8.22Mb (21229 downloads)
- AI Carrier Scenery. This is just a demo, right, so no
complaints if there are any shortcomings. There are a few issues
whch I mention below but this scenery is just for fun and to
show what can be done with FSX. And this is just scraping the
surface! Roger Mole (Rollerball). 8.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
42.73Mb (8986 downloads)
Honolulu Airport Area Scenery.
This scenery contains high resolution ground scenery for the
airport of Honolulu Intl. (PHNL). It has a resolution of 1.2m/pix
(4.7m/pix is standard). Coverage is about 12*12 km and contains
the area around PHNL as well as the abandoned Ford Island NALF
(PNPS). Gottfried Razek. 43.7MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
1.36Mb (4294 downloads)
Shuttle Launch Scenery 07.Updated.
.This is the scenery version for FSX. Fly into the area of the
Cape Canaveral and witness a launch..complete with effect attached
sounds..Updated are delayed launch engine startup sequence..Ground
blast effects..This is a full copy of (all) files needed to
overwrite (OR) install from new. Ron Jeffers. 1.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
30.95Mb (6070 downloads)
PHNL2006, Oahu-Honolulu, Hawaii (HI).
This packages contains photo scenery for the whole island of
Oahu in standard resolution of 4.7 m/pixel. By Gottfried Razek.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
19.42Mb (2485 downloads)
Sicily Version I.
The island of Sicily contains numerous communities. Of them
104 are represented presently escenario.Especialmente in the
coast. 5 airports exist but two aerodromes. Several sea ports
in the main ones cities. The architecture of their you marry
it seems a lot those of my millennial Catalunya. By Toni Agramont.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
1.49Mb (3751 downloads)
Rostock - Laage Airport, Germany.
This is the base of German Eurofighter. This scenery has over
150 objects, forest, airportsstreets and more. objects and textures
by www.afs-design.de - Author: A.Meyer. 1.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
0.48Mb (1079 downloads)
Curlyo's Fun Antartic Scenery. This zip originally compiled
in fs9, and now working in FSX, contains a number of fictional
airports' with scenery, plus YMHB = Hobart Tasmania. The concept
for the zip was for multiplayer hops. However the zip can be
enjoyed solo Take a trip to the Antartic find what you can find,
and at times have a laugh. This scenery is created for fun is
is not meant to be accurate or realistic in any way. 490K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
114.13Mb (3034 downloads)
Project Romania Bucharest photoreal Scenery Package v2.0.
The addon contains all seasons textures, night lights and water
textures.No autogen files yet. Victor Stephanovici. 117MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
13.83Mb (3413 downloads)
Corse Island scenery version I.
Known as Corse to the French, Corsica to the Italians and Corcega
to the catalans.includes scenery for 104 of 143 comunities on
the island along with seven airports Mountanous landscape represented
wit great fidelity. By Toni Agramont. 14.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
0.62Mb (5726 downloads)
Taxiway Enhancement v1.
Taxi textures cover all taxi ways on FSX defualt airports all
around the world. These texture are made to serve us with enhanced
detail of the surface texture on the taxi way. - By Tom Knudsen.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive