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FSX > Props > Page 97
Ayres Turbo Thrush Updated Package
Ayres Turbo Thrush Updated Package
21.91Mb (1898 downloads)
This is an update to the Andrew Holden FSX Ayres Turbo Thrush Modification. The panel uses the Bruce Fitzgerald Cessna 208 Amphib gauge that is included, and his Cessna 208 sounds, also added are the Thrush spray effects, and six textures plus texture thumbnails by various authors. This package has both 2D and VC panels.
Posted Feb 12, 2014 03:45 by Michael E. Roberts
FSX Cessna 172 Southampton FC textures
FSX Cessna 172 Southampton FC textures
7.18Mb (408 downloads)
Repaint of the default Cessna 172 in colors of the Southampton Football Club Saints. Painted by R.E. Wyman.
Posted Feb 11, 2014 23:29 by R.E. Wyman
Grumman G-164A AgCat Crop Duster Updated Package
Grumman G-164A AgCat Crop Duster Updated Package
12.98Mb (2996 downloads)
This is an update to the Marcel du Plessis FS2004 Grumman G-164A Ag-Cat. This package includes: the Pratt & Whitney R-1340 "Wasp" sound package by Jay McDaniel, the Sin Jedinac JAT texture, the Manuele Villa Hellenic Air Force texture, and a realistic but ficticious repaint of an American crop duster, and texture thumbnails. Includes both 2D and VC panel.
Posted Feb 10, 2014 21:53 by Michael E. Roberts
Cessna 188 Agtruck  Updated Package
Cessna 188 Agtruck  Updated Package
43.67Mb (3249 downloads)
This is an update to the former FS2004 payware Cera Simaircraft Cessna 188 AgTruck. As of 2011 it was no longer commercially available. This package is changed only by the addition of the "Cerasim 188 Update for FSX", texture thumbnails, and adjusted the effects section to work correctly in FSX. Has both 2D and VC panels. All credit belongs to Cera Simaircraft.
Posted Feb 9, 2014 21:20 by Michael E. Roberts
Cessna 337/O-2 Skymaster Updated Package
Cessna 337/O-2 Skymaster Updated Package
46.92Mb (5590 downloads)
This is an update to the Mike Stone FS2004 Cessna 337/O-2 Package. Included are: the Rip Lichliter alternate panel bitmap for the O-2, the Mike Stone original panel bitmap for the 337, FSX compatible engine and landing gear gauges, the Bob Chicilo "Cessna 337 Update", the Luis Gustavo Panceri Continental IO-360 sounds, thirty-seven 337 textures and two O-2 textures by various authors (forty textures and thumbnails in all). 2D panel only, no VC panel.
Posted Feb 9, 2014 04:23 by Michael E. Roberts
BD-5 Mean Bird Textures
BD-5 Mean Bird Textures
2.54Mb (179 downloads)
Colorful Mean Bird textures for the freeware BD-5 by Jez G. These textures can be used for both the prop and jet versions of the aircraft.
Required files:
required file
Posted Feb 8, 2014 19:31 by Pville211
BD-5 Red and Gold Textures
BD-5 Red and Gold Textures
2.03Mb (160 downloads)
Red and Gold paint for the freeware BD-5 by Jez G. Gloss paint with a clear canopy for both the prop and jet versions.
Required files:
required file
Posted Feb 8, 2014 08:16 by Pville211
Sequoia Aircraft Falco F8L
Sequoia Aircraft Falco F8L
4.36Mb (1340 downloads)
FSX Acceleration Sequoia Aircraft Falco F8L This is the version 1.1 of the model.This file version completely replace the original version. The Falco (Hawk) was designed by the renowned Italian designer Stelio Frati in 1955, and originally built in Italy by Aviamilano then Aeromere and later Laverda. The Falco is currently sold in kit or plans form for amateur construction by the Sequoia Aircraft Company of Richmond, Virginia. The aircraft is single-engined, propeller driven and designed for private and general aviation use. Full package for FSX, model, custom panel and 3D VC, Two liveries. Original source file design by Chris Lampard modified and improved with 2D panel and a working 3d VC By Massimo Taccoli, Flight Dynamics made by Dennis G. Seeley.
Posted Feb 6, 2014 04:21 by massimo
 Dash 8 Q400 Austrian Airlines (arrows)
 Dash 8 Q400 Austrian Airlines (arrows)
16.35Mb (5227 downloads)
Austrian arrows Dash 8 Q400. Model by Dreamwings. Uses Lear 45 2d panel and no VC
Posted Feb 4, 2014 03:22 by LukasFSX
Easy Tweaks for the BD-5
13.93Mb (771 downloads)
The BD-5 aircraft design is challenging to fly. This package provides easy tweaks to make the Jez G BD-5 friendlier and more versatile. Includes an info guide and ready-to-use configuration files. The tweaks in the guide can be used for most FSX aircraft. With the permission of Jez G this package also includes the complete aircraft installation files.
Posted Feb 2, 2014 08:00 by Pville211