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FSX > Props > Page 40
FSX/P3D Virtualcol ATR 42-600 Fiji Air Textures
6.19Mb (245 downloads)
FGiji Air textures for the ATR 42-600 by VirtualCol. Repaints by MoacirJr
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Posted Aug 11, 2019 02:32 by uploader
FSX/P3D Virtualcol ATR 42-300 First Air textures
0.61Mb (253 downloads)
FSX/P3D Virtualcol ATR 42-300 First Air textures Textures only for Virtualcol's now freeware ATR for FSX. Repaint by Todd Disrud.
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Posted Aug 11, 2019 02:26 by uploader
FSX GAF Nomad 22B
FSX GAF Nomad 22B
15.93Mb (2487 downloads)
FSX GAF Nomad 22B. The GAF Nomad 22B is a twin-engine turboprop, high-wing, short takeoff and landing (STOL) aircraft. 172 aircraft were built by the Australian Government Aircraft Factories (GAF) in the period 1975-85. This model is available in three deliveries, including those from "The Flying Doctors". The Nomad 22 was used in this popular Australian TV series (1986-92). It is a brand new model for FSX, made with FSDS v3.5. This is my first model built from scratch, but has full animation of all control surfaces, nose wheel control, wheels, doors, propellers... It also features a 2D cockpit panel made with standard meters. Most of the work was put into the virtual cockpit. This is optimized for use with virtual reality glasses. I use FSX-Flyinside with the Oculus Rift. The open cockpit gives a very nice view all around. All instruments and switches (in VR) are comparable to the original cockpit and are easy to read and operate. By Ivo Verlaeckt.
Posted Aug 10, 2019 15:43 by Ivo Verlaeckt
FSX/P3D  ATR 72-212 Conviasa textures
2.17Mb (310 downloads)
ATR 72-212 Conviasa textures for the Virtualcol ATR72-200. Textures by Josh Binney
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Posted Aug 10, 2019 04:58 by uploader
FSX/P3D ATR 72-600 Bangkok Airways textures
0.65Mb (402 downloads)
ATR 72-600 Bangkok Airways textures for the Virtualcol ATR72-600.
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Posted Aug 10, 2019 04:49 by uploader
FSX/P3D ATR 72-500 Air New Zealand Link (Mount Cook) textures
2.26Mb (289 downloads)
ATR 72-500 Air New Zealand Link (Mount Cook) textures for the Virtualcol ATR72-500 released as freeware. Josh Binney
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Posted Aug 10, 2019 04:43 by uploader
FSX/P3D ATR 42-300 Air Europa Express Textures
5.59Mb (390 downloads)
Textures for ATR42-300 Air Europa Express. New model for FSX by Virtualcol ATR42-300 series. Antonio Diaz
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Posted Aug 10, 2019 04:39 by uploader
FSX/P3Dv3 & 4 Stits SA-2A Skybaby
FSX/P3Dv3 & 4 Stits SA-2A Skybaby
18.24Mb (1011 downloads)
FSX/P3Dv3,v4 Skybaby The Stits SA-2A Sky Baby was a homebuilt aircraft designed for the challenge of claiming the title of "The World's Smallest". FSX/P3Dv3,v4 model by A.F.Scrub
Posted Aug 4, 2019 03:15 by A.F.Scrub
FSX/P3D4 ATR 42-500 Olympic Air package.
FSX/P3D4 ATR 42-500 Olympic Air package.
59.75Mb (2511 downloads)
FSX/Steam/P3D4 ATR 42-500 Olympic Air package. This is a photoreal Livery of the new Olympic Air colors of the Virtualcol FS Software model. The Main Fuselage and Engines are in 2048x2048 px DXT3 format for improved texture quality with Alpha channel glare added. There is a full V.C., two different 2D panels and multiple camera views. The model features animated VC Yokes, engine controls, exit, control surfaces and landing gear. Also animated Front Cargo door and ground services (shift+W). I have enhanced many interior and exterior details. Complete package with sound effects and gauges. Olympic colors by Hellenic Aircraft/Yiannis Katehis Tsetsas 2019.
Posted Aug 1, 2019 11:29 by Yiannis Katehis Tsetsas
FSX/P3D/FS2004 Luftfartsverket (Fred Olsen) HS-748 Srs2A 1975 Textures
FSX/P3D/FS2004 Luftfartsverket (Fred Olsen) HS-748 Srs2A 1975 Textures
8.28Mb (203 downloads)
This is a repaint of the HS-748 Srs2A in Luftfartsverket (Fred Olsen) colors. The freeware HS-748 by Rick Piper is needed for this repaint. Fred Olsen had one HS-748 which was operated on behalf of Norway's CAA for Navaids Flight Inspections. In 1975 this aircraft replaced the Convair CV-340 which was doing the Navaids Flight Inspections from 1968 to 1975. The HS-748 was utilized from 1975 to 1996. Luftfartsverket in English means "Civil Aviation Administration". Textures are 32bit bmp. This repaint was tested on FSX-SE. It should work on FSX & P3D v1-3. It might also work on FS2004.
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Posted Jul 22, 2019 09:49 by Ted Giana