Prepar3d > Page 422

10.62Mb (2946 downloads)
Ricardo Batalha's Su-26 repainted as another Formula one team , this time its Lotus. This is the complete package. Repaint by Stephen Browning
Posted Oct 13, 2010 13:40 by StephenBrowning

11.28Mb (2882 downloads)
This is for all you Formula One fans. The very manoeuvrable Su 26 by Ricardo Batalha.
Painted in Ferrari and Mclaren liveries.
This is the complete package.
Painted by Stephen Browning
Posted Oct 5, 2010 14:58 by Stephen Browning

10.89Mb (1205 downloads)
Su 26 in Flame Orange livery. Complete aircraft. Aircraft by Ricardo Batalha. Repaint by Stephen Browning
Posted Sep 29, 2010 10:48 by Stephen Browning

11.73Mb (4935 downloads)
FSX Sukhoi Su-26 Package for FSX. Tested with FSX Acceleration. FSX native model. This is my favourite acrobatic airplane, mostly because of it's manoeuvrability. Detailed cockpit and model. Nice FDs for acrobatic flight: The rudder actually uses the propeller's air to yaw the plane. Video here: Made by Ricardo Batalha. Have fun!
Posted Sep 26, 2010 10:19 by Ricardo Batalha

12.12Mb (61122 downloads)
FSX SP-2 Acceleration
Pilatus PC-6C_H2
Fairchild-built version of the Pilatus PC-6 Turbo Porter, with the Garrett TPE 331 turboprop engine. This release also includes a paint kit. By Tim 'Piglet'Conrad
Posted Sep 2, 2010 06:03 by Piglet

29.98Mb (5911 downloads) The Royal Aircraft Factory S.E.5 was a British biplane fighter aircraft of the First World War. Although the first examples reached the Western Front before the Sopwith Camel and it had a much better overall performance, problems with its Hispano-Suiza engine meant that there was a chronic shortage of S.E.5s until well into 1918 and fewer squadrons were equipped with the type than with the Sopwith fighter.
Doing some Spring cleaning at Alphasim. Removing a few titles from the
catalog to make them available as freeware releases. Here is our Royal
Aircraft Factory SE.5a for FS9. 1 model, 4 textures. Includes panel
and gauges.
Posted May 7, 2010 06:59 by Alphasim

36.33Mb (29811 downloads)
The last classic Airbus ever build.
Fedex cargo aircraft for FSX only. Model with diffuse, bump spec and nightmap. Comes with working virtual cockpit and panel. Needs SP1 or SP2. Not tested with DX10. Has multiplayer compatible mdl and repaint resources included.
Posted Mar 5, 2010 20:01 by Thomas Ruth

18.83Mb (68096 downloads)
The famous Airbus Beluga Super Transporter.
Classic Airbus Model for FSX only. Model with diffuse, bump spec and nightmap. Comes with working virtual cockpit and panel. Needs SP1 or SP2. Not tested with DX10. Has multiplayer compatible model and repaint resources included.
Posted Mar 5, 2010 19:30 by Thomas Ruth

107.71Mb (37222 downloads)
FSX/P3D Lockheed L-188 Electra Package. Includes passenger and cargo versions complete with full virtual cockpit. Gmax model also features visible self shadowing and bump textures. By Team FS KBT. Daisuke Yamamoto/Hiroaki Kubota
Posted Sep 1, 2009 06:47 by Hiroaki Kubota

29.17Mb (181453 downloads)
Antonov AN 225 Mriya. Native FSX model. The AN-225 ia a strategic airlift transport aircraft and is the largest fixed-wing aircraft ever built. Comes with working virtual cockpit and a basic 2D panel. Uses default sound and soundai. Repaint
sources included. Works with SP1 and SP2 but not tested with DX10. Multiplayer compatible model included.
By Thomas Ruth
Posted Aug 24, 2009 10:33 by Thomas Ruth