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FS2004 > Scenery > Page 66
Italy Toscana 5, Livorno Lucca Pisa Pistoia, photoreal scenery
83.60Mb (2987 downloads)
FS2004 Italy Toscana 5, Livorno Lucca Pisa Pistoia, photoreal scenery. The airports of Pisa San Giusto (LIRP) and Lucca Tassignano (LIQL) are found inside the scenery. This is one part of a multi-part package. Use with Italy terrain mesh (ITALYM04.ZIP) suggested. By Fulvio Mazzokan
Posted Feb 25, 2009 17:22 by Fulvio Mazzokan
Italy Toscana 4, Poggibonsi, photoreal scenery
78.40Mb (2365 downloads)
FS2004 Italy Toscana 4, Poggibonsi, photoreal scenery. The airports of Ampugnano (LIQS), Arezzo (LIQB) and Firenze Peretola (LIRQ), are found near the scenery. This is one part of a multi-part package. Use with Italy terrain mesh (ITALYM04.ZIP) suggested. By Fulvio Mazzokan.
Posted Feb 25, 2009 16:54 by Fulvio Mazzokan
Italy Toscana 3, Siena, photoreal scenery
87.82Mb (2474 downloads)
FS2004 Italy Toscana 3, Siena, photoreal scenery. The airport of Ampugnano (ICAO code LIQS) is found inside the scenery. This is one part of a multi-part package. Use with Italy terrain mesh (ITALYM04.ZIP) suggested. By Fulvio Mazzokan.
Posted Feb 25, 2009 16:22 by Fulvio Mazzokan
Italy Toscana 2, Piombino, photoreal scenery
81.98Mb (2580 downloads)
FS2004 Italy Toscana 2, Piombino, photoreal scenery. The airports of Grosseto (ICAO code LIRS), Marina di Campo (LIRJ) and Ampugnano (LIQS) are found near the scenery. This is one part of a multi-part package. Use with Italy terrain mesh (ITALYM04.ZIP) suggested. By Fulvio Mazzokan.
Posted Feb 25, 2009 15:36 by Fulvio Mazzokan
Italy Toscana 1, Grosseto, photoreal scenery
69.20Mb (2808 downloads)
FS2004 Italy Toscana 1, Grosseto, photoreal scenery. The airport of Grosseto (ICAO code LIRS) is found inside the scenery. This is one part of a multi-part package. Use with Italy terrain mesh (ITALYM04.ZIP) suggested. By Fulvio Mazzokan.
Posted Feb 25, 2009 15:26 by Fulvio Mazzokan
6.79Mb (5154 downloads)
FS2004 AI scenery traffic. This is nice work by Ray Parker. The various T38 aircraft sit at their parking spots, canopies closed, cockpits empty, red flags marking the "Remove before flight" items swaying in the breeze. At departure time the canopies open, pilots show up, red flags and respective items removed. Plane taxis, pilot and co looking around, to the hold-short spot, canopy than closes, plane takes position and rolls for the take off. AI T38 Talon painted in NASA colours - 16 Talons in all. Complete model including flight plans. Special thanks to Jake Burrus and Kevin Ried for the T38 model and Mike Macintyre for the FDE.
Posted Feb 10, 2009 17:36 by Fern
Ockenburg 1939-1940 update 1
7.68Mb (989 downloads)
Ockenburg, Holland, 1939 Scenery 13.39Mb (450 downloads) World War 2 Ockenburg Holland 1993-1940 Scenery. AFCAD by FSpe (Peter-Evert Jansen) Buildings by spray can (Jaap Baare) Additional help (fstheo)Theo Asselman All members of the DutchFS forum and many thanks to Cees donkrs for the new grass
Posted Feb 6, 2009 09:01 by fspe Evert jansen
Atol das Rocas, Atlantic,  Scenery Package
0.60Mb (1933 downloads)
FS2004 Atol das Rocas. This is a self-contained scenery package to add the Atol das Rocas atoll to FS2004. I DIDN'T TEST IT IN FSX. The Atol das Rocas is a forsaken place in the Atlantic Ocean. It belongs to Brazil, and it sits 126 nautical miles from the north-east tip of the cost of Brazil and 84 nautial miles west of Fernando de Noronha following a heading of 295. Fernando de Noronha is another Brazilian oceanic island. Finding the Atol das Rocas is half of the fun. It appears on the GPS if you go to airport SBFN. The history of the Atol das Rocas is tragic and colourful, with lots of shipwrecks, deaths and incredible stories of survival. The light has been placed there in the 1800s, and it was tended by operators and their families who suffered terrible perils. There is no fresh water, no wood for a fire, no dirt to grow a garden. I suggest a search on the Net. There are hundreds of sites in all languages talking about the place, its light, its history. Today there is an automatic solar-powered light on top of an aluminium tower, ruins of the old arrangements (not all the pictures you will find on the Net are the latest ones) and a small shed used by the scientific research group that visits the island. Some people go there by boat for fun. It is probably an enjoyable place on a sunny, calm day, with blue sky and blue water. I wouldn't want to be there at 3 in the morning during an Atlantic storm, though. This is free stuff. Thanks for downloading. Done by Fern Marques.
Posted Feb 4, 2009 17:45 by Fern
 Island of Cyprus
 Island of Cyprus
36.52Mb (7950 downloads)
Cyprus is the Mediterranean more oriental island In Greek origin until the Turks occupied its north half after the second world war. In this scenery the following airports are represented: Akrotiria AB LCRA Ercan LCEN, Gecitkale LCGK, Kingsfield AB CX00, Lakatamia LCOA, Larnaka IntlÂș LCLK, Paphos intlÂș LCPH, and the old airport near Nicosia city supposes outside of service because of the war with Turkey. It is an eminently tourist island in their area Greek with numerous beaches. I lament not to have ben able to him to represent such. This very near Lebanon. This VFR scenery to be flown with light airplanes to discover detail such as their Turkish mosques in the north-east part. I have included 112 cities and towns among the two areas. Author Toni Agramont
Posted Jan 28, 2009 04:58 by Toni Agramont
Airports of Maine
Airports of Maine
28.47Mb (2033 downloads)
aine Airports located though out the State of maine. Take off From Augusta State Airport and fly to Bangor or Portand Maine. To Load into FS 2004 place the files into C:/progam files/microsoft games/flight simulator9/addon scenery/scenery. Maine Airports is design by Gary L Varnam with the use of EZ-Scenery and AFCAD Includes Agusta state Airport, Bangor International Airport, Limestone International Airport, Lewiston Aurbun Airport, Bruwick International Airport, Isaboro Island Airport, Camden Maine Airport, Limington Airport. All these airports are improvered. Runways lengthen. Updated to work with FS 2004. By Gary Varnam This will be my last upload.
Posted Jan 26, 2009 16:38 by Gary L Varnam