Prepar3d > Page 419

125.28Mb (41665 downloads)
The Grumman F14D Tomcat is a supersonic, twin-engine, two-seat, variable-sweep wing fighter aircraft employed by U.S.Navy from 1991 to 2006. This package contains an entirely new visual model with self shadowing, bump mapping and hi-res textures, working virtual cockpit for pilot and RIO, 3D gauges,and reasonably accurate flight model. Includes custom HUD by Jivko "Neutrino" Rusev and Scott Printz, sound package by Serge "fsxnavypilot" Lsa, and repaints by Jiri Soukup. Designed by Dino Cattaneo. Requires FSX:Acceleration or Gold versions.
Note: This is not an update and old versions should be uninstalled prior to installing this package
Posted Mar 20, 2013 06:46 by Dino Cattaneo

24.71Mb (8205 downloads)
The Handley Page Victor was a British jet bomber aircraft produced by the Handley Page Aircraft Company during the Cold War. It was the third and final of the V-bombers that provided Britain's nuclear deterrent. The other two V-bombers were the Avro Vulcan and the Vickers Valiant. Some aircraft were modified for strategic reconnaissance role using both cameras and radar. After the Royal Navy assumed the nuclear deterrence mission using submarine-launched Polaris missiles in 1969 many surviving bombers were converted into aerial refuelling tankers. The last Victor was retired from service on 15 October 1993. Freeware package by Virtavia.
Posted Mar 4, 2013 04:34 by alphasim

41.46Mb (12533 downloads)
ISDT Beechcraft Kingair 200 package with VC for FSX and P3D.
The website isdt is no longer available and the files are now widely distributed. I had previously downloaded this file from isdt. Original docs included.
I have found textures only for this aircraft in simviation but the link to the
required file is dead. So here it is folks!
I can find no way to contact Max .M or (ISDT team) or the website
but all credit goes to them for the aircraft model and textures and credit for the
added VC by Joao "Muas" Martins.
Posted Jan 17, 2013 01:19 by Chris Evans

15.94Mb (6354 downloads)
This is a minor update to for the FS-X/P3D version of the P-180 V3.0. It contains optional bugfixes and improvements for:
- Misbehaving clickspots: altitude selector now is only +-100ft, easily operable via mouse wheel.
- Missing Recognition light effect: the file was mistakenly not included in the 3.0 release
- lowered ITTs: for better hot climate behavior; now only very (very) hot days cause problems.
- passenger removed form cabin
- Heading indicator/gyro now automatically synchronizes periodically.
- loading time reduced: CAB gauge is now packed properly
- Autopilot ALT Mode misbehavior: this function now performs as intended.
+ High-resolution cabin & cockpit textures.
FS-X/P3D ONLY edition!! (There is a FS-2004 edition as well)
Required files:
required file
Posted Jan 9, 2013 14:33 by Mario Noriega

64.80Mb (13809 downloads)
Functional VC model included; Package includes one beautifully crafted exterior livery, a great flight model, authentic custom radial sounds, and custom panels with aircraft specific gauges, and easy-to-read clickable virtual cockpits. FSX native upgrade by Eagle Rotorcraft Simulations This aircraft release is one of 7 aircraft in a series that will be released. FSX Only. DirectX 10 compatible.
Posted Nov 18, 2012 02:04 by Milton Shupe, George Arana, Brandon Filer, Sim-Outhouse

68.37Mb (19614 downloads)
This is a true FS-X (SP2) SDK aircraft! Also works in P3D4. Version 3.0 brings an entirely new cockpit (2D/3D, 2D panel available in Widescreen and 4/3) and cabin down to almost every single switch, entirely new flight dynamics, advanced systems and avionics, new sound and panel sound effects, and much more! The Piaggio P-180 is a high-speed high-efficiency turboprop aircraft. Capable of speeds up to 395 KTAS (or M0.68) up to its service ceiling of 41000ft. This performance is achieved by extreme aerodynamic optimization instead of sheer power. The end result is an aircraft that burns 40% less fuel than the average jet of comparable size, while flying at the same speed range, or 30% less than an equivalent size turboprop, as it flies much faster. The pusher propellers on the wings mounted much backwards thanks to the forward wing set make it a comfortable and quiet ride for the passengers, that also enjoy a very spacious cabin for an aircraft of this size. Features Clickable Dynamic Photortreal VC with Night Lighting, night lighted internals, Photoreal 2D Cockpit, Engine start Effect, advanced FDE, Customizable Payloads. Zip file preview for bigger images.
Posted Jul 30, 2012 21:42 by Mario Noriega

21.91Mb (12756 downloads)
EuroAtlantic Airways main aircraft in history, had 1 Lockheed L1011-500 entered in 2000 and stored in 2010. Full model with VC. Thomas Ruth L-1011 with added DC-10 VC.
Textures, merge & packaged by ricardo_tv
Posted Jul 1, 2012 17:53 by ricardo_tv

20.36Mb (432 downloads)
MDL kits for Thomas Ruth A330f/mrt
Mdl files with different engine versions
pw/ge/rr for my a330f and a330mrtt releases
for FSX. All mdls should be MP compatile
by default. No complete aircrafts, only
the mdls files for repainters.
By Thomas Ruth
Posted May 24, 2012 12:44 by Thomas Ruth

9.44Mb (6551 downloads)
Republic Seabee RC3 for FSX and P3D.
Native model from Project Opensky FSX. Adapted with default Maul VC.
Republic Seabee is a small flying boat and also has a gear to land on runway. In 2006, over 250 Seabees are still registered and flying, a number that is increasing yearly as new aircraft are assembled from parts and wrecks. A few Seabees are still operating commercially as bush planes and air taxis. In the history of aviation few aircraft have had longer, or more successful, careers than the Seabee.
Updates by Danny Garnier.
Posted May 21, 2012 07:49 by Garnier D

46.94Mb (89681 downloads)
McDonnell-Douglas MD-83 for FSX version 2. Features:
2D Cockpit.
Virtual Cockpit.
Working APU System. GPWS.
Working Flight Management Computer*."FMC" Bendix King/Honeywell General Aviation
FMC/GPS by Garrett Smith
Full animations including exit doors.
FSX terminal gate compatibility.
Working windshield wipers.
Wing flex.
...and many more realistic additions! Liveries:
Christian Michael Silvers (Alitalia, TWA, China Southern Airlines, Iberia, SAS)
Jordan Skok (Allegiant), Frequent Flyer (Finnair) Ricardo Torres (Lufthansa) Created and produced by:
Alejandro Rojas Lucena
Gauges by:
Alejandro Rojas Lucena (Some MD-80 specific gauges)
Microsoft (standard flight instruments)
Garrett Smith (FMC). Liveries by:
Christian Michael Silvers (Alitalia, TWA, China Southern Airlines, Iberia, SAS)
Jordan Skok (Allegiant), Frequent Flyer (Finnair) Ricardo Torres (Lufthansa)
Posted May 8, 2012 10:27 by alrot