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FSX > Panels > Page 25
CRJ-700 Cockpit Mod
CRJ-700 Cockpit Mod
0.58Mb (6175 downloads)
This cockpit mod was made by myself and makes the following changes to the stock CRJ-700: 1. Replaces the center MFD with the Garmin GPS, re-shaped to fit in the panel (and the blinking "MSG" is disabled). The old MFD can still be brought up using the satellite/GPS button. 2. Changes the left (PFD) and right (EFIS) displays to a darker background, more like the real ones. 3. In the 2D cockpit, the center bar is removed so the cockpit can be resized, and overall displays shifted over to be more realistic. The magnetic compass can be brought up through the "other display" button. Created by Robert Williams.
Posted Aug 5, 2010 14:33 by Robert Williams
1.47Mb (1256 downloads)
This will give the Ito Harrier a FS compatible 2d panel. This is a panel I've created for the BAe Harrier GR7 by Kazunori Ito (FS2004 Military, page 33), based on a panel background offered by Phil Perrott. It includes a functional HUD and multiple fighter gauges from multiple authors. Though created for the KI model, it works with any other Harriers or any other modern day/Cold War fighter aircraft. Until any highly detailed HOTAS equipped panels are available this panel is clearly usable. 99.8% gauges are custom. Only one gauge, the default 737-400 gear lever is default. This is my first attempt of building a panel, so this is the best I could do. Panel background by Phil Perrott (available on the panel designs page), gauges by multiple authors, and panel assembly by Dave Gregory.
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 4, 2010 12:08 by Dave Gregory
Lockheed S3 Viking 2D panel
Lockheed S3 Viking 2D panel
2.87Mb (2070 downloads)
2D panel for the Lockheed S3 "Viking". Based on real pictures found (very hardly!) on the internet. Please look instructions for installation and use of the autopilot in the readme.doc file. This file explains also how to use this panel with FS9.
Posted Jul 18, 2010 07:01 by Philippe Wallaert
FSX C-133B Updated Panel
FSX C-133B Updated Panel
6.66Mb (1853 downloads)
I updated some of the gauges in Tim Conrad's C-133B panel both 2D and VC for FSX. I feel the panel is now easier to read and closer to the real thing. The panel works for both Tim Conrad's C-133B and Mike Stone's C-133B. However, the VC will not show on Mike Stone's planes, as he did not include VC in his model. I also included engine exhaust smoke effects, and CFG texts for the smoke effects and autopilot. The autopilot text limits the bank angel and enables the yaw damper.
Tim Conrad's C133B:
Posted Jul 17, 2010 05:26 by Michael E. Roberts
Lockheed F104 Starfighter 2D panel
Lockheed F104 Starfighter 2D panel
1.20Mb (1505 downloads)
2D panel (no VC) for the Lockheed F104 Starfighter. Adapted from real pictures and slightly modified (autopilot, lights) using original xml gauges. See instructions (including FS9 installation) in the readme.txt file.
Posted Jun 13, 2010 03:11 by Philippe Wallaert
Boeing 737 NG Panel
4.55Mb (6012 downloads)
2d Boeing 737 NG Panel for use with any Boeing 737 aircraft. This is not a VC but a 2d panel.
Posted Jun 12, 2010 01:49 by massimo grassi
Lockheed-Martin F22 Raptor 2D panel
Lockheed-Martin F22 Raptor 2D panel
1.64Mb (2169 downloads)
2D panel for the F22 Raptor based on pictures found on the internet. All original gauges in xml including HUD, EICAS, etc. See instructions in the readme.txt file for installation and configuration. Works perfectly well with the model built by Kazunori Ito.
Posted Jun 1, 2010 13:34 by Philippe Wallaert
English Electric Canberra 2D Panel
English Electric Canberra 2D Panel
1.51Mb (835 downloads)
2D panel for the English Electric Canberra. This venerable aircraft was one of the first jet fighters built after WW2. The panel is inspired by real pictures found on the internet and (hardly) adapted for FSX with original xml gauges.
Posted May 31, 2010 02:27 by Philippe Wallaert
Fairchild A10 Thunderbolt 2D panel
Fairchild A10 Thunderbolt 2D panel
1.70Mb (3596 downloads)
2D panel for the Fairchild-Republic A10 Thunderbolt. Based on real pictures with original gauges in xml. Please consider instructions for installation and settings in the readme.txt file.
Posted May 19, 2010 02:44 by Philippe Wallaert
FSX DC9 2D Panel
FSX DC9 2D Panel
1.77Mb (4498 downloads)
FSX DC9 2D Panel. Panel designed: Enrique Medal, using the following: 1 Bitmaps: David Durst's panel. 2 Gauges: DC9 gauges's panel by Philippe WALLAERT.
Posted May 14, 2010 17:27 by Enrique Medal