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FSX > Scenery > Page 260
Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Photo Realistic Scenery Part 1
78.15Mb (2148 downloads)
Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Photo Realistic Scenery Part 1. Included is Valinhos and Vinhedo citys and Airports: Viracopos and Amarais. Amarais have not radio auxilies, but is used 1170 mhz to ADF that is the Radio Educadora AM. Viracopos is OK with radio auxilies like VOR and ILS. Author: Gilson Augusto Rocchetti
Posted Mar 30, 2009 03:50 by Gilson Augusto Rocchetti
Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Photo Realistic Scenery Base Package
11.84Mb (2556 downloads)
Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Photo Realistic Scenery Base Package. Included is Valinhos and Vinhedo citys and Airports: Viracopos and Amarais. Amarais have not radio auxilies, but is used 1170 mhz to ADF that is the Radio Educadora AM. Viracopos is OK with radio auxilies like VOR and ILS. Author: Gilson Augusto Rocchetti
Posted Mar 30, 2009 03:06 by Gilson Augusto Rocchetti
0.01Mb (1104 downloads)
These AI Traffic files are for Canyonlands, Arches National Parks. KCNY,U43 Airports" updated for Gottfried Razek photo real scenerys. Arches National Park, Moab (KCNY), Utah, Photo-Sceneryand Canyonlands National Park South, Monticello (U43), Utah, Photo-Scenery ) available on SimViation, >FSX Scenery
Posted Mar 29, 2009 22:45 by Thunder
Canyonlands, Arches National Parks. KCNY, U43 Airports
Canyonlands, Arches National Parks. KCNY, U43 Airports
11.63Mb (1086 downloads)
These 2 Airports ( Monticello (U43)/ Moab (KCNY) ) are updated for Gottfried Razek photo real scenery. ( "Arches National Park, Moab (KCNY), Utah, Photo-Scenery" ) and "Canyonlands National Park South, Monticello (U43), Utah, Photo-Scenery" available on SimViation, >FSX Scenery
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Posted Mar 29, 2009 00:43 by Thunder
Utila Airstrip, Honduras
Utila Airstrip, Honduras
0.49Mb (946 downloads)
This is the Island of Utila, located approx. 20nm North of La Ceiba (Goloson Airport). It is a medium size landing strip, and capable to land a learjet (in the real world). It has limited scenery, and I placed the strip to as close to as it would be, as well as trying to have the dimensions as close as possible. This scenery was tested on Windows Vista, FSX SP2(FSX Acceleration). Made with AFCAD. Created by Sloan Halliday.
Posted Mar 28, 2009 19:25 by Sloan Halliday
FSX Maun Airport, Botswana
FSX Maun Airport, Botswana
2.37Mb (1159 downloads)
A more close to realistic AFCAD File for Maun Airport, Botswana than the default Airport in FSX.Maun Airport is the main touristic gateway to the Okavango Delta and the Moremi Game Reserve.It is also the headquarters of numerous safari and air-charter operations who run trips into the Okavango Delta.
Posted Mar 28, 2009 15:13 by Bashir Ismail
RAF Friston and Newhaven Habour
0.00Mb (1133 downloads)
This is my interpretation of RAF Friston. A WWII RAF base between the towns of Seaford and Eastdean in the county of East Sussex, England. Newhaven, East Sussex, England is a cross channel Ferry Port to Dieppe in France. It was also home to the RAF who operated Air Sea rescue and patrol boats out of the port during and after WWII. They maintained a presence there up to the mid 1970's.Using Airport Design Editor I have made the port with a water runway on which you can place yourself in a water plane or ship. I have also included some new landclass for the area and although not as accurate as photographic scenery is better than the default FSX scenery for the area. The scenery uses FSX library objects, so you will (should) have them including the textures. By Andrew Randall
Posted Mar 28, 2009 10:57 by Andrew Randall
The British Dependant Territory of the Pitcairn Islands
0.00Mb (1080 downloads)
If you look at a world map and see a group of tiny islands next to the bottom right of French Polynesia in the Pacific Ocean, tagged as belonging to GB or UK, these are the Pitcairn Islands. To actually get there takes weeks by ship as there are no airports and only Pitcairn is inhabited. Well now you can get there much more easily with these little airports in the FSX world. You can even re-fuel on Pitcairn but just don't try and land your large trans continental jets there! By Andrew Randall. 5Kb
Posted Mar 28, 2009 10:50 by Andrew Randall
FSX Palm Springs International Airport (KPSP)
0.39Mb (1897 downloads)
Patch for the Shez's FS2004 Palm Springs Regional Airport scenery to make it work in FSX
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required file
Posted Mar 26, 2009 17:23 by P Nigel Grant/Shehryar Ansari
FSX La Guardia Airport (KLGA) FSX Upgrade
0.26Mb (3789 downloads)
Patch for the Shez's FS2004 New York La Guardia Airport scenery to make it work in FSX.
Required files:
required file
Posted Mar 26, 2009 17:20 by P Nigel Grant/Shehryar Ansari