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FSX > Payware > Page 60
Level D Boeing 767 Air Dynamic Textures
Level D Boeing 767 Air Dynamic Textures
7.59Mb (432 downloads)
Air Dynamic texturtes for the payware Level D Boeing 767
Posted Aug 16, 2015 00:44 by TRINO ROJAS
VRS Superbug VFA-154 CAG 2015 textures
VRS Superbug VFA-154 CAG 2015 textures
2.22Mb (292 downloads)
New VFA-154 CAG Black Knights 2015 textures for the payware VRS Superbug
Posted Aug 11, 2015 21:46 by Christopher Hammons
VRS Superbug VFA-154C Oredo Textures
VRS Superbug VFA-154C Oredo Textures
2.34Mb (102 downloads)
VFA-154 CO textures for the payware VRS Superbug
Posted Aug 9, 2015 14:22 by Christopher Hammons
VRS Superbug VFA-154 CO 2015 Textures
VRS Superbug VFA-154 CO 2015 Textures
2.34Mb (161 downloads)
VFA-154 Black Knights CO 2015 textures for the payware VRS Superbug.
Posted Aug 3, 2015 21:37 by Christopher Hammons
SMS A320 IAE Orbit FS2000 Textures
SMS A320 IAE Orbit FS2000 Textures
5.30Mb (162 downloads)
FS2000 Orbit Airlines livery, for the payware Overland SMS Airbus A320 IAE model. Textures only.
Posted Jul 28, 2015 13:31 by Dimitrios Moschos
VRS Superbug VFA-136 CAG 2015 Textures
VRS Superbug VFA-136 CAG 2015 Textures
2.44Mb (375 downloads)
New Night Hawks CAG Bird textures for the payware VRS Superbug
Posted Jul 23, 2015 18:59 by Christopher Hammons
VRS Superbug VFA-136 CAG 2015 Textures
0.32Mb (166 downloads)
New Night Hawks CAG Bird textures for the payware VRS Superbug
Posted Jul 23, 2015 18:56 by Christopher Hammons
FSX/FS2004 SMS Airbus A380 "Minions' Textures
FSX/FS2004 SMS Airbus A380 "Minions' Textures
15.70Mb (640 downloads)
Guajira Airlines "Minions" Special scheme textures for the payware Overland/SMS A380 for FSX and FS2004. Paint by YANKYVICTOR.
Posted Jul 17, 2015 16:12 by YANKYVICTOR
Big Beautiful Doll Warbirdsim Texture VERSION 2.0
Big Beautiful Doll Warbirdsim Texture VERSION 2.0
15.51Mb (365 downloads)
VERSION 2.0 After uploading BBD-P51D I noticed that I'd left the red off the spinner, forward cowl, and edges of the anti-glare panel. So here is the corrected "BBD-P51D2" I also moved the "Big Beautiful Doll" script on the starbord side forward to better represent the location on the prototype. Sorry for the omission. This is a repaint for the payware Warbirdsim North American P-51 Mustang product ' P-51D Restored Part1 package. This is the texture only. It is to represent the superlative paint scheme of "Big Beautiful Doll", a Mustang so attractive that not one, but THREE war-birds have worn the livery. (counting the one lost in a collision, 10 July 2011) I know it is not perfect, but it is as close to the appearance of the original plane as I could find pictures to verify.
Posted Jul 15, 2015 15:15 by Mark Powell
Big Beautiful Doll Warbirdsim Texture
Big Beautiful Doll Warbirdsim Texture
14.45Mb (113 downloads)
This is a repaint for the payware Warbirdsim North American P-51 Mustang product ' P-51D Restored Part1 package. This is the texture only. It is to represent the superlative paint scheme of "Big Beautiful Doll", a Mustang so attractive that not one, but THREE war birds have worn the livery. (counting the one lost in a collision, 10 July 2011) I know it is not perfect, but it is as close to the appearance of the original plane as I could find pictures to verify.
Posted Jul 15, 2015 00:01 by Mark Powell