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FSX > Props > Page 71
FSX Gipps Aero GA-8 Airvan Package
FSX Gipps Aero GA-8 Airvan Package
125.24Mb (2062 downloads)
This is the second version of FSX port-over of Brian Gladden's GA8 Airvan, initially designed for FS9. With permission of the original model designer there were made some improvements of exterior and interior texture, vitual cockpit, aircraft configuration, flight dynamics and sound files. The FSX aircraft is operated from VC only, but has several auxilary pop-up panels to expand control capabilities (mini-panel for external view flight; display, providing detailed engine operations features; pedestal panel with engine, pitch trim, wing flaps and parking break controls). The FSX GyppsAero Airvan package represents two plane options - GA-8 with Lycoming IO-540A1K1 engine and turbocharged GA-8 TC-320 with Lycoming TIO-540-AH1A. Unfortunately, due to the original model limitations the second option exterior is not authentic visually, as the turbocharged plane has a 3-blade propeller. Meanwhile MP/FP and RPM gauges for both engine options looks properly.
Posted Jul 24, 2016 15:02 by Vladimir Gonchar
Repaints for FSX T-6 Aeroshell
Repaints for FSX T-6 Aeroshell
48.32Mb (726 downloads)
I have corrected some texture files of the Aeroshell number 2 and added the texture of the aeroshell number 5 by Gene McNeely with the white cockpit textures. Repaints are based on the fantastic paint kit by John Terrell. required file:
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Posted Jul 24, 2016 12:28 by Axel Lehmann
FSX Grumman Mallard G-73AT v1.0
FSX Grumman Mallard G-73AT v1.0
88.00Mb (5404 downloads)
FSX Only Grumman Mallard G-73AT v1.0 (There is an FS9 specific version available) Mallard Turboprop by Milton Shupe, Nigel Richards, Rachael Whiteford, Rui Cristina, William Ellis, Roman Stoviak. Pkg incl custom model, panel and gauges, custom sounds, custom Flight Model, and 4 liveries. July 2016
Posted Jul 24, 2016 09:50 by Milton Shupe
Rockwell Commander 685 Coca Cola Textures
Rockwell Commander 685 Coca Cola Textures
1.12Mb (981 downloads)
'Coca Cola' textures for Milton Shupe's FSX Rockwell Aero Commander 685
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Posted Jul 21, 2016 13:11 by Joe Payne aka slojoe416 on FSX:SE
Lockheed L-188 Braniff  textures
97.35Mb (643 downloads)
FSX/P3D Braniff Airways textures for the KBT Lockheed L-188 Electra package. Braniff Airways textures by Gary Harper.
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Posted Jul 19, 2016 21:04 by Gary Harper
ATR 72-500 Aeromexico Express
36.10Mb (3377 downloads)
ATR 72-500 Aeromexico Express. Model by ISDT. Textures by Luis Enrique R.. 2d panel but no VC
Posted Jul 14, 2016 14:38 by Luis Enrique R.
FSX GA8 Airvan v.1
FSX GA8 Airvan v.1
41.75Mb (1339 downloads)
FSX port-over of the FS9 Brian Gladden's GA8 Airvan. The package represents a standalone plane and includes reworked VC main panel and overhead with brand-new gauges, new pop-ups set, 4 new liveries with improved exterior texture, new sound set, reworked flight dynamics, a set of original technical and operating data and a paint kit. Made with the permission of the original plane author. By Vladimir Gonchar
Posted Jun 17, 2016 20:43 by Vladimir Gonchar
Lockheed Electra Eastern 1961 textures
Lockheed Electra Eastern 1961 textures
105.90Mb (773 downloads)
FSX/P3D 1961 Eastern Air Lines textures for the Team KBT Lockheed L-188 Electra . Lockheed Electra aircraft by Team FS KBT. Textures by Gary Harper
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Posted Jun 13, 2016 18:50 by Gary Harper
FSX (sp2) Bombardier CL-415 "Superscooper"
FSX (sp2) Bombardier CL-415 "Superscooper"
24.49Mb (6089 downloads)
FS2004 designed, FSX portover - Bombardier (Canadair) CL415 Version 2.0 By Massimo Taccoli, Flight Dynamics by D.G.Seeley. The package includes 2 models, with and without radar radome in the nose , a custom 2D panel and gauges, working 3D virtual cockpit, custom sounds, custom flight model and 5 liveries.
Posted Jun 10, 2016 07:45 by Massimo Taccoli
Piper J-3 Cub Updated Package
Piper J-3 Cub Updated Package
22.48Mb (2403 downloads)
Default Microsoft FSX Piper J-3 Cub Updated Complete Aircraft with all available added textures and working radios, with added night lighting, and engine smoke that does not glow at night.
Posted Jun 6, 2016 02:14 by PappaMike