial & mission in FSX. This hang glider mission is placed in the same region. For a better experience in this hang glider mission, I found it fun to use the thermals in the area. In your settings, choose weather and the option of schematic to make the thermals visible. When you lift off from the mountain, perform about a 180 degree turn & you should see a high thermal spiral very close by. Lift off is from about 11,560'. By circling within the thermal, you should be able to reach 18,000' to 20,000' without too much difficulty. This opens up the possibility to reach some distant airports at over 50 miles away.
Posted Jun 23, 2017 09:34 by Don Olsson
Beech Baron mission in the Alps
4.39Mb (1081 downloads)
Take off in a Mooney Bravo from Aosta airport, Italy and fly to Raron airport in Switzerland. Pay close attention to your altitude. An intermediate level mission. The Mooney Bravo with G1000 might be a better choice. Check the Sim line in the FLT file and use the alternative if you want to.
Posted Jun 9, 2017 17:25 by Don Olsson
Fly the Tiger
8.79Mb (910 downloads)
You are the best pilot of your course and you have the honor to perform the last flight with the GF-16 Tiger before it is exhibited in the Aircraft Museum Zeltweg. But it also is your final examination flight. To finish this mission successfully you have to fly in real close formation with the RF-26 New Tiger during the whole time – from start to parking
Posted Jun 7, 2017 01:38 by Jens Laimgruber
Maule on Skis in Northern Russia
0.34Mb (690 downloads)
Take off in a Maule Orion on skis at Tiksi airport, Russia and deliver supplies to 3 outposts. Then return to Tiksi. FSX scenery was added to make the outposts. A fairly simple mission. The Maule comes with the FSX Deluxe & Gold editions. Should you want a different aircraft, you can make the change in the FLT file.
Posted Jun 1, 2017 18:10 by Don Olsson
Difficult Landings: 6 - 10
6.67Mb (1578 downloads)
Here's the 2nd in this mission series. This is a collection of airports 6 - 10, the most difficult, challenging and rewarding approaches and landings. The key word here is CHALLENGING, so if you have no interest in improving your flight skills, then don't waste your time with this mission. This collection includes a variety of aircraft, in some of the most demanding locations known, with a few surprising events thrown in at no extra charge!
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 1, 2017 10:34 by Jake Rogers
0.08Mb (282 downloads)
I have been alerted that the RP salvo folder for a rocket did not come from the cited weapon download. Sorry! It actually came with the Beaufighter aircraft made by Dave Garwood in 2008. It is listed as copyighted. It is also available from Flightsim. Both as Free downloads. The download is some 55 Mb from 2008! Since it is almost 10 years old & available for free, I trust there should not be a problem in providing the very small RP salvo rocket here.
Posted May 28, 2017 20:40 by Don Olsson
Wake Island - Bombing run in the Pacific Ocean
0.43Mb (896 downloads)
A multiple choice Mission! Take off from Wake Island. Bomb at least 1 of 4 ships that are anchored within 15 nm and land an aircraft back at Wake I airport, Wake Island. You will be given a choice of from 3 aircraft and several (7!) weapons. The choice of aircraft are from a twin-engine prop DC3, 4-engine prop B17 or twin-jet engine Skywarrior. You will be awarded a reward for successfully bombing each of the 4 ships. Need only bomb 1 ship in each mission attempt for a reward & successful mission. SEE UPDATE ABOVE
Posted May 24, 2017 16:58 by Don Olsson