2.65Mb (1539 downloads)
Welcome to Norfolk Island International Airport.
Norfolk Island is a beautiful and popular holiday destination in the Pacific Ocean, between New Zealand and Australia. Norfolk Air has scheduled flights to and from both Australia and New Zealand to the Island, and the airport is also used as a stepping stone for International GA flights. The scenery contains some custom items (textures included), and also the landclass fix for Microsoft's erroneous "water island" in FS9. Requires some EZ Scenery Object Sets (see INSTALL instructions for details).
Posted May 15, 2009 09:10 by Lawrie Roache
1.98Mb (1197 downloads)
Welcome to Wanaham, a small domestic regional airport on the island of Lifou, in Province des iles Loyaute, New Caledonia. The scenery contains some custom items (textures included). Some EZ Scenery Object Sets also required (see INSTALL instructions).
Posted May 15, 2009 08:16 by Lawrie Roache

6.68Mb (2357 downloads)
Penticton Airport (CYYF), BC
FS2004 Scenery for Penticton Airport (CYYF) Penticton is a city in south central British Columbia between Okanagan Lake and Skaha Lake (at one time known officially as "Dog Lake").[citation needed] Its 2006 population was 31,909 (41,574 in the greater area). The name Penticton is derived from a word in the Salish language, and it is roughly translated as "a place to stay forever". Penticton's primary economic strengths are tourism, wine production and fruit orchards. Penticton hosts many world famous events annually, among them the Canadian Ironman Triathlon, the Okanagan Wine Festival, the Penticton Peach Festival, the Pentastic Hot Jazz Festival, and the "Elvis Festival" which was featured in the Summer 2006 issue of British Columbia Magazine. John Sinstrom and updated by Ray Lunning to make his excellent scenery compatible with Ultimate Terrain Canada.
Posted May 13, 2009 07:02 by admin
0.00Mb (604 downloads)
The French speaking Clipperton Island, on the Pacific Ocean, near Mexico. Water strip.
Posted May 12, 2009 19:14 by Alberto Thomas
0.00Mb (819 downloads)
Aeropuerto de Corn Island on the Isla del Maiz, off the Atlantic coast of Nicaragua Nicaragua.
Posted May 12, 2009 19:11 by Alberto Thomas
1.78Mb (937 downloads)
Isla del Coco, Costa Rica.
Beautiful island on the Pacific Ocean, with a water runway, arriving to Wafer Bay.
Posted May 12, 2009 19:08 by Alberto Thomas
0.00Mb (662 downloads)
Tristan da Cunha, South Georgias and Saint Helena water runways, ideal for water planes. This is a fictional water strip and a good way to reach to the islands.
Posted May 12, 2009 19:04 by Alberto Thomas

1.58Mb (2071 downloads)
Replaces the moon with Jupiter, Saturn, Death Star I and Death Star II, Star Trek Space Dock Phobos and Asteroid Ieda. Uses 512 X512 BMPs for higher resolution on zoom in.
Backup your original files 1st!
Roy "Boikat" Altholz
Posted May 12, 2009 00:51 by Roy 'Boikat' Altholz
0.08Mb (2540 downloads)
Replaces misnamed waning crescent moon in the FS9 High Rez moon package above.
Roy "Boikat" Altholz
Posted May 9, 2009 23:32 by Roy "Boikat" Altholz

1.07Mb (7097 downloads)
Replaces default 64X64 moon texture (image and alpha channel) files with 512X512 higher resolution alpha channel images.
Roy "Boikat" Altholz
Posted May 8, 2009 23:48 by Roy "Boikat" Altholz