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FSX > Props > Page 81
PAD Dash 8 Q400 Multiple Liveries
PAD Dash 8 Q400 Multiple Liveries
38.66Mb (9000 downloads)
Featuring Dash 8 Q400 in Multiple Liveries: Air Canada Express, Porter Airlines, WestJet, Spicejet, Qantas and US Department of Justice. Complete aircraft with VC and Sounds. Premier Aircraft Design (PAD) - FSDS model, panel design, XML gauge design by Jean-Pierre Brisard and Bob May. Safe Landings!
Posted Aug 9, 2015 09:20 by Saurav Sarkar
IL-18D_AP update
IL-18D_AP update
12.61Mb (1127 downloads)
This is an update for FSX of the IL-18D_AP by Edgar Guinart . There are 4 paints (texture sets) of the aircraft. I have added all the wheels, and changed any contact points that needed to be changed. I have updated the flight dynamics and added a panel in English for those who like me would want it. I added pictures to go with the choose an aircraft page so you can see what you are choosing. There is no VC. This is the whole aircraft.
Posted Jul 31, 2015 14:36 by Bob Chicilo
Il-18 update
Il-18 update
53.65Mb (1509 downloads)
This is an update for FSX of the Il-18 by Edgar Giunart and packaged by Matt Miller. I have added a different 2D panel so those like me can fly with English gauges; plus the VC windows are unusable except in daylight. The maker did not check to see if the windows worked at night, or someone changed the textures in a way that took away the transparency of the windows in anything but daylight. Since the aircraft had over 17,000 downloads when I downloaded it, a lot of people would like a fix if someone knows how. I have updated the flight dynamics, added all the wheels, and changed any other contact points that needed changing. I changed the smoke effect to something that I had as the aircraft package did not contain effects. This is the whole aircraft.
Posted Jul 31, 2015 10:30 by Bob Chicilo
DeHavilland Dash 7 American Eagle Package
DeHavilland Dash 7 American Eagle Package
84.27Mb (10369 downloads)
DeHavilland Dash 7 American Eagle package. Native FSX model includes specular maps, bloom effects, FSX native animations throughout and external self shadowing. Tested in DX9 only, can't gaurantee it will work in DX10 preview mode. Note that there are no bump maps applied to the models. By Milton Shupe, Mike Kelly, George Arana and Sim-Outhouse. FSX native conversion by Eagle Rotorcraft Simulations. American Eagle textures created by request in Simviation forums by Caltabiano Nunzio (Voyager). Also added autopilot and GPS.
Posted Jul 28, 2015 04:34 by Voyager
FS2004/FSX/P3D DeHavilland DH90 Dragonfly
FS2004/FSX/P3D DeHavilland DH90 Dragonfly
42.12Mb (1905 downloads)
FS2004/FSX/P3D (up to v3 only) DeHavilland DH90 Dragonfly. Designed for FS2004, it will port over to FSX and Prepar3D with the usual differences. There are five models included in the package covering the two extant aircraft, G-AEDU and ZK-AYR, as fully controlled models. A third model with generalised texture mapping is also included for easy repaints. There are also two AI models, one specifically for G-AEDU and the other a generalised texture. By Keith Paine.
Posted Jul 25, 2015 06:27 by Mike Lietz
FSX Fantasy Lancair Textures
FSX Fantasy Lancair Textures
5.10Mb (300 downloads)
One of the most delightful fliers is the Lancair 2000. Mark Rooks has updated the Legacy Lancair 2000, original by Robert Christopher for Flight Simulator 2004 as the "Emerald Lancair" (see link below) These are two fantasy repaints that do not represent a real world aircraft, but just looked cool to me. One is using a dragon scale design I created in a Photoshop class, and the other a spacey design that, sadly, I've lost the original, so I don't know who to credit. All I have left is the portion that is used in the texture. If you know who may have created this, please let me know so I can credit them properly. I hope you have as much fun with these as I did, and they look SO amazing when flying from the VC.
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Posted Jul 20, 2015 23:22 by Mark Powell
FSX Early De Havilland Canada Dash-7 Package updated
FSX Early De Havilland Canada Dash-7 Package updated
77.01Mb (3001 downloads)
This is Milton Shupe's original FS2002 De Havilland Canada Dash-7 Package updated for FSX.
Posted Jul 20, 2015 01:15 by Michael E. Roberts
FSX Beechcraft Model 18 Volpar Package Updated
FSX Beechcraft Model 18 Volpar Package Updated
19.88Mb (3545 downloads)
This is an update to the Brian Gladden FS2004 Beechcraft Model 18 Volpar. The panels are updated with XML gauges replacing the gau files. 2D and VC panels included.
Posted Jul 18, 2015 02:58 by Michael E. Roberts
Military Inspired Ercoupe Texture
0.79Mb (356 downloads)
This texture is for the FSX ERCO 415 Ercoupe. It comes in part from an X-Plane texture. File includes complete Aircraft config file and texture thumbnail. Enjoy.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jul 14, 2015 20:13 by Michael E. Roberts
FSX ERCO 415 Ercoupe
FSX ERCO 415 Ercoupe
14.33Mb (2404 downloads)
This is an update to the Kazunori Ito FS2002/FS2004 ERCO 415 Ercoupe. The panels are updated with XML gauges replacing the gau files. 2D and VC panels included.
Posted Jul 11, 2015 22:32 by Michael E. Roberts