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FS2004 > Scenery > Page 50
FS2004 - Abu Dhabi International Airport
FS2004 - Abu Dhabi International Airport
29.97Mb (10187 downloads)
Scenery for Abu Dhabi, for FS9 only. This scenery contains a version of Abu Dhabi airport that should hopefully be current for at least the early part of 2010, when new apron space and hangarage comes online. The airport is currently having a midfield terminal built that will be on-stream in 2012 (represented here with rough building works and no surface detail), but the southern (existing) part of the airport is in more detail, which you can look at in the screenshots. The scenery is incomplete, since MM has not the time to spare to keep up with the project, so it is released "as is" in a usable state. See signs update below
Posted Oct 9, 2009 12:01 by Matthew Ministry, Richard Reed
AI Concorde Air France/Brititsh Airways and AI Traffic File
1.06Mb (17209 downloads)
AIS-AI Concorde and Traffic file By Jon Murchison The first purpose built low polygon AI Concorde available for both FS2002 and FS2004. Includes Animated Inbuilt Scenery(AIS) and unique 'Pushback' feature for FS2004 only. Model features animated gear, wheels, nose and visor, engine fans and gear doors. 3 LOD models, optimised shadow model, dynamic shine and light mapping. File also includes pre-compiled CONCORDE traffic file by Matt Dyer for FS2004 and all required text files for use with TTools. Comes with ACFU utility by Micheal corcoran for easyily adding official AIS-AI repaints. For FS2004, but works well in FS2002 minus the 'Pushback' feature.
Posted Oct 2, 2009 14:08 by steven
Futuristic Air Ships Package
Futuristic Air Ships Package
11.97Mb (4784 downloads)
So here they are...5 futuristic ships floating at different heights over Offutt Air Force Base (KOFF), Nebraska. There are two big airborne aircraft carriers to land on and take off from; the USS Steve Hinson and the HMS Geddy Lee. A smaller defender is alongside the USS Steve Hinson. A ways back behind them and considerably higher, a destroyer escorts a civilian luxery liner. Created by Glenn Crowell. Dedicated to the late Steve Hinson.
Posted Sep 26, 2009 17:04 by Glenn Crowell
HDE - High Definition Environment v1.0 for FS2004
12.21Mb (12689 downloads)
Photo-realistic texture pack that will change the aspect of your Clouds(cumulus, stratus, cirrus), sky color, aircraft reflections and ground detail. Cloud Textures WILL work in FSX, but not the sky colors. This package was created by Pablo Diaz.
Posted Sep 24, 2009 07:18 by ShaneG
Red Bull Air Race Casarrubios Training Camp 2009
0.45Mb (1252 downloads)
This is the Red Bull Air Race Casarrubios Training Camp in Spain locate West of Madrid,this scenery works with default scenery Fs2004.
Posted Sep 21, 2009 12:25 by Yves sy Dsg
Red Bull Air Race Barcelona 2009
0.54Mb (1724 downloads)
This scenery is the track Red bull Air Race Barcelona 2009. It works with default scenery or with the New Spanish Airport by Aerosoft.
Posted Sep 20, 2009 14:31 by Yves Sy Dsg
Mega-Airport Berlin-Tempelhof V0.5a
Mega-Airport Berlin-Tempelhof V0.5a
6.07Mb (4248 downloads)
Mega-Airport Berlin-Tempelhof - A flight in a new dimension! The scenery contains: Hight detailed AFCAD-file Airportbuilding(s) very much of little details like Runwaylights, NAVĀ“s etc. C by Alexander Helmbold and
Posted Sep 18, 2009 15:47 by Alexander Helmbold
Sy-Sydney Australia Red Bull Air Race 2009
Sy-Sydney Australia Red Bull Air Race 2009
0.32Mb (1958 downloads)
This is the Sydney Air Race Track 2009 (fictional). Works with default FS2004 scenery.
Posted Sep 18, 2009 07:32 by Yves Sy Dsg
1.95Mb (1451 downloads)
FS2004 MD11 & DC10 JAL AI Base Package. Includes Paintkit for repainters & includes MD-11 & DC-10 intended for uses as AI Aircraft. By FS Painter. 2MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
KGFL - Glens Falls, NY, ver 2
KGFL - Glens Falls, NY, ver 2
56.91Mb (2308 downloads)
KGFL - Glens Falls, Floyd Bennett Memorial v2.0, located in the foothills of the Adirondack Mountains in upstate NY USA, this facility is owned by Warren County and run by RichAir. Although it has a 5000 ft main rwy, KGFL is a Non-controlled airfield catering to small engine a/c up to a few private jet daily traffic serving 'The Northcountry' New York. KGFL recently received several upgrades including 4 new GA hangars large enough to accommodate the needs of business jets. All Objects fully designed and completely redone in GMAX using high resolution custom photo-real 32bit textures. Optional DTX textures included. Also includes new AFCAD file, more accurate airport grounds perimeter, satellite photo-real grounds, custom taxiways, taxi-signs and taxi lights, area roads, animated hangar doors, and near area landclass. No AI traffic tracks included with this release, but afcad designed to support several AI. Rwy12 objects required for a few static a/c and parking lot light poles.
Posted Sep 6, 2009 21:29 by EdGeneer Cox