9.35Mb (741 downloads)
South African Police Service & Rainbow Nation textures for the Turbo Porter by Tim Piglet Conrad.
Required files:
required file
Posted Mar 2, 2015 01:17 by Jeremy Lohrentz

114.02Mb (1031 downloads)
Allison repaint for the FSX Lockheed L-188 pack from Team FS KBT.
Required files:
required file
Posted Feb 24, 2015 09:47 by Fabio Cabral

6.16Mb (4871 downloads)
Americn Eagle repaint for ISDT ATR 42-500. Also included is a modification to Philippe Wallaert's 2d panel. The repaint was requested here at Simviation 2-16-2015. Enjoyed doing this one as my Dad flew for American for 32 years. Have a good flight. Dave
Required files:
required file
Posted Feb 20, 2015 02:18 by Dave Rocholl

32.03Mb (2411 downloads)
OIMD AB-115 Aero Boero package. Aero Boero S.A. is an Argentine aircraft manufacturer, established in 1956 by Hector Boero in Morteros in Cordoba Province. It manufactured a range of light civil utility and agricultural aircraft. Model complete with VC. By OIMD Development
Posted Feb 18, 2015 03:15 by oimd

17.96Mb (4342 downloads)
FSX Cobalt Co50. The Cobalt Co50 Valkyrie is a four-place aircraft currently undergoing certification by Cobalt Aircraft. The all-composite aircraft incorporates a canard and split vertical stabilizers in the design, and a pusher engine configuration with retractable landing gear. Passenger entry is by a large forward fold down cab section. Features animated parts, virtual cockpit with illuminated glass gauges and 2D panel. By Mark J. S. Macaluso
Posted Feb 16, 2015 05:30 by Nicolas Neveu

3.77Mb (2267 downloads)
FSX frame rate friendly turbine powered
Beechcraft Duke using the default King Air
350 panel and VC. This version has
amphibious floats. By Chuck Dome.
Posted Feb 16, 2015 04:57 by chuck dome

20.71Mb (5966 downloads)
FS9/FSX EMB-110 "Bandeirante".
The 3.0 version is a much upgraded release from the previous 2.1 for FS9. Now is a FS9/FSX compatible model. Many 3D details and corrections have been made. A new and more resolution texturing were added. The panels, instruments and XML programming was improved, including a very limited but genuine Garmin 150 GPS. The dynamics suffer some changes that added more realism to flight performance. Engine sounds was changed, and many other issues takes minor changes too. Manual and documentation was fixed for this 3.0 version. For more details check reference files! By Edgar Guinart Lopez
Posted Feb 3, 2015 05:18 by uploader

12.23Mb (3112 downloads)
3 Repaints for Thinus Pretorius his FS2004 Casa C-212-300 to resemble Surinam Casa C-212-400 models.
SAf-212, SAF-214 and PZ-TJR. I also modified the vc cockpit a bit to better represent the glass cockpit with which these aircraft were fitted. The complete aircraft is
included. For FSX only.
All credits go to Thinus Pretorius (exept for my repaint work :)
Posted Feb 1, 2015 14:25 by Raoul de Miranda

3.41Mb (2329 downloads)
Cape Air operates a fleet of over 83 Cessna 402s, 4 Britten-Norman Islanders and 2 ATRs, with up to 525 flights per day during high season.
Here is their AI Model (Artificial Intelligence Model) for FSX-FSX Steam Version. Model by HTAI (Henry Tomkiewicz) is included in this Pack.
FSX-FSX Steam props textures by Tom Tiedman, repaints by Rafael "Fefi" Ortiz and Xtra files folder included for those who wishes to add something else to their model.
You may also find their FS2004 Version as well as the Caribbean Flight Plans for all versions here on this website.
Installation instructions included on the AI 9K BN IslandersX Readme file. Video of this project with more info, pics and a description of what AI Traffic is and what it does here:
Posted Feb 1, 2015 01:28 by Rafael Ortiz

40.98Mb (2847 downloads)
FSX-FSX Steam Air Flamenco Shorts 360. Air Flamenco is a Puerto Rican regional airline that transports passengers as well as cargo in the Caribbean. Here is their new Shorts 360 and just like their Islanders fleet this boy has his a unique name too. Model and files by Premier Aicraft Design (PAD) and has a 2D panel and virtual cockpit as well. Repaints by Rafael Ortiz.
Posted Jan 31, 2015 02:15 by Rafael Ortiz