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Prepar3d > Page 418
Lockheed L1011-100 British Airtours Package
Lockheed L1011-100 British Airtours Package
18.34Mb (5349 downloads)
Lockheed L1011-100 British Airtours package for FSX. Includes VC. Model and VC by Thomas Ruth. High quality TWA textures by Paul Craig. Originally packaged by Ricardo_tv with Thomas Ruth DC10 VC. Custom packaged by Chris Evans Credits go to - Model by Thomas Ruth. British Airtours textures by Paul Craig. Package original: ricardo_tv
Posted Apr 9, 2014 16:39 by chris evans
FSX/P3D McDonnell Douglas DC-10-10 Multipack  - Cargo and Military
FSX/P3D McDonnell Douglas DC-10-10 Multipack  - Cargo and Military
56.81Mb (14125 downloads)
McDonnell Douglas DC-10-10 Multipack - Cargo and Military. Includes: Arrow Cargo, Aeroflot, Fedex, World Airways, Bare Metal, KC-10 US Airforce, KC-10 USAF Old, KC10 Royal Netherland Air Force FSX Conversion of Eric Cantu's FS2004 model. New textures, landing gear, interior and some FSX style custom animations. Model by Thomas Ruth & Eric Cantu. VC by Thomas Ruth. Textures by Ricardo_TV.
Posted Apr 7, 2014 13:13 by ricardo_tv
Lockheed L1011-100 Trans World Airlines
Lockheed L1011-100 Trans World Airlines
17.57Mb (7329 downloads)
Lockheed L1011-100 Trans World Airlines package for FSX. Includes VC. Model and VC by Thomas Ruth. High quality TWA textures by Paul Craig. Originally packaged by Ricardo_tv with Thomas Ruth DC10 VC. Custom packaged by Chris Evans
Posted Apr 7, 2014 11:23 by chris evans
Lockheed L1011-100 Eastern Airlines Package
Lockheed L1011-100 Eastern Airlines Package
27.87Mb (7787 downloads)
Lockheed L1011-100 Eastern Airlines package for FSX. Includes VC. Model and VC by Thomas Ruth. High quality Eastern textures by Paul Craig. Originally packaged by Ricardo_tv. Custom packaged by Chris Evans for request in Simviation forums.
Posted Apr 4, 2014 10:53 by chris evans
Airfield Lights Toolbox (AFLT)
3.84Mb (1217 downloads)
Airfield Lights Toolbox (or AFLT for short) is a comprehensive utility for the creation of standard airfield lights and light arrays for Microsoft Flight Simulator and Prepare3D v1.4 (collectively referred to as "FlightSim") airports. AFLT includes 3D models for the usual airfield light fixtures (runway/taxiway edge and centerline lights, runway threshold/end split lights, obstruction lights and beacons, PAPI/VASIs, wigwags and various approach light configurations) from which you should be able to create just about any airfield light arrangement. AFLT generates complete approach and threshold light arrays (including strobes) based on simple text configuration files. As well, pilot-control of airfield lighting is fully implemented. The light sources in AFLT's light models are BGL_LIGHTs. Unfortunately, P3D Version 2 does not (yet) support BGL_LIGHTs and does not provide any alternative. (We had hoped that v2.1 would have fixed this, but "no joy". Hopefully, Lockheed Martin will see fit to rectify this deficiency.) Consequently, AFLT is only "P3Dv2-ready". ALFT is not a library of airfield lights; it is a utility for creating object libraries and light arrays. A general knowledge of FlightSim scenery file organization and airport design is necessary for its use.
Posted Feb 22, 2014 17:58 by Don Grovestine
P3D2 Launcher
2.16Mb (2400 downloads)
"Prepar3D v2" starts directly in flight. Users are not able to load or edit their flights but only after starting with the default flight. This little utility helps you prepare your flights or load your previously saved flights prior to starting Prepar3D v2. For those who likes things in minimal and compact this utility is very simple, clean and fast.
Posted Jan 28, 2014 09:01 by duval
0.45Mb (1003 downloads)
Prepar3D v2 Launcher Utility. Why you need it? "Prepar3D v2" starts directly in flight. Even you enable the scenario starup menu on startup there is no option to load your flight from there. Every time, after the default flight gets loaded, you have to go to the menu and load your saved flight from there which is a total waste of time. I created this little utility to solve this little but annoying problem until Prepar3D development team takes care of it. The program will launch "Prepar3D v2" directly with your saved flight that you choose as you will expect. This method is also a faster way to start the simulator as you don't need to wait anything to be loaded except your saved fight.
Posted Dec 6, 2013 03:06 by Ahmet Mehmetbeyoglu
P3D Screensaver Photos
101.08Mb (1525 downloads)
200 HD Photographs of P3D aircraft and scenery. Default and add-ons for desktop screensaver for Windows 7 and XP
Posted Nov 18, 2013 11:51 by David Robles
P3D Replacement effects for AI Ships and AI Ship Traffic
0.07Mb (1801 downloads)
This package contains replacement effects to be used with my packages "63 AI Ships and AI Ship Traffic for Europe and South America" , "75 AI Ships and AI Ship Traffic" and "Patch for 75 AI Ships and AI Ship Traffic". The new wake files resolves the problem described by some as "heavenly" wakes. Some obscure difference makes ship wakes including certain parameters turn towards the heaven in P3D while they work as intended in FSX. In order to get full benefit of this package you must first download and install "63 AI Ships and AI Ship Traffic for Europe and South America", "75 AI Ships and AI Ship Traffic" and "Patch for 75 AI Ships and AI Ship Traffic" in the mentioned order.
Required files:
required file
Posted Sep 7, 2013 12:00 by Henrik Nielsen
Iris Global Express and Sentinel Textures
Iris Global Express and Sentinel Textures
6.21Mb (1558 downloads)
Repaint of the ex payware Iris simulations Global Express and Sentinel Easter Egg for 2013. The Global Express is what the aircraft looked like before it's conversion to a Sentinel aircraft. The final USAF repaint is unknown to me at this time, but I'll be looking out for it. Readme included DaveSHQ
Required files:
required file
Posted May 30, 2013 17:09 by David Tessier