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FSX > Missions > Page 20
Find the Loch Ness Monster Mission
2.80Mb (1129 downloads)
Inverness airport, Scotland, to Loch Ness. Look for, and locate the legendary Loch Ness monster "Nessie" and finally land at nearby Plockton airport.
Posted Sep 15, 2016 13:58 by Donald Olsson
Red Arrows Mission
1.31Mb (1464 downloads)
Take off 4 of the Red Arrows (UK air display team) in BAe Hawk T1s from Biggin Hill airport, make 3 low passes and land at Manston airport. Exercise the unusual animation of the 4 aircraft! * Note: This is an FS2002 aircraft situation which works quite well in FSX!
Posted Sep 13, 2016 03:37 by Donald Olsson
Devils Lake Mission V2
0.38Mb (456 downloads)
In this mission, you are to fly 1 of 4 aircraft from the Devil's Lake airport to the area of the fire rings, some 8nms away. Fly through all 10 fire rings. The mission category is Racing. It is included with the Acceleration addon. If you don't have it, make the appropriate change to the category you want using the FLT file Path. (The line is near the bottom).
Posted Sep 12, 2016 09:34 by Donald Olsson
WA Fireworks Mission
6.19Mb (1073 downloads)
Take off, visit 3 sites of fireworks on the 4th of July and land a Cessna 172 Skyhawk back at Skagit airport, Washington, USA.
Posted Sep 12, 2016 09:29 by Donald Olsson
Yacht Coordinates Rescue
20.80Mb (1189 downloads)
Key West International Airport Tower has picked up a Mayday on the radio from the captain of a yacht that has capsized in the Gulf. He managed to give them his coordinates before the radio went dead. Together with your co-pilot take-off from Key West International and using your navigational skills, fly to the given coordinates, locate the yacht, land on the ocean nearby and rescue the yacht captain, then fly back to Key West. The mission begins at dawn during a major thunderstorm. Lots of turbulence so take along an air sickness bag just in case. You may need Acceleration for this mission.
Posted Sep 12, 2016 02:44 by Geoff Peel
Mission to see the Northern Lights - Aurora
2.09Mb (1485 downloads)
For several years I've tried unsuccessfully to locate a place & time in FSX that displays the Northern Lights, or Aurora Borealis. Yet the effects do exist in FSX. The mission I've uploaded is a simple one with no downloads required & uses the Cessna 172 Skyhawk. Except for having to gain some initial altitude, you should not have any trouble completing this mission.
Posted Sep 7, 2016 10:03 by Donald Olsson
BC Hang Glider Mission
2.59Mb (458 downloads)
In this mission you are challenged to land a hang glider in British Columbia, Canada at either one of two different airports. Your choice of either: (1) Glide through 5 hoops and land at an airport close by, or (2) Glide about 24 miles to an airport on a lake. You will need to download a hang glider. Instructions are given as to which one. Questions: Contact Don Olsson e'mail address is in the folder. Usual copyright rights apply, but you are free to download and fly this mission. This is my 1st upload to Simviation.
Posted Aug 28, 2016 17:36 by Don Olsson
Austrian Alps Rescue - fixed
10.51Mb (1391 downloads)
The Flight Plan which was missing in the previous version is now included. My humble apologies. A Beechcraft Baron has gone down somewhere in the Austrian Alps. You need to locate the aircraft, rescue the pilot and fly him to Innsbruck.
Posted Aug 23, 2016 13:37 by Geoff Peel
Tail Number Puzzle V3
4.03Mb (877 downloads)
Well, third time lucky as they say. My sincere apologies for the slip ups in the two previous versions of this mission. It has been reworked and now much better than before. Take off from Cortez and track down the Maule Orion flying above Colorado, fly alongside and make a note of it's tail number. Use the tail number to figure out the ID of the airport you need to land at in order to complete the mission. The Pilatus PC12 has been used in this mission as it is perfectly suited...please download the required file. Thanks to Graig B for this awesome aircraft.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jul 3, 2016 05:49 by Geoff Peel
Austrian Alps Rescue
10.51Mb (1234 downloads)
A Beechcraft Baron has gone down somewhere in the Austrian Alps. You need to locate the aircraft and if possible rescue the pilot and fly him to Innsbruck. This is an updated version of my previous posting of this mission. The dialog is more specific and one addition to the scenery has been made.
Posted Jun 17, 2016 06:32 by Geoff Peel