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FS2004 > Scenery > Page 63
                  Adelaide Frigate With landable deck
3.84Mb (2615 downloads)
FS2004 Adelaide Frigate With landable deck.. Built in the United States, ADELAIDE was commissioned on 15 November 1980 and was the first of six ADELAIDE class guided-missile frigates to be delivered to the Royal Australian Navy. ADELAIDE is the second ship in the Royal Australian Navy to carry this name. Displaces 4,100 tons and is able to carry 1 or 2 SH-60B Lamps III helicopters. Based on Kotaro Akikawa´s design. Alberto García Lledó. 3.9MB
Posted Apr 22, 2009 03:22 by archive
Cyril E King Airport (TIST)
Cyril E King Airport (TIST)
2.56Mb (1760 downloads)
TIST is located on Charlotte Amalie island in the Virgin Islands (US). It's a beautiful place to fly in and out of, with several smaller airports nearby for inter-island hops. Have fun!
Posted Apr 16, 2009 21:59 by Travis FitzPatrick
19.76Mb (1634 downloads)
Belgian Air force C-130H including Ch-07 Special paint and Ch-14 for use in AI traffic.
Posted Apr 12, 2009 06:00 by Walk'n
                  New Waves Textures
0.61Mb (3753 downloads)
FS2004 New Waves Textures. This texture will produce a wave like effect on the water {White Caps} for use in FS2004. Recommended for use with Bill Lyons water refection textures. Created By Michael Young. 626K
Posted Apr 11, 2009 04:03 by archive
                  UK Wind Farms V2.
1.30Mb (3028 downloads)
FS2004/2002 UK Wind Farms V2. This scenery places 13 wind farms into Wales UK. A total of 355 individual wind generators creating enough power for nearly 98 thousand Homes annually. They are geographically correct and designed to fit perfectly with Visual flight / Getmapping VFR Photographic scenery. Now with much better gmax turbine model supplied by John "Bones" Woodside. (Also see Volume 1 here) For Fs2004/02By Dale Sedgwick. 1.3MB
Posted Apr 11, 2009 04:03 by archive
                  Nelson's Coves Helicopter Flight Scenery
2.67Mb (746 downloads)
FS2004/2002 Nelson's Coves Helicopter Flight Scenery. Scenery Small helicopter oriented flight service in the Mt. Hood area. Located at a quiet cove on the Columbia River. Assorted starting points or to fly here set the ADF to 500 and follow the arrow. Keith W. Kennedy. 2.7MB
Posted Apr 11, 2009 04:03 by archive
                  and FS2002 Scenery LOGNES EMERAINVILLE ( LFPL )
3.19Mb (2197 downloads)
FS2004 and FS2002 Scenery LOGNES EMERAINVILLE ( LFPL ) . It's a small french airfield at the east of PARIS close to DISNEYLAND park . Includes Helipad & is ideal for VFR flight training! The scenery enclose flightplans for FS2004 . Author Francis BOULET. 3.5MB
Posted Apr 11, 2009 04:03 by archive
                  Cranbrook BC. Cranbrook (CYXC)
1.29Mb (582 downloads)
FS2004 Cranbrook BC. Cranbrook (CYXC) is located in the southeast corner of British Columbia, Canada, known as the East Kootenays. It is a popular tourist area for those liking the outdoors, with such recreational activities as fishing, hiking, rafting and of course, lots of beautiful golf courses. In winter there is two excellent ski facilities close by with both downhill and cross-country skiing. By Vern Opperman. 1.3MB
Posted Apr 11, 2009 04:03 by archive
                  Castlegar, British Columbia, Canada (CYCG)
0.79Mb (661 downloads)
FS2004 Castlegar, British Columbia, Canada (CYCG). Castlegar (V2) is located in the southeast corner of British Columbia in the beautiful Selkirk Mountains. This is one of the more challenging airports to land at. Features accurate custom hangars, buildings and night textures. This version fixes several problems with textures and building crashes. By Vern Opperman. 813K
Posted Apr 11, 2009 04:03 by archive
                  scenery - Hopper Inc. Helicopter Flying Airfield
0.79Mb (771 downloads)
FS2002/FS2004 scenery - Hopper Inc. Helicopter Flying Airfield - Headquarters of a fictional helicopter company located in Oregon, USA in the Hood River area near Mt. Hood. Scenery includes a detailed airfield and offers some unique training facilities to chopper pilots. By Sven Hunaeus. 813K
Posted Apr 11, 2009 04:03 by archive