Prepar3d > Page 417

140.85Mb (8806 downloads)
FSX Lockheed P-3C Orion package v3.31. This is a native FSX model, however, it is not compatible with DX10. VC and 2D panel are beta versions, and part of operation cannot be done. Exterior and painting of this model have been created in more detail than previous work, Especially, the main wing relation (flap and engine nasser, etc.) is the new designs. Several kinds of P-3C were prepared like symbolizing P-3C that was during transition now. It is 11 types in total. By Team FS KBT.
Posted Jul 9, 2014 17:08 by kbt

44.12Mb (1022 downloads)
CYBL (2011) portrays the Campbell River (British Columbia, Canada) Airport and surrounding area, including the BC Forest Service tanker base, as it appeared in late 2011. (Campbell River, a small city mid-way up the eastern shore of Vancouver Island, is the "salmon capital" of North America and the gateway to Desolation Sound - summer cruising grounds for thousands of yachts from across the Pacific Northwest. Hence, CYBL is host to a lot of visiting GA.) This add-on includes a selection of Custom AI and static aircraft painted to represent aircraft based or often seen at CYBL. CYBL has recently completed a major runway extension and terminal upgrade - both of which are reflected in CYBL (2011). CYBL (2011) is compatible with BC Roads (FS9 only), ORBX FTX USA Canada Pacific Northwest and both FS9 and FSX versions of Ultimate Terrain.
Generally, this new version is visually identical to its predecessor - even though quite different internally. As well, to the extent possible, it is compatible with
Prepar3Dv2. (v2.03 fixes a vehicle texture issue in 2.02)
Posted Jun 21, 2014 21:35 by Don Grovestine

64.63Mb (861 downloads)
CYCD (2012) is an update to Ken Peter's CYCD Nanaimo-Collishaw Airport (Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada). The airport has recently completed a major runway extension and installed an ILS for Rwy 16. The five flashing-red beacons that guide the way on a night approach to Rwy 34 are included. To the extent possible, this update reuses Ken's custom buildings and objects (but you don't need to have Ken's version installed). As well, a selection of SAMM-generated static aircraft are scattered around the aprons supplemented by a number of AI aircraft that do touch 'n gos from time to time. CYCD (2012) is compatible with ORBX FTX USA Canada Pacific Northwest and both versions of Ultimate Terrain.
Generally, this new version is visually identical to its predecessor - even though quite different internally. As well, to the extent possible, it is compatible with
Prepar3Dv2. (v3.03 fixes a vehicle texture issue in 3.02)
Posted Jun 21, 2014 21:24 by Don Grovestine

74.49Mb (901 downloads)
CZBB (2011) for FS9, FSX and Prepar3D (Version 2)
CZBB (2011) portrays the Boundary Bay (British Columbia, Canada) Airport (CZBB) - Canada's fifth-busiest airport by number of operations - and surrounding area as it appeared in mid-2011. Every significant structure on the airfield (50+) is included - all modeled with GMax and 'painted' with hand-drawn textures. CZBB (2011) is compatible with ORBX FTX USA Canada Pacific Northwest, Ultimate Terrain and Vancouver+. A selection of SAMM-generated static aircraft are scattered around the aprons supplemented by a number of AI aircraft that do touch 'n gos from time to time.
Aside from the new custom approach and airfield lighting, generally, this new version is visually identical to its predecessor - even though quite different internally. As well, to the extent possible, it is compatible with Prepar3Dv2.
By Don Grovestine
Posted Jun 18, 2014 20:42 by Don Grovestine

110.86Mb (1214 downloads)
CYXX (2012) portrays the , (British Columbia, Canada) Airport - home of the Abbotsford Air Show - and surrounding area as it appeared in late 2012. Abbotsford lies just east of Vancouver and only a short distance north of the US border. CYXX is home to Conair Aviation (a large operator of forest fire-fighting air-tankers), Cascade Aerospace (a major aircraft maintenance operation)
and several helicopter training, service and operations facilities.) The recently completed major runway and taxiway extensions are reflected in CYXX (2012). This add-on includes a large selection of custom AI and static aircraft painted to represent airline and privately-owned aircraft based or often seen at CYXX, including every aircraft type currently operated by Conair. CYXX (2012) is
compatible with BC Roads (FS9 only), Vancouver+, ORBX FTX USA Canada Pacific Northwest and both FS9 and FSX versions of Ultimate Terrain.
Generally, this new version is visually identical to its predecessor - even though quite different internally. As well, to the extent possible, it is compatible with Prepar3Dv2.
Posted Jun 18, 2014 20:21 by Don Grovestine

33.43Mb (1987 downloads)
CYQQ (2010) portrays Canadian Forces Base Comox (Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada) (CYQQ), the Comox Valley Air Terminal and surrounding area. It is fully compatible with Ultimate Terrain Canada/Alaska for FS2004, Ultimate Terrain X - Canada for FSX and ORBX's FTX NA Blue. CYQQ (2010) includes over 100 "hand-crafted" buildings and other structures and 10 different vintage aircraft on static display, as well as aircraft and traffic files for a realistic AI scenario that causes a variety of military aircraft that come and go. (Use BC Regional AI - also available from this file library - for scheduled traffic.) Civilian AI is now routed so as not to transit military aprons.
Aside from the new approach lighting, generally, this new version is visually identical to its predecessor - even though quite different internally. As well, to the extent possible, it is compatible with Prepar3Dv2.
Posted Jun 18, 2014 19:17 by Don Grovestine

84.36Mb (11200 downloads)
The IRIS Pro Series T-6/A Texan II has been designed from the ground up based on the Joint Primary Aircraft Training System (JPATS) Student Guide
Our main criticism in the past has been performance related and as such, we have paid special attention to frame rates over a variety of different systems. The FSX version of the T-6/A Texan II is our first 'Built for FSX' product which features, self-shadowing, normal mapping and reflective bloom. Furthermore, designing the FSX version using the FSX exporter has resulted in the ability to provide much higher levels of detail in the virtual cockpit than obtained in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 products.
A choice of high quality 32 bit textures or medium quality DXT3 Textures for improved frame rates in high detail environments.
Backlit canopy gauges for accuate night-time flying.
Interactive Virtual Cockpit including a wide variety of custom interactive objects.
Appearing warning labels, prop restraints and intake covers plus more from a pre-boarding checklist.
Custom Soundpack designed by Christoffer Petersen from Turbine Sound Studios.
Custom designed simulation systems including the Trim Aid Device.
Enhanced flight dynamics from flight dynamics modeller Rick Piper complete with spin ability in both FS9 and FSX.
Two external models covering the Texan II and the Texan II NTA with external fuel tanks.
Authentic new 2D panel with VFR and popup windows, all with custom programmed XML gauges throughout. Ex payware stock from Iris Simulations.
Posted Apr 27, 2014 14:04 by irisfan

65.75Mb (8715 downloads)
FSX/P3D KC-767J/KC46A USAF 60001 with advanced VC for FSX
FSX KC-767J model by Skyspirit
with advanced 737-800 VC added. Includes utility for ground services, cargo, stairs, etc (find it under - Views - Instrument panel - Posky Utility)
The wonderful creation from Project Opensky will be enjoyed by many more people who do not know how to install a VC, views, exits, Utilities etc into a FSX native model. So now this 767-300 has the nearest VC I can find -- the 737-800. The layout fof the 767 cockpit is not a million miles away from the advanced 737-800.
The VC is the Alejandro Rojas Lucena/FSND fantastic revised Boeing 737-800 VC model. This VC model includes Working wipers (right mouse click on switch) with rain effect. Switches for LCD Screens, EICAS, PFD, MFT. Autobrake switch. Opening pilots window. Cabin Lights switch. Realistic FMC. More Realistic night VC textures. There are custom Boeing 767 sounds included for that extra realism.
I have added the great KC46A textures fromSean Kneppers.
Also added 767 sounds for more realism.
Model is not modified in any way. Aircraft.cfg edited to allow correct VC views.
Skyspirit wonderful native FSX Boeing KC-767J model. See VC docs to get the best out of the VC and FMC.
Prepared and assembled for P3D/FSX by Chris Evans. (Press Shift+Q for refuelling boom)
Posted Apr 21, 2014 05:48 by chris evans

4.42Mb (3955 downloads)
P3d v3 VC window textures patch for the FSX Project Opensky/Skyspirit Boeing 777 series.
This will fix the opaque windows if using the FSX Boeing 777-300 or 200 series from Project Opensky or Skyspirit in Prepared 3D v3. (also OK in FSX) (not P3D v4)
Required files:
required file
Posted Apr 15, 2014 04:35 by Pete Daly

20.14Mb (14066 downloads)
Virtavia Westland Merlin for FSX/P3D.
The Agusta Westland AW101 is a medium-lift helicopter used in both military and civil applications. It was developed by joint venture between Westland Helicopters in the UK and Agusta in Italy in response to national requirements for a modern naval utility helicopter; until 2007, the aircraft had been marketed under the designation EH101.
Features -
1) Animations
Crew entry : shift-e
Cargo door : shift-e-2
Toggle crew figures : ctrl-W (water rudder command)
Open rear ramp (HC.3) : Tailhook - T key
Dipping Sonar probe (HM.1) : Tailhook - T key. Features VC, multiple liveries and interior cabin. Ex payware from Virtuavia
Posted Apr 12, 2014 06:53 by virtuavia